
𣳔51: 𣳔51:

本身𠊛法拱顧𪟙𣍊飭底志𠃣拱𣎏𠬠"''𨇒脱名預''"。𡢐失敗𧵑戰略''"打𪬭勝𪬭''".、底減𣼪壓力政治-軍事、法潭販唄[[保大]]吧仍政治家越南遶主義民族<ref>[https://www.mtholyoke.edu/acad/intrel/pentagon/pent5.htm The Pentagon Papers, Gravel Edition, Chapter 2, "U.S. Involvement in the Franco-Viet Minh War, 1950-1954"] (Boston: Beacon Press, 1971), page 53,59, trích: "''The French did, however, recognize the requirement for an alternative focus for Vietnamese nationalist aspirations, and from 1947 forward, advanced the "Bao Dai solution... Within a month, an emissary journeyed into the jungle to deliver to Ho Chi Minh's government demands tantamount to unconditional surrender. About the same time, French representatives approached Bao Dai, the former Emperor of Annam, with proposals that he undertake to form a Vietnamese government as an alternate to Ho Chi Minh's. Being unable to force a military resolution, and having foreclosed meaningful negotiations with Ho, the French turned to Bao Dai as their sole prospect for extrication from the growing dilemma in Vietnam.''""</ref>𣎏立場𢶢[[政府聯協國民|政府抗戰越南民主共和]]底成立[[國家越南]]屬[[聯協法]]。細𡳳戰爭、軍隊國家越南㐌發展𨖲細230.000軍、佔60%力量聯協法於東洋、<ref>Võ Nguyên Giáp: Điện Biên Phủ, điểm hẹn lịch sử, tr.35</ref> 得達𤲂權指揮𧵑相[[阮文馨]]。<ref>Dommen, Athur J. ''The Indochinese Exprience of the French and the Americans, Nationalism and Communism in Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam''. Bloomington, IN: Đại học Indiana Press. Trang 196.</ref> 軍隊呢𠱊𧿨成檂榾𧵑[[軍力越南共和]]𡢐呢。<ref>[http://www.danchimviet.com/archives/9788 "Các lực lượng trong nước trong chiến tranh 1960-1975"]</ref>
本身𠊛法拱顧𪟙𣍊飭底志𠃣拱𣎏𠬠"''𨇒脱名預''"。𡢐失敗𧵑戰略''"打𪬭勝𪬭''".、底減𣼪壓力政治-軍事、法潭販唄[[保大]]吧仍政治家越南遶主義民族<ref>[https://www.mtholyoke.edu/acad/intrel/pentagon/pent5.htm The Pentagon Papers, Gravel Edition, Chapter 2, "U.S. Involvement in the Franco-Viet Minh War, 1950-1954"] (Boston: Beacon Press, 1971), page 53,59, trích: "''The French did, however, recognize the requirement for an alternative focus for Vietnamese nationalist aspirations, and from 1947 forward, advanced the "Bao Dai solution... Within a month, an emissary journeyed into the jungle to deliver to Ho Chi Minh's government demands tantamount to unconditional surrender. About the same time, French representatives approached Bao Dai, the former Emperor of Annam, with proposals that he undertake to form a Vietnamese government as an alternate to Ho Chi Minh's. Being unable to force a military resolution, and having foreclosed meaningful negotiations with Ho, the French turned to Bao Dai as their sole prospect for extrication from the growing dilemma in Vietnam.''""</ref>𣎏立場𢶢[[政府聯協國民|政府抗戰越南民主共和]]底成立[[國家越南]]屬[[聯協法]]。細𡳳戰爭、軍隊國家越南㐌發展𨖲細230.000軍、佔60%力量聯協法於東洋、<ref>Võ Nguyên Giáp: Điện Biên Phủ, điểm hẹn lịch sử, tr.35</ref> 得達𤲂權指揮𧵑相[[阮文馨]]。<ref>Dommen, Athur J. ''The Indochinese Exprience of the French and the Americans, Nationalism and Communism in Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam''. Bloomington, IN: Đại học Indiana Press. Trang 196.</ref> 軍隊呢𠱊𧿨成檂榾𧵑[[軍力越南共和]]𡢐呢。<ref>[http://www.danchimviet.com/archives/9788 "Các lực lượng trong nước trong chiến tranh 1960-1975"]</ref>

Người Pháp tỏ ra ít có nhiệt tình với chính phủ mới này còn người Mỹ chế giễu Pháp là ''"thực dân tuyệt vọng"''. Đáp lại, phía Pháp nhận định là Mỹ quá ngây thơ, và một người Pháp đã nói thẳng là ''"những người Mỹ ưa lo chuyện người khác, ngây thơ vô phương cứu chữa, tin tưởng rằng khi quân đội Pháp rút lui, mọi người sẽ thấy nền độc lập của người Việt xuất hiện."'' Rõ ràng đây là một câu nói chế giễu nhưng nó lại chính xác vì những người Mỹ khá ngây thơ và ấu trĩ khi họ mới đến Việt Nam.<ref>Alfred McCoy. [http://www.drugtext.org/The-Politics-of-Heroin-in-Southeast-Asia/5-south-vietnam-narcotics-in-the-nations-service.html South Vietnam: Narcotics in the Nation's Service]. Trích dẫn: "''The French had little enthusiasm for this emerging nation and its premier, and so the French had to go. Pressured by American military aid cutbacks and prodded by the Diem regime, the French stepped up their troop withdrawals. By April 1956 the once mighty French Expeditionary Corps had been reduced to less than 5,000 men, and American officers had taken over their jobs as advisers to the Vietnamese army. The Americans criticized the french as hopelessly "colonialist" in their attitudes, and French officials retorted that the Americans were naive During this difficult transition period one French official denounced "the meddling Americans who, in their incorrigible guilelessness, believed that once the French Army leaves, Vietnamese independence will burst forth for all to see." Although this French official was doubtlessly biased, he was also correct. There was a certain naiveness, a certain innocent freshness, surrounding many of the American officials who poured into Saigon in the mid 1950s."''"</ref>
Người Pháp tỏ ra ít có nhiệt tình với chính phủ mới này còn người Mỹ chế giễu Pháp là ''"thực dân tuyệt vọng"''. Đáp lại, phía Pháp nhận định là Mỹ quá ngây thơ, và một người Pháp đã nói thẳng là ''"những người Mỹ ưa lo chuyện người khác, ngây thơ vô phương cứu chữa, tin tưởng rằng khi quân đội Pháp rút lui, mọi người sẽ thấy nền độc lập của người Việt xuất hiện."'' Rõ ràng đây là một câu nói chế giễu nhưng nó lại chính xác vì những người Mỹ khá ngây thơ và ấu trĩ khi họ mới đến Việt Nam.<ref>Alfred McCoy. [http://www.drugtext.org/The-Politics-of-Heroin-in-Southeast-Asia/5-south-vietnam-narcotics-in-the-nations-service.html South Vietnam: Narcotics in the Nation's Service]. Trích dẫn: "''The French had little enthusiasm for this emerging nation and its premier, and so the French had to go. Pressured by American military aid cutbacks and prodded by the Diem regime, the French stepped up their troop withdrawals. By April 1956 the once mighty French Expeditionary Corps had been reduced to less than 5,000 men, and American officers had taken over their jobs as advisers to the Vietnamese army. The Americans criticized the french as hopelessly "colonialist" in their attitudes, and French officials retorted that the Americans were naive During this difficult transition period one French official denounced "the meddling Americans who, in their incorrigible guilelessness, believed that once the French Army leaves, Vietnamese independence will burst forth for all to see." Although this French official was doubtlessly biased, he was also correct. There was a certain naiveness, a certain innocent freshness, surrounding many of the American officials who poured into Saigon in the mid 1950s."''"</ref>