

番版𠓨𣅶21:50、𣈜20𣎃12𢆥2013𧵑SaigonSarang (討論 | 㨂𢵰)
  1. Check the List of Noms-to-be-Standardized, and click the Nom you want to discuss.
  2. Read the page of the Nom, and click the 討論 button on the top left of the page, you will enter the discussion page of this Nom.
  3. Read the discussion page and find the Nom you preferred. Then cilck 𢯢 on the top of the page.
  4. Find your preferred Nom in this edit mode. And type
    # the reason of your preference --~~~~
    under your preferred Nom. (# and ~~~~ will become a number and your signature and date automatically)
  5. Click Lưu trang for saving your edit (Please do not edit other people's parts).