體類份繌 | 𠸜通牒 | 標準攝體類 |
張固使用集信空存在 (31 P) | broken-file-category | 張尼固𠬠連結集信閧(連結𣴛集信空存在)。 |
張迻對數剩𠓨板㑄 (1 P) | duplicate-args-category | 張迻𠬠對數𡗉吝𠓨𠬠板㑄得𣴛、譬喻{{foo|bar=1|bar=2}} 或{{foo|bar|1=baz}} 。 |
張固度漊𨮇板㑄越過界限朱法 (empty) | expansion-depth-exceeded-category | 張固度漊𨮇板㑄越過界限朱法。 |
張固過𡗉𠳒噲函句法懃𣞪度處理高 (empty) | expensive-parserfunction-category | 張固過𡗉函句法懃𣞪度處理高(拯限如#ifexist )。䀡Manual:$wgExpensiveParserFunctionLimit。 |
體類隱 (empty) | hidden-category-category | 內容𧵑張體類尼貯__HIDDENCAT__ 、𢧚蹺默定時體類空出現𥪝錆體類𨑗各張得攝𠓨體類。 |
張得𥱬指目 (empty) | index-category | 張尼固自神咒__INDEX__ 吧㑲𥪝𠬠空間𠸜朱法自神咒尼、𢧚得各𬰹勃打指目、𥪝欺平常伮空得打指目。 |
張固數訥越過界限朱法 (empty) | node-count-exceeded-category | 張固數訥越過界限朱法。 |
張空顯示𥪝部𣛠尋檢 (empty) | noindex-category | 張尼空得各𬰹勃打指目爲張固自神咒__NOINDEX__ 吧㑲𥪝空間𠸜朱法自神咒尼。 |
張固各對數formatnum空沛數 (4 P) | nonnumeric-formatnum | 張尼固對數空沛數𥪝吝噲函句法formatnum。 |
張固貯參數板㑄被𤄹𠬃 (empty) | post-expand-template-argument-category | 張尼仕越過$wgMaxArticleSize 裊𨮇𠬠參數板㑄(即定名固每邊𠀧𨁪𢫛𢪮、譬喻{{{譬喻}}} )。 |
張固戟𡱩板㑄𣴛𠓨越過界限朱法 (empty) | post-expand-template-inclusion-category | 戟𡱩張仕越過$wgMaxArticleSize 裊𨮇歇全部板㑄、𢧚𠬠數板㑄空得𨮇。 |
張固𠸜顯示得𠬃過 (empty) | restricted-displaytitle-ignored | 張固{{𠸜顯示}} 、{{TÊNHIỂNTHỊ}} 、或{{DISPLAYTITLE}} 得𠬃過爲伮空相當貝𠸜實𧵑張。 |
張使用 = 如板㑄 (empty) | template-equals-category | 張尼使用{{=}} 扔伮空𨮇𫥨成= 在威其尼。句法尼㐌纇時;𠬠番版MediaWiki𥪝將來仕及日函{{=}} 。 |
張固板㑄㕸𤥑 (3 P) | template-loop-category | 張貯𠬠或𡗉板㑄㕸𤥑、即𱺵仍版母字噲遞歸正伮。 |
張越過界限𧗱度漊遞歸unstrip (empty) | unstrip-depth-category | 張越過界限𧗱度漊遞歸unstrip。 |
張越過界限𧗱戟𡱩unstrip (empty) | unstrip-size-category | 張越過界限𧗱度漊遞歸unstrip。 |
Pages with invalid language codes (empty) | bad-language-code-category | The page contains a {{#dir}} with an invalid language code. |
Pages with image sizes containing extra px (empty) | double-px-category | The page contains an image whose size contains an extra px suffix, like 100pxpx . |
Pages with reference errors (17 P) | cite-tracking-category-cite-error | Pages in this category have errors in the usage of references tags. |
Pages with math errors (empty) | math-tracking-category-error | Pages in this category have errors in the usage of math tags. |
Pages with math render errors (empty) | math-tracking-category-render-error | Pages in this category have rendering errors in the math tags. |
Pages that use a deprecated format of the chem tags (empty) | math-tracking-category-mhchem-deprecation | Pages in this category use a deprecated format of the chem tags |
Pages that use a deprecated format of the math tags (empty) | math-tracking-category-texvc-deprecation | Pages in this category use a deprecated format of the math tags |
Pages with script errors (32 P) | scribunto-common-error-category | There was an error when processing the modules included on the page. |
Scribunto modules with errors (empty) | scribunto-module-with-errors-category | The module has an error in it. |