
番版𠓨𣅶16:18、𣈜12𣎃8𢆥2014𧵑SaigonSarang (討論 | 㨂𢵰) (造張𡤔𠇍內容「Han-Nom Revival Committee of Vietnam is an internet-based community that is dedicated to the study of Vietnamese Han-Nom. We believe Han-Nom is a valuable cultural prope…」)
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Han-Nom Revival Committee of Vietnam is an internet-based community that is dedicated to the study of Vietnamese Han-Nom. We believe Han-Nom is a valuable cultural property of Vietnam and the world, and hope to preserve and promote it within your ability.

To date, the costs of the community are borne entirely by one community administrator. And the server and domain are due to expire this September. We plan to continue using the current server, to buy a domain exclusively for this community, and to make some promotional items for Han-Nom if possible.