
番版𠓨𣅶12:23、𣈜27𣎃12𢆥2013𧵑井浩澤 (討論 | 㨂𢵰)


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討論thảo luận𠬃票bỏ phiếu

  • 𪝬(亻碎)
  1. Though 碎 may be the most traditional one, I prefer to adding 亻 to make the meaning clearer.-杜澎栩(Đỗ Bành Hủ)討論) 12:05 𣈜27𣎃12𢆥2013 (ICT)
  2. 形聲兼得,且不失美觀,此為最佳。--井浩澤 (討論) 12:22 𣈜27𣎃12𢆥2013 (ICT)
  • 𫇈(臣卒)