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名冊各詞摱憑𡨸漢喃準 Danh sách các từ mượn bằng chữ Hán Nôm chuẩn
向引編輯 Hướng dẫn Biên tập
定樣排𢪏 Định dạng bài viết
捐𢵰 Quyên góp
衆碎懃伴𢴇扡 Chúng tôi cần bạn giúp đỡ
䀡碼源𧵑Mô đun:Thông tin khu dân cư
Mô đun:Thông tin khu dân cư
local p = {} local lang = mw.getContentLanguage() local leader_fmt = { [=[<tr class="mergedrow"> <th> - %s <td>%s %s </tr>]=], } local event_fmt = { [=[<tr class="mergedrow"> <th>%s <td>%s %s </tr>]=], } local pop_fmt = { [=[<tr class="mergedtoprow"> <td>'''Dân số''' %s <td>%s %s </tr>]=], "%s %s %s", } local coord_fmt = { [=[<tr class="mergedbottomrow"> <th colspan="2" style="text-align: center; font-size: smaller; padding-bottom: 0.7em;">Tọa độ: <span>%s</span> %s</th> </tr>]=], } local map_fmt = { [=[<tr class="mergedrow"> <td colspan="2" align="center"> %s </td> </tr>]=], "<center>%s</center>", } local date_fmts_by_precision = { [6] = function (os_time) local year = os.date("*t", os_time).year local century if year > 0 then century = math.floor((year - 1) / 1000 + 1) else century = math.ceil((year + 1) / 1000 - 1) end return mw.ustring.format("Thiên niên kỷ %i", century) end, [7] = function (os_time) local year = os.date("*t", os_time).year local century if year > 0 then century = year / 100 + 1 else century = year / 100 - 1 end return mw.ustring.format("Thế kỷ %i", century) end, [8] = '"Thập niên" Y', [9] = "Y", [10] = '"Tháng" n "năm" Y', [11] = 'j "tháng" n "năm" Y', [12] = 'j "tháng" n "năm" Y "lúc" G "giờ"', [13] = 'j "tháng" n "năm" Y "lúc" G:i', [14] = 'j "tháng" n "năm" Y "lúc" G:i:s', } function map(domain, func) local range = {} for i, item in ipairs(domain) do table.insert(func(item)) end return range end function all_pass(items, test) for i, item in ipairs(items) do if not test(item) then return false end end return true end function any_pass(items, test) for i, item in ipairs(items) do if test(item) then return true end end return false end function has(items, item) for i, it in ipairs(items) do if it == item then return true end end return false end ---Returns the maximum item in the given list, as defined by a function that -- returns true if and only if the first parameter is less than the second. function max(items, comp) local item = items[1] if #items > 1 then for i = 2, #items do if comp(item, items[i]) then item = items[i] end end end return item end ---Creates a time object compatible with os.time() given an ISO 8601 date -- string. See [[mw:Wikibase/DataModel#Dates and times]]. function create_time(iso_time) local t = {} t.year = string.sub(iso_time, 1, 12) t.month = string.sub(iso_time, 14, 15) t.day = string.sub(iso_time, 17, 18) t.hour = string.sub(iso_time, 20, 21) t.min = string.sub(iso_time, 23, 24) t.sec = string.sub(iso_time, 26, 27) return os.time(t) end --p.create_time = create_time -- debug ---Returns whether the given qualifier is in the past. function is_past(qualifier) local iso_time = qualifier and qualifier.datavalue and qualifier.datavalue.value and qualifier.datavalue.value.time return os.difftime(os.time(), create_time(iso_time)) > 0 end ---Returns whether the given qualifier is in the future. function is_future(qualifier) local iso_time = qualifier and qualifier.datavalue and qualifier.datavalue.value and qualifier.datavalue.value.time return os.difftime(create_time(iso_time), os.time()) > 0 end ---Returns claims that are currently in effect or are not time-qualified. function claim_is_current(claim) local start_dates = claim.qualifiers and claim.qualifiers.P580 local end_dates = claim.qualifiers and claim.qualifiers.P582 return (not start_dates or #start_dates < 1 or all_pass(start_dates, is_past)) and (not end_dates or #end_dates < 1 or all_pass(end_dates, is_future)) end function qualifier_entities(claim, prop_id) local qualifiers = claim.qualifiers and claim.qualifiers["P" .. prop_id] if not qualifiers then return nil end local qualifier_ids = {} for i, qualifier in ipairs(qualifiers) do local qualifier_id = qualifier.datavalue.value["numeric-id"] if qualifier_id then table.insert(qualifier_ids, qualifier_id) end end return qualifier_ids end function entity_link(entity_id, ucfirst) local title = mw.wikibase.sitelink("Q" .. entity_id) if ucfirst and title then title = lang:ucfirst(title) end local label = mw.wikibase.label("Q" .. entity_id) if ucfirst and label then label = lang:ucfirst(label) end if title then return mw.ustring.format("[[%s|%s]]", title, label or title) end return mw.ustring.format("[[d:Q%s|%s]]", entity_id, label or "Q" .. entity_id) end function p.leaders(frame) if frame.args.override and #frame.args.override > 1 then return frame.args.override end local entity = mw.wikibase.getEntityObject() if not entity then return nil end local leaders = entity.claims.P6 if not leaders then return nil end local version = tonumber(frame.args.version) or #leader_fmt local edit_button = frame:expandTemplate{ title = "Sửa dữ liệu", args = { p = 6, }, } local rows = {} for i, leader in ipairs(leaders) do local leader_id = leader.mainsnak.datavalue.value["numeric-id"] if leader_id and claim_is_current(leader) then local leader_name = entity_link(leader_id) local leader_title_ids = qualifier_entities(leader, 39) if leader_title_ids and #leader_title_ids > 0 then for i, leader_title_id in ipairs(leader_title_ids) do local row = mw.ustring.format(leader_fmt[version], entity_link(leader_title_id, true), leader_name, edit_button) table.insert(rows, row) end else local row = mw.ustring.format(leader_fmt[version], "Viên chức", leader_name, edit_button) table.insert(rows, row) end end end return table.concat(rows, "\n") end ---Returns the os.time() compatible object represented by the given claim. function time_from_claim(claim) local iso_time = claim and claim.mainsnak.datavalue and claim.mainsnak.datavalue.value and claim.mainsnak.datavalue.value.time return create_time(iso_time) end function time_str_from_claim(claim) local os_time = time_from_claim(claim) local precision = claim and claim.mainsnak.datavalue and claim.mainsnak.datavalue.value and claim.mainsnak.datavalue.value.precision if not os_time and precision then return end local fmt = date_fmts_by_precision[precision] if not fmt then return end if type(fmt) == "function" then return fmt(os_time) end local fmt_date = lang:formatDate(fmt, claim.mainsnak.datavalue.value.time:sub(9)) if os.date("*t", os_time).year < 1 then fmt_date = fmt_date .. " TCN" end return fmt_date end function p.events(frame) if frame.args.override and #frame.args.override > 1 then return frame.args.override end local entity = mw.wikibase.getEntityObject() if not entity then return nil end local events = entity.claims.P571 if not events then return nil end table.sort(events, function (a, b) return os.difftime(time_from_claim(b), time_from_claim(a)) > 0 end) local version = tonumber(frame.args.version) or #event_fmt local edit_button = frame:expandTemplate{ title = "Sửa dữ liệu", args = { p = 571, }, } local rows = {} for i, event in ipairs(events) do local event_str = time_str_from_claim(event) if event_str then local event_title_ids = qualifier_entities(event, 132) if event_title_ids and #event_title_ids > 0 then for i, event_title_id in ipairs(event_title_ids) do local row = mw.ustring.format(event_fmt[version], entity_link(event_title_id, true), event_str, edit_button) table.insert(rows, row) end else local row = mw.ustring.format(event_fmt[version], "Thành lập", event_str, edit_button) table.insert(rows, row) end end end return table.concat(rows, "\n") end ---Returns an os.time() compatible object representing the time by which the -- given claim is qualified. function time_of_claim(claim) local qualifiers = claim.qualifiers and claim.qualifiers.P585 local iso_time = qualifiers and qualifiers[1] and qualifiers[1].datavalue and qualifiers[1].datavalue.value and qualifiers[1].datavalue.value.time return (iso_time and create_time(iso_time)) or os.time() end function latest_population_claim() local entity = mw.wikibase.getEntityObject() if not entity then return nil end local pops = entity.claims.P1082 if not pops then return nil end local latest_pop = max(pops, function (a, b) return os.difftime(time_of_claim(b), time_of_claim(a)) > 0 end) return latest_pop end function number_from_claim(claim) return claim and claim.mainsnak.datavalue.value and tonumber(claim.mainsnak.datavalue.value.amount) end function claim_is_estimate(claim) local method_ids = qualifier_entities(claim, 459) return method_ids and has(method_ids, 791801) end function p.population(frame) if frame.args.override and #frame.args.override > 1 then return frame.args.override end local latest_pop = latest_population_claim() if not latest_pop then return end local pop = number_from_claim(latest_pop) if not pop or frame.args.plain then return pop end local version = tonumber(frame.args.version) or #pop_fmt local edit_button = frame:expandTemplate{ title = "Sửa dữ liệu", args = { p = 1082, }, } local os_time = time_of_claim(latest_pop) local is_estimate = claim_is_estimate(latest_pop) local fmt_date if os_time then local year = os.date("*t", os_time).year fmt_date = string.format("%i", year) if year < 1 then fmt_date = fmt_date:sub(2) .. " TCN" end if fmt_date then if is_estimate then fmt_date = "ước lượng " .. fmt_date end fmt_date = mw.ustring.format("(%s)", fmt_date) end end if is_estimate and not fmt_date then fmt_date = "(ước lượng)" end local pop_str = lang:formatNum(pop) if version == 2 then return mw.ustring.format(pop_fmt[version], pop_str, fmt_date, edit_button) end return mw.ustring.format(pop_fmt[version], fmt_date, pop_str, edit_button) end function p.coordinates(frame) if frame.args.override and #frame.args.override > 1 then return frame.args.override end local entity = mw.wikibase.getEntityObject() if not entity then return nil end local coords = entity.claims.P625 if not coords or #coords < 1 then return nil end local coord = coords[1] and coords[1].mainsnak.datavalue and coords[1].mainsnak.datavalue.value if not coord then return nil end local version = tonumber(frame.args.version) or #pop_fmt local edit_button = frame:expandTemplate{ title = "Sửa dữ liệu", args = { p = 625, }, } if not frame.args.type or frame.args.type == "city" then local pop = number_from_claim(latest_population_claim()) if pop then frame.args.type = string.format("city(%i)", pop + 1) else frame.args.type = "city" end end -- [[mw:Wikibase/DataModel#Geographic locations]], [[:en:Template:Coord#globe:G]] if not frame.args.globe and coord.globe then local globes_by_entity = { [2] = "earth", -- Maybe someday? [308] = "mercury", [313] = "venus", [405] = "moon", [111] = "mars", [7547] = "phobos", [7548] = "deimos", [596] = "ceres", [3030] = "vesta", [3169] = "ganymede", [3134] = "callisto", [3123] = "io", [3143] = "europa", [15034] = "mimas", [3303] = "enceladus", [15047] = "tethys", [15040] = "dione", [15050] = "rhea", [2565] = "titan", [15037] = "hyperion", [15037] = "iapetus", [17975] = "phoebe", [3352] = "miranda", [3343] = "ariel", [3338] = "umbriel", [3322] = "titania", [3332] = "oberon", [3359] = "triton", [339] = "pluto", } local globe_entity = tonumber(string.match(coord.globe, "https?://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q(%d+)")) frame.args.globe = globes_by_entity[globe_entity] end local valid_params = {"type", "scale", "dim", "region", "globe", "source"} local params = {} for i, param in ipairs(valid_params) do if frame.args[param] and #frame.args[param] > 0 then table.insert(params, param .. ":" .. frame.args[param]) end end local coord_str = frame:expandTemplate{ title = "Tọa độ", args = { coord.latitude, coord.longitude, table.concat(params, "_"), display = (frame.args.display and "inline,title") or "inline", format = (frame.args.format and #frame.args.format > 0 and frame.args.format) or "dms", name = frame.args.name, notes = frame.args.notes, }, } return mw.ustring.format(coord_fmt[version], coord_str, edit_button) end function p.rawCoordinates(frame) local entity = mw.wikibase.getEntityObject() if not entity then return nil end local coords = entity.claims.P625 if not coords or #coords < 1 then return nil end local coord = coords[1] and coords[1].mainsnak.datavalue and coords[1].mainsnak.datavalue.value if not coord then return nil end return coord[frame.args[1]] end function p.map(frame) if frame.args.override and #frame.args.override > 1 then return frame.args.override end local entity = mw.wikibase.getEntityObject() if not entity then return nil end local coords = entity.claims.P625 if not coords or #coords < 1 then return nil end local coord = coords[1] and coords[1].mainsnak.datavalue and coords[1].mainsnak.datavalue.value if not coord then return nil end local version = tonumber(frame.args.version) or #pop_fmt local map_str = frame:expandTemplate{ title = "Bản đồ định vị", args = { frame.args[1], label = frame.args.label, lat = coord.latitude, long = coord.longitude, float = frame.args.float or "none", caption = (frame.args.caption and mw.ustring.format("<center>%s</center>", frame.args.caption)), border = frame.args.border or "none", position = frame.args.position or "right", width = frame.args.width or 250, }, } return mw.ustring.format(map_fmt[version], map_str) end local math_module = require( "Module:Math" ) local precision = math_module._precision local infobox_module = require('Module:Infobox') local image_module = require('Module:InfoboxImage') local locationmap_module = require('Module:Location map') local function isnotempty(s) return s and s:match( '^%s*(.-)%s*$' ) ~= '' end local function firstnonempty(s) for i=1,#s do if (s[i] and s[i]:match( '^%s*(.-)%s*$' ) ~= '') then return s[i] end end return '' end local function yesno(s, yes, no, ukn, blank) -- this function implements yesno local vals = {['yes'] = 1, ['y'] = 1, ['1'] = 1, ['no'] = 0, ['n'] = 0, ['0'] = 0} if( s and s:match( '^%s*(.-)%s*$' ) ~= '') then local outval = vals(s:lower()) if( outval == nil ) then return ukn else return (outval == 1) and yes or no end else return blank end end local function rnd(num, digits) -- This function implements {{rnd}} return math_module._precision_format(tostring(num), tostring(digits)) end local function order_of_magnitude(num) -- This function partially implements {{Order of magnitude}} if( num ) then num = math.abs(num) if( num == 0 ) then return 0 else return math.floor( math.log10(num) ) end else return 0 end end local function page_exists( title ) -- This function implements #ifexist local noError, titleObject = pcall(mw.title.new, title) if not noError then return false else if titleObject then return titleObject.exists else return false end end end local function link(pagelink, linktext, name) -- This function implements {{Infobox settlement/link}} pagelink = pagelink or '' linktext = linktext or '' name = name or '' if( pagelink ~= '' ) then -- use "[[pagelink|linktext]]" return string.format('[[%s|%s]]', pagelink, linktext) else -- try "[[linktext of PAGENAME|linktext]]" pagelink = string.format('%s of %s',linktext, mw.title.getCurrentTitle().text) if( page_exists( pagelink ) ) then return string.format('[[%s|%s]]', pagelink, linktext) elseif( name ~= '' ) then -- try "[[linktext of name|linktext]]" pagelink = string.format('%s of %s', linktext, name) if( page_exists(pagelink) ) then return string.format('[[%s|%s]]', pagelink, linktext) end end end return linktext end local function columns(cell1, cell2, cell3, cell4) --- This function implements {{Infobox settlement/columns}} with no cell0 local function makecell( c1 ) if isnotempty(c1) then local root = mw.html.create('td') root:attr('align', 'center') :css('vertical-align', 'middle') :wikitext(c1) return tostring(root) end return '' end local function makerow( c1, c2 ) local root = mw.html.create('') if isnotempty(c1) then if isnotempty(c2) then root:tag('td') :attr('align', 'center') :css('vertical-align', 'middle') :wikitext(c1) root:tag('td') :attr('align', 'center') :css('vertical-align', 'middle') :wikitext(c2) else root:tag('td') :attr('colspan', '2') :attr('align', 'center') :css('vertical-align', 'middle') :wikitext(c1) end elseif isnotempty(c2) then root:tag('td') :attr('colspan', '2') :attr('align', 'center') :css('vertical-align', 'middle') :wikitext(c2) end return tostring(root) end local count = 0 count = count + (isnotempty(cell1) and 1 or 0) count = count + (isnotempty(cell2) and 1 or 0) count = count + (isnotempty(cell3) and 1 or 0) count = count + (isnotempty(cell4) and 1 or 0) if(count > 0) then local root = mw.html.create('table') root:css('width', '100%') :css('background', 'transparent') if(count > 2) then root:tag('tr') :wikitext(makerow(cell1, cell2)) root:tag('tr') :wikitext(makerow(cell3, cell4)) else root:tag('tr') :wikitext(makecell(cell1)) :wikitext(makecell(cell2)) :wikitext(makecell(cell3)) :wikitext(makecell(cell4)) end return tostring(root) else return '' end end local function columns2(cell0, cell1, cell2, cell3, cell4, cell5) -- This function implements {{Infobox settlement/columns}} with cell0 local function makerow( c1 ) if isnotempty(c1) then local root = mw.html.create('tr') root:tag('td') :attr('align', 'center') :css('style', 'vertical-align:middle') :wikitext(c1) return tostring(root) else return '' end end local count = 0 count = count + (isnotempty(cell1) and 1 or 0) count = count + (isnotempty(cell2) and 1 or 0) count = count + (isnotempty(cell3) and 1 or 0) count = count + (isnotempty(cell4) and 1 or 0) count = count + (isnotempty(cell5) and 1 or 0) if(count > 0) then local root = mw.html.create('table') root:css('width', '100%') :css('background', 'transparent') local row = root:tag('tr') row :tag('td') :tag('table') :css('width', '100%') :css('background', 'transparent') :wikitext(makerow(cell1)) :wikitext(makerow(cell2)) :wikitext(makerow(cell3)) :wikitext(makerow(cell4)) :wikitext(makerow(cell5)) if isnotempty(cell0) then row :tag('td') :attr('align', 'center') :css('vertical-align', 'top') :wikitext(cell0) end return tostring(root) else return cell0 end end local function translitlangbox(transtype, transinfo) local args = {} args['child'] = 'yes' local count = 0 for i=0,6 do if(isnotempty(transinfo[i]) and isnotempty(transtype[i])) then args['rowclass' .. tostring(i+1)] = isnotempty(transtype[i+1]) and 'mergedrow' or 'mergedbottomrow' args['label' .. tostring(i+1)] = ' • ' .. transtype[i] args['data' .. tostring(i+1)] = transinfo[i] count = count + 1 end end return ( count > 0 ) and args or nil end local function unitpref(pref, region, unit_type) -- This function implements {{Infobox settlement/pref}} local pref_impus = { ['imperial'] = 1, ['english'] = 1, ['uk'] = 1, ['us'] = 1, ['u.s.'] = 1, ['standard'] = 1, ['us customary'] = 1, ['u.s. customary'] = 1} local pr = (pref and pref:lower()) or '' local r = region or '' local u = unit_type or '' pr = mw.ustring.gsub(pr, '^%s*([a-z].*[a-z\.])%s*$','%1') if( pref_impus[pr] ) then return 'impus' end if( mw.ustring.match( r, 'United States' ) ) then return 'impus' end if( mw.ustring.match( r, 'United Kingdom' ) ) then return 'impus' end if( (u .. '_' .. pr ) == 'area_dunam' ) then return 'dunam' end return 'metric' end local function areadisp(frame, pref, name, mag, ha, km2, sqmi, acre, dunam, percent, link) -- This function implements {{Infobox settlement/areadisp}} local function formatnum(num) return frame:callParserFunction{ name = 'formatnum', args = num } end local metv, metu = '', '' local impv, impu = '', '' local dunv, dunu = '', '' local lstr1, lstr2 = '', '' local rndv = 0 pref = pref or '' name = name or '' mag = mag or '' ha = ha or '' km2 = km2 or '' sqmi = sqmi or '' acre = acre or '' dunam = dunam or '' percent = percent or '' link = link or '' if ( ha ~= '' ) then metv = formatnum( ha ) metu = 'ha' elseif ( km2 ~= '' ) then metv = formatnum( km2 ) metu = 'km<sup>2</sup>' elseif ( dunam ~= '' ) then if (tonumber(dunam) < 1E3) then -- convert dunams to hectares metv = dunam/10 metu = 'ha' rndv = precision(dunam)+1 metv = rnd(metv,rndv) else -- convert dunams to square kilometers metv = dunam/1000 metu = 'km<sup>2</sup>' rndv = precision(dunam)+3 metv = rnd(metv,rndv) end elseif( acre ~= '' ) then -- convert acres to hectares metv = acre*0.4046856422 metu = 'ha' rndv = math.max(precision(acre),-1*order_of_magnitude(metv)) metv = rnd(metv,rndv) elseif( sqmi ~= '' ) then -- convert sqmi to km2 metv = sqmi*2.589988110336 metu = 'km<sup>2</sup>' rndv = math.max(precision(sqmi)-1,-1*order_of_magnitude(metv)) metv = rnd(metv,rndv) end if ( acre ~= '' ) then impv = formatnum( acre ) impu = 'acre' elseif ( sqmi ~= '' ) then impv = formatnum( sqmi ) impu = 'sq mi' elseif (ha ~= '' ) then -- convert hectares to acres impv = ha/0.4046856422 impu = 'acre' rndv = precision(ha) impv = rnd(impv,rndv) elseif (km2 ~= '' ) then -- convert square kilometres to square miles impv = km2/2.589988110336 impu = 'sq mi' rndv = math.max(precision(km2),-1*order_of_magnitude(impv)) impv = rnd(impv,rndv) elseif (dunam ~= '' ) then if (tonumber(dunam) < 2589) then -- convert dunams to acres impv = dunam/4.046856422 impu = 'acre' rndv = math.max(precision(dunam),-1*order_of_magnitude(impv)) impv = rnd(impv,rndv) else -- convert dunams to square miles impv = dunam/2589.988110336 impu = 'sq mi' rndv = math.max(precision(dunam)+3,-1*order_of_magnitude(impv)) impv = rnd(impv,rndv) end end if( mw.ustring.match(pref:lower(), '^%s*dunam%s*$') and (dunam == '') ) then if( km2 ~= '' ) then -- convert square kilometres to dunams dunv = km2*1000 rndv = precision(km2)-3 dunv = rnd(dunv,rndv) elseif( ha ~= '' ) then -- convert hectares to dunams dunv = ha*10 rndv = precision(ha)-1 dunv = rnd(dunv,rndv) elseif( sqmi ~= '' ) then -- convert square miles to dunams dunv = sqmi*2589.988110336 rndv = math.max(precision(sqmi)-4,-1*order_of_magnitude(dunv)) dunv = rnd(dunv,rndv) elseif( acre ~= '' ) then -- convert acres to dunams dunv = acre*4.046856422 rndv = math.max(precision(acre)-1,-1*order_of_magnitude(dunv)) dunv = rnd(dunv,rndv) end else dunv = formatnum( dunam ) end if( link ~= '' ) then dunu = '[[dunum]]' else dunu = 'dunam' end if( (impu == 'acre') and (tonumber(impv) ~= 1) ) then impu = impu .. 's' end if( tonumber(dunv) ~= 1 ) then dunu = dunu .. 's' end if( metv ~= '' and impv ~= '' ) then pref = unitpref(pref, name, 'area') if( percent ~= '' ) then percent = ' ' .. percent .. '%' end if( mag ~= '' ) then if( metu == 'ha' ) then lstr1 = tostring( order_of_magnitude( metv * 1E4 ) ) else lstr1 = tostring( order_of_magnitude( metv * 1E6 ) ) end lstr1 = '[[1_E+' .. lstr1 .. '_m²|' lstr2 = ']]' end if( pref == 'impus' ) then return string.format('%s %s (%s%s %s%s)%s', impv, impu, lstr1, metv, metu, lstr2, percent) elseif ( pref == 'dunam' ) then return string.format('%s %s (%s%s %s%s or %s %s)%s', dunv, dunu, lstr1, metv, metu, lstr2, impv, impu, percent) else return string.format('%s%s %s%s (%s %s)%s', lstr1, metv, metu, lstr2, impv, impu, percent) end end end local function densdisp(frame, pref, name, perkm2, persqmi, pop, ha, km2, sqmi, acre, dunam) -- This function implements {{Infobox settlement/densdisp}} local function numorzero( num ) num = num or '' num = tonumber(frame:callParserFunction{ name = 'formatnum', args = {num, 'R'}}) if( num == nil ) then return 0 else return num end end local function formatnum(num) return frame:callParserFunction{ name = 'formatnum', args = num } end local function formatnumR(num) return frame:callParserFunction{ name = 'formatnum', args = {num, 'R'} } end local metv, metu = '', 'km<sup>2</sup>' local impv, impu = '', 'sq mi' local rndv = 0 local perkm2num = tonumber(formatnumR(perkm2 or '')) local persqminum = tonumber(formatnumR(persqmi or '')) local popnum = tonumber(formatnumR(pop or '')) pref = pref or '' name = name or '' perkm2 = perkm2 or '' persqmi = persqmi or '' pop = pop or '' ha = numorzero(ha) km2 = numorzero(km2) acre = numorzero(acre) sqmi = numorzero(sqmi) dunam = numorzero(dunam) if( (perkm2num == nil) and (persqminum == nil) ) then if( mw.ustring.match(perkm2:lower(), '^%s*auto%s*$') or mw.ustring.match(persqmi:lower(), '^%s*auto%s*$') ) then if( popnum ~= nil ) then if( km2 > 0 ) then metv = popnum/km2 rndv = 1 - order_of_magnitude(metv) metv = rnd(metv,rndv) elseif( ha > 0 ) then metv = 100*popnum/ha rndv = 1 - order_of_magnitude(metv) metv = rnd(metv,rndv) elseif( dunam > 0 ) then metv = 1000*popnum/dunam rndv = 1 - order_of_magnitude(metv) metv = rnd(metv,rndv) elseif( acre > 0 ) then metv = (popnum/acre)/0.004046856422 rndv = 1 - order_of_magnitude(metv) metv = rnd(metv,rndv) elseif( sqmi > 0 ) then metv = (popnum/sqmi)/2.589988110336 rndv = 1 - order_of_magnitude(metv) metv = rnd(metv,rndv) end if( sqmi > 0 ) then impv = popnum/sqmi rndv = 1 - order_of_magnitude(impv) impv = rnd(impv,rndv) elseif( acre > 0 ) then impv = 640*popnum/acre rndv = 1 - order_of_magnitude(impv) impv = rnd(impv,rndv) elseif( km2 > 0 ) then impv = 2.589988110336*popnum/km2 rndv = 1 - order_of_magnitude(impv) impv = rnd(impv,rndv) elseif( ha > 0 ) then impv = 258.9988110336*popnum/ha rndv = 1 - order_of_magnitude(impv) impv = rnd(impv,rndv) elseif( dunam > 0 ) then impv = 2589.988110336*popnum/dunam rndv = 1 - order_of_magnitude(impv) impv = rnd(impv,rndv) end end end elseif( perkm2num ~= nil ) then if( persqminum ~= nil ) then metv = formatnum( perkm2 ) impv = formatnum( persqmi ) else metv = formatnum( perkm2 ) impv = perkm2num*2.589988110336 rndv = math.max(precision(perkm2num)-1,-1*order_of_magnitude(impv)) impv = rnd(impv,rndv) end elseif( persqminum ~= nil ) then metv = persqminum/2.589988110336 rndv = math.max(precision(persqminum),-1*order_of_magnitude(metv)) metv = rnd(metv,rndv) impv = formatnum( persqmi ) end if( metv ~= '' and impv ~= '') then pref = unitpref(pref, name, 'area') if( pref == 'impus' ) then return string.format('%s/%s (%s/%s)', impv, impu, metv, metu) else return string.format('%s/%s (%s/%s)', metv, metu, impv, impu) end else return '' end end local function lengthdisp(frame, pref, name, km, m, mi, ft) -- This function implements {{Infobox settlement/lengthdisp}} local function formatnum(num) return frame:callParserFunction{ name = 'formatnum', args = num } end local metv, metu = '', '' local impv, impu = '', '' pref = pref or '' name = name or '' m = m or '' km = km or '' ft = ft or '' mi = mi or '' if ( km ~= '' ) then metv = formatnum( km ) metu = 'km' elseif ( m ~= '' ) then metv = formatnum( m ) metu = 'm' elseif ( mi ~= '' ) then metv = mi*1.609344 metu = 'km' rndv = precision(mi) metv = rnd(metv,rndv) elseif ( ft ~= '' ) then metv = ft*0.3048 metu = 'm' rndv = math.max(precision(ft),-1*order_of_magnitude(metv)) metv = rnd(metv,rndv) end if ( mi ~= '' ) then impv = formatnum( mi ) impu = 'mi' elseif ( ft ~= '' ) then impv = formatnum( ft ) impu = 'ft' elseif ( km ~= '' ) then impv = km/1.609344 impu = 'mi' rndv = math.max(precision(km),-1*order_of_magnitude(impv)) impv = rnd(impv,rndv) elseif ( m ~= '' ) then impv = m/0.3048 impu = 'ft' rndv = precision(m) impv = rnd(impv,rndv) end if( impv ~= '' and metv ~= '' ) then pref = unitpref(pref, name, 'length') if( pref == 'impus' ) then return string.format('%s %s (%s %s)', impv, impu, metv, metu) else return string.format('%s %s (%s %s)', metv, metu, impv, impu) end else return '' end end function p.areadisp(frame) local args = frame.args return areadisp(frame, args['pref'], args['name'], args['mag'], args['ha'], args['km2'], args['sqmi'], args['acre'], args['dunam'], args['percent'], args['link']) end function p.densdisp(frame) local args = frame.args return densdisp(frame, args['pref'], args['name'], args['/km2'], args['/sqmi'], args['pop'], args['ha'], args['km2'], args['sqmi'], args['acre'], args['dunam']) end function p.lengthdisp(frame) local args = frame.args return lengthdisp(frame, args['pref'], args['name'], args['km'], args['m'], args['mi'], args['ft']) end function p.link(frame) local args = frame.args return link(args['link'], args['type'], args['name']) end function p.columns(frame) local args = frame.args if( args[0] and args[0] ~= '' ) then return columns2(args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4], args[5]) else return columns(args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4]) end end function p.infobox(frame) local args = {} local oargs = frame:getParent().args local pname = firstnonempty({oargs['name'], oargs['official_name'], mw.title.text}) local narrowmap = isnotempty(oargs['pushpin_map_narrow']) and isnotempty(oargs['pushpin_map']) args['bodyclass'] = 'geography vcard' args['bodystyle'] = 'width:23em' args['headerstyle'] = 'text-align:left' args['abovestyle'] = 'font-size:1.25em; white-space:nowrap' -- build the names, type, and transliterations subbox local sargs = {} local scount = 0 sargs['child'] = 'yes' if( (isnotempty(oargs['name']) or isnotempty(oargs['official_name']) ) and (isnotempty(oargs['settlement_type']) or isnotempty(oargs['type']) ) ) then sargs['subheaderstyle'] = 'background-color:#cddeff; font-weight:bold;' sargs['subheader'] = '<span class="category">' .. firstnonempty(oargs['settlement_type'], oargs['type']) .. '</span>' scount = scount + 1 end if( isnotempty(oargs['name']) and isnotempty(oargs['official_name']) ) then sargs['rowclass1'] = 'mergedtoprow' sargs['header1'] = oargs['official_name'] scount = scount + 1 end if( isnotempty(oargs['translit_lang1']) ) then local targs = translitlangbox( {oargs['translit_lang1_type'], oargs['translit_lang1_type1'], oargs['translit_lang1_type2'], oargs['translit_lang1_type3'], oargs['translit_lang1_type4'], oargs['translit_lang1_type5'], oargs['translit_lang1_type6']}, {oargs['translit_lang1_info'], oargs['translit_lang1_info1'], oargs['translit_lang1_info2'], oargs['translit_lang1_info3'], oargs['translit_lang1_info4'], oargs['translit_lang1_info5'], oargs['translit_lang1_info6']}) if( targs ) then sargs['rowclass2'] = 'mergedtoprow' sargs['header2'] = oargs['translit_lang1'] .. ' transcription(s)' .. infobox_module._infobox(targs) scount = scount + 1 end end if( isnotempty(oargs['translit_lang2']) ) then local targs = translitlangbox( {oargs['translit_lang2_type'], oargs['translit_lang2_type1'], oargs['translit_lang2_type2'], oargs['translit_lang2_type3'], oargs['translit_lang2_type4'], oargs['translit_lang2_type5'], oargs['translit_lang2_type6']}, {oargs['translit_lang2_info'], oargs['translit_lang2_info1'], oargs['translit_lang2_info2'], oargs['translit_lang2_info3'], oargs['translit_lang2_info4'], oargs['translit_lang2_info5'], oargs['translit_lang2_info6']}) if( targs ) then sargs['rowclass3'] = 'mergedtoprow' sargs['header3'] = oargs['translit_lang2'] .. ' transcription(s)' .. infobox_module._infobox(targs) scount = scount + 1 end end -- End of names, type, and transliterations args['above'] = '<span class="fn org">' .. pname .. '</span>' if(isnotempty(oargs['native_name'])) then args['above'] = args['above'] .. '<br /><span class="nickname"' .. isnotempty(oargs['native_name_lang']) and ' lang="' .. oargs['native_name_lang'] .. '">' .. oargs['native_name'] .. '</span>' end if(isnotempty(oargs['other_name'])) then args['above'] = args['above'] .. '<br /><span class="nickname" style="font-size:78%">' .. oargs['other_name'] .. '</span>' end if( scount > 0 ) then args['above'] = args['above'] .. infobox_module._infobox(sargs) end -- Skyline image if( isnotempty(oargs['image_skyline']) ) then args['imagestyle'] = 'padding:0.7em 0.8em' args['image'] = image_module._InfoboxImage( {['image'] = oargs['image_skyline'], ['size'] = oargs['imagesize'], ['sizedefault'] = '250px', ['alt'] = oargs['image_alt'], ['title'] = oargs['image_caption'] or ('Hình nền trời của ' .. pname) }) if( isnotempty(oargs['image_caption']) ) then args['image'] = args['image'] .. '<br /><small>' .. oargs['image_caption'] .. '</small>' end end -- Other image if( isnotempty(oargs['image']) ) then args['image2'] = oargs['image'] end -- Primary map local image_map = nil if( isnotempty(oargs['image_map']) ) then local msize = narrowmap and '100px' or '250px' image_map = image_module._InfoboxImage({ ['image'] = oargs['image_map'], ['size'] = oargs['mapsize'], ['sizedefault'] = msize, ['alt'] = oargs['map_alt'], ['title'] = oargs['map_caption'] or 'Vị trí của ' .. pname, }) if( isnotempty(oargs['map_caption'])) then image_map = image_map .. '<br /><small>' .. oargs['map_caption'] .. '</small>' end end -- Primary pushpin map local pushpin_map = nil if( isnotempty(oargs['pushpin_map']) and isnotempty(oargs['latd']) and isnotempty(oargs['longd'])) then local plabel if(oargs['pushpin_label_position'] and oargs['pushpin_label_position']:lower() == 'none') then plabel = '' else if( isnotempty(oargs['pushpin_label']) ) then plabel = oargs['pushpin_label'] else plabel = pname end local pwidth = '' if(narrowmap) then pwidth = firstnonempty(oargs['pushpin_mapsize'], '150') end local lat, lat_deg, lat_min, lat_sec if(isnotempty(oargs['latm']) or isnotempty(oargs['latNS'])) then lat = '' lat_deg = oargs['latd'] or '' lat_min = oargs['latm'] or '' lat_sec = oargs['lats'] or '' else lat = oargs['latd'] or '' end local long, lon_deg, lon_min, lon_sec if(isnotempty(oargs['longm']) or isnotempty(oargs['longEW'])) then long = '' lon_deg = oargs['longd'] or '' lon_min = oargs['longm'] or '' lon_sec = oargs['longs'] or '' else long = oargs['longd'] or '' end local caption = firstnonempty({oargs['pushpin_map_caption'], oargs['map_caption']}) pushpin_map = '<center>' .. locationmap_module._main({ ['1'] = oargs['pushpin_map'], ['border'] = 'none', ['alt'] = oargs['pushpin_map_alt'], ['caption'] = '', ['float'] = 'none', ['width'] = pwidth, ['default_width'] = '250', ['relief'] = oargs['pushpin_relief'], ['AlternativeMap'] = oargs['pushpin_image'], ['label'] = plabel, ['lat'] = lat, ['long'] = long, ['lat_deg'] = lat_deg, ['lat_min'] = lat_min, ['lat_sec'] = lat_sec, ['lat_dir'] = oargs['latNS'] or '', ['lon_deg'] = lon_deg, ['lon_min'] = lon_min, ['lon_sec'] = lon_sec, ['lon_dir'] = oargs['lonEW'] or '', ['marksize'] = '6', ['position'] = oargs['pushpin_label_position'] or '' }) if( caption ) then pushpin_map = pushpin_map .. '<small>' .. caption .. '</small>' end pushpin_map = pushpin_map .. '</center>' end end -- Flag, Seal, Shield and Coat of arms if( isnotempty(oargs['image_flag']) or isnotempty(oargs['image_seal']) or isnotempty(oargs['image_shield']) or isnotempty(oargs['image_blank_emblem']) or narrowmap) then args['rowclass1'] = 'mergedtoprow' args['class1'] = 'maptable' local isize = (isnotempty(oargs['pushpin_map_narrow']) and isnotempty(oargs['pushpin_map'])) and '85px' or '100px' local targs = {} if( isnotempty(oargs['image_flag']) ) then local iborder = yesno(oargs['flag_border'], 'yes', '', 'yes', 'yes') targs[1] = image_module._InfoboxImage({ ['image'] = oargs['image_flag'], ['size'] = oargs['flag_size'], ['sizedefault'] = isize, ['border'] = iborder, ['alt'] = oargs['flag_alt'], ['title'] = 'Hiệu kỳ của ' .. pname, }) .. '<br /><small>\'\'\'' .. link(oargs['flag_link'], 'Flag', oargs['official_name']) .. '\'\'\'</small>' end if( isnotempty(oargs['image_seal']) ) then targs[2] = image_module._InfoboxImage({ ['image'] = oargs['image_seal'], ['size'] = oargs['seal_size'], ['sizedefault'] = isize, ['alt'] = oargs['seal_alt'], ['title'] = 'Con dấu chính thức của ' .. pname, }) .. '<br /><small>\'\'\'' .. link(oargs['seal_link'], firstnonempty(oargs['seal_type'], 'Seal'), oargs['official_name']) .. '\'\'\'</small>' end if( isnotempty(oargs['image_shield']) ) then targs[3] = image_module._InfoboxImage({ ['image'] = oargs['image_shield'], ['size'] = oargs['shield_size'], ['sizedefault'] = isize, ['alt'] = oargs['shield_alt'], ['title'] = 'Huy hiệu của ' .. pname, }) .. '<br /><small>\'\'\'' .. link(oargs['shield_link'], 'Coat of arms', oargs['official_name']) .. '\'\'\'</small>' end if( isnotempty(oargs['image_blank_emblem']) ) then targs[4] = image_module._InfoboxImage({ ['image'] = oargs['image_blank_emblem'], ['size'] = oargs['blank_emblem_size'], ['sizedefault'] = isize, ['alt'] = oargs['blank_emblem_alt'], ['title'] = 'Biểu trưng chính thức của ' .. pname, }) .. '<br /><small>\'\'\'' .. link(oargs['blank_emblem_link'], firstnonempty(oargs['blank_emblem_type'], 'Logo'), oargs['official_name']) .. '\'\'\'</small>' end targs[5] = image_map if( narrowmap and pushpin_map) then args['data1'] = columns2(pushpin_map, targs[1], targs[2], targs[3], targs[4], targs[5]) else args['data1'] = columns(targs[1], targs[2], targs[3], targs[4]) end end -- Nickname if( isnotempty(oargs['nickname']) ) then args['rowclass2'] = 'mergedrow' args['data2'] = 'Tên hiệu: <span class="nickname">' .. oargs['nickname'] .. '</span>' end -- Motto if( isnotempty(oargs['motto']) ) then args['rowclass3'] = 'mergedrow' args['data3'] = 'Khẩu hiệu: ' .. oargs['motto'] end -- Anthem if( isnotempty(oargs['anthem']) ) then args['rowclass4'] = 'mergedrow' args['data4'] = 'Nhạc hiệu: ' .. oargs['anthem'] end -- Map if( narrowmap and image_map ) then args['rowclass5'] = mergedrow args['data5'] = image_map end if( isnotempty(oargs['image_map1']) ) then args['rowclass6'] = mergedrow args['data6'] = image_module._InfoboxImage({ ['image'] = oargs['image_map1'], ['size'] = oargs['mapsize1'], ['sizedefault'] = '250px', ['alt'] = oargs['map_alt1'], ['title'] = oargs['map_caption1'] or 'Vị trí của ' .. pname, }) if( isnotempty(oargs['map_caption1'])) then image_map = image_map .. '<br /><small>' .. oargs['map_caption1'] .. '</small>' end end -- Dot map if( isnotempty(oargs['image_dot_map']) ) then args['rowclass7'] = 'mergedrow' args['data7'] = '<center>Bản đồ vị trí không hỗ trợ!</center>' end -- Pushpin map if( narrowmap == nil and pushpin_map) then args['rowclass8'] = 'mergedtoprow' args['data8'] = pushpin_map end return infobox_module._infobox(args) end local function _superdivisions(entity, divisions, i) if not divisions[i] then divisions[i] = {} end if divisions[i][entity.id:sub(2)] then return end divisions[i][entity.id:sub(2)] = true local claims = entity.claims.P131 for j, claim in ipairs(claims or {}) do local superentity = mw.wikibase.getEntity("Q" .. claim.mainsnak.datavalue.value["numeric-id"]) _superdivisions(superentity, divisions, i + 1) end end function p.subdivisions(frame) local entity = mw.wikibase.getEntityObject() if not entity then return nil end local edit_button = frame:expandTemplate{ title = "Sửa dữ liệu", args = { p = 131, }, } local divisions = {} _superdivisions(entity, divisions, 1) local rows = {} for i = #divisions, 2, -1 do local row = {} for id, _ in pairs(divisions[i]) do table.insert(row, entity_link(id)) end table.insert(rows, "* " .. table.concat(row, ", ")) end return frame:expandTemplate{ title = "Liệt kê", args = { table.concat(rows, "\n"), }, } .. " " .. edit_button end return p
Module:Mô đun:Thông tin khu dân cư/tài liệu
Mô đun:Thông tin khu dân cư