
番版𠓨𣅶18:12、𣈜19𣎃5𢆥2023𧵑Keepout2010 (討論 | 㨂𢵰) (Keepout2010 㐌𢷮「討論:𩃳跢」成「討論:琫跢」: 標準化)
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𩃳có nghĩa là Bong bóng hay bóng đêm còn vật hình cầu là 䏾? --Cloudymayofmine (討論) 13:18, 次𦒹, 𣈜11𣎃12𢆥2015 (ICT)

Thanks for your question. This issue was discussed and voted before. Please see: 討論標準化:Bóng. If you have other opinions, please post here or there. Cam on ban! FYI: 助𠢟:𠬃票 / 標準化:介紹. --Betoseha (討論) 14:21, 次𦒹, 𣈜11𣎃12𢆥2015 (ICT)