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- 𢯢𢷮尼造𫥨張㵋(䀡添名冊張㵋)
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- 低𱺵𠬠𢯢𢷮𡮈
- b
- 𢯢𢷮尼由勃寔現
- (±123)
- 戟櫸張㐌𠊝𢷮憑數拜尼
n 09:45 | 模庉:Message box 2𠊝𢷮 歷史 −13 [SaigonSarang (2×)] | |||
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09:45 (現 | 𠓀) −3 SaigonSarang 討論 㨂𢵰 (𠊝替文本-「Bản mẫu:」成「Template:」) 𥮋:𢯢𢷮移動 Mobile web edit | |||
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09:34 (現 | 𠓀) −10 SaigonSarang 討論 㨂𢵰 (𠊝替文本-「Mô đun:」成「Module:」) 𥮋:𢯢𢷮移動 Mobile web edit |
n 09:44 | 板㑄:Fs mid 恪史 −3 SaigonSarang 討論 㨂𢵰 (𠊝替文本-「Bản mẫu:」成「Template:」) |
n 09:41 | 模庉:Category handler 恪史 −22 SaigonSarang 討論 㨂𢵰 (𠊝替文本-「Mô đun:」成「Module:」) |
n 09:35 | 板㑄:Documentation/end box 恪史 −7 SaigonSarang 討論 㨂𢵰 (𠊝替文本-「Trợ giúp:」成「Help:」) |
n 09:25 | 板㑄:Fs end 恪史 −3 SaigonSarang 討論 㨂𢵰 (𠊝替文本-「Bản mẫu:」成「Template:」) |
n 09:14 | 板㑄:Documentation/start box 恪史 −6 SaigonSarang 討論 㨂𢵰 (𠊝替文本-「Bản mẫu:」成「Template:」) |
n 09:14 | 板㑄:Fs start 恪史 −3 SaigonSarang 討論 㨂𢵰 (𠊝替文本-「Bản mẫu:」成「Template:」) |
14:26 | 日程入張 Keepout2010 討論 㨂𢵰㐌入板㑄:Tài liệu憑格載𬨠集信(1番版) |
M 22:00 | 模庉:No globals 恪史 +323 Keepout2010 討論 㨂𢵰 (造張㵋貝內容「local mt = getmetatable(_G) or {} function mt.__index (t, k) if k ~= 'arg' then error('Cố đọc biến toàn cục nil ' .. tostring(k), 2) end return nil end function mt.__newindex(t, k, v) if k ~= 'arg' then error('Cố ghi biến toàn cục ' .. tostring(k), 2) end rawset(t, k, v) end setmetatable(_G, mt)」) |
22:00 | 日程扠 Keepout2010 討論 㨂𢵰㐌扠張「模庉:No globals」 (內容𫇰:「local mt = getmetatable(_G) or {} function mt.__index (t, k) if k ~= 'arg' then error('Cố đọc biến toàn cục nil ' .. tostring(k), 2) end return nil end function mt.__newindex(t, k, v) if k ~= 'arg' then error('Cố ghi biến toàn cục ' .. tostring(k), 2) end rawset(t, k, v) end setmetatable(_G, mt)」) |
M 21:32 | 模庉:Message box 5𠊝𢷮 歷史 +17.379 [Keepout2010 (5×)] | |||
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21:32 (現 | 𠓀) −5 Keepout2010 討論 㨂𢵰 (𠊝替文本-「[[Bản mẫu:」成「[[板㑄:」) 𥮋:𢯢𢷮移動 Mobile web edit | |||
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21:23 (現 | 𠓀) −4 Keepout2010 討論 㨂𢵰 (𠊝替文本-「[[Tập tin:」成「[[Image:」) 𥮋:𢯢𢷮移動 Mobile web edit | |||
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14:21 (現 | 𠓀) −18 Keepout2010 討論 㨂𢵰 (𠊝替文本-「Thể loại:」成「體類:」) | |||
13:42 (現 | 𠓀) −2 Keepout2010 討論 㨂𢵰 | ||||
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13:42 (現 | 𠓀) +17.408 Keepout2010 討論 㨂𢵰 (造張㵋貝內容「-- This is a meta-module for producing message box templates, including -- {{mbox}}, {{ambox}}, {{imbox}}, {{tmbox}}, {{ombox}}, {{cmbox}} and {{fmbox}}. -- Load necessary modules. require('Mô đun:No globals') local getArgs local categoryHandler = require('Mô đun:Category handler')._main local yesno = require('Mô đun:Yesno') -- Get a language object for formatDate and ucfirst. local lang = mw.language.getContentLanguage() -- Set aliases for often-used functi…」) |
n 14:22 | 板㑄:Fs mid 恪史 −6 Keepout2010 討論 㨂𢵰 (𠊝替文本-「Thể loại:」成「體類:」) |
n 14:21 | 板㑄:Documentation/end box 恪史 −12 Keepout2010 討論 㨂𢵰 (𠊝替文本-「Thể loại:」成「體類:」) |
n 14:19 | 板㑄:Fs start 恪史 −6 Keepout2010 討論 㨂𢵰 (𠊝替文本-「Thể loại:」成「體類:」) |
n 14:08 | 板㑄:Fs end 恪史 −6 Keepout2010 討論 㨂𢵰 (𠊝替文本-「Thể loại:」成「體類:」) |
M 13:46 | 模庉:Category handler 恪史 +7.893 Keepout2010 討論 㨂𢵰 (造張㵋貝內容「-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- -- CATEGORY HANDLER -- -- -- -- This module implements the {{category handler}} template in Lua, -- -- with a few improvements: all namespaces and all namespace…」) |
13:46 | (日程扠) [Keepout2010 (4×)] | |||
13:46 Keepout2010 討論 㨂𢵰㐌扠張「模庉:Category handler」 (內容𫇰:「-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- -- CATEGORY HANDLER -- -- -- -- This module implements the {{category handler}} template in Lua, -- -- with a few improvements: all namespaces and all namespace aliases…」) | ||||
13:41 Keepout2010 討論 㨂𢵰㐌扠張「模庉:Message box」 (內容𫇰:「-- This is a meta-module for producing message box templates, including -- {{mbox}}, {{ambox}}, {{imbox}}, {{tmbox}}, {{ombox}}, {{cmbox}} and {{fmbox}}. -- Load necessary modules. require('Mô đun:No globals') local getArgs local categoryHandler = require('Mô đun:Category handler')._main local yesno = require('Mô đun:Yesno') -- Get a language object for formatDate and ucfirst. local lang = mw.language.getContentLanguage() -- Set aliases for often-used functions to…」) | ||||
13:38 Keepout2010 討論 㨂𢵰㐌扠張「模庉:Arguments」 (內容𫇰:「-- This module provides easy processing of arguments passed to Scribunto from -- #invoke. It is intended for use by other Lua modules, and should not be -- called from #invoke directly. local libraryUtil = require('libraryUtil') local checkType = libraryUtil.checkType local arguments = {} -- Generate four different tidyVal functions, so that we don't have to ch…」;𠊛曰唯一:「Keepout2010」(討論)) | ||||
13:30 Keepout2010 討論 㨂𢵰㐌扠張「模庉:Arguments」 (扠抵固𡊲𢷮𠸜「Mô đun:Arguments」) |
M 13:39 | 模庉:Arguments 恪史 +10.054 Keepout2010 討論 㨂𢵰 (造張㵋貝內容「-- This module provides easy processing of arguments passed to Scribunto from -- #invoke. It is intended for use by other Lua modules, and should not be -- called from #invoke directly. local libraryUtil = require('libraryUtil') local checkType = libraryUtil.checkType local arguments = {} -- Generate four different tidyVal functions, so that we don't have to check the -- options every time we call it. local function tidyValDefault(key, val) if type(val) == 'stri…」) |
n 14:51 | 板㑄:Documentation/start box 恪史 0 SaigonSarang 討論 㨂𢵰 (Text replacement - "板母" to "板㑄") |
n 14:16 | 板㑄:Tài liệu 恪史 +6 SaigonSarang 討論 㨂𢵰 |