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  • M 模庉:Italic title 19:57 +8.931 Keepout2010 討論 㨂𢵰 (造張㵋貝內容「-- This module implements {{italic title}}. require('Module:No globals') local libraryUtil = require('libraryUtil') local checkType = libraryUtil.checkType local checkTypeForNamedArg = libraryUtil.checkTypeForNamedArg local yesno = require('Module:Yesno') -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ItalicTitle class -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local ItalicTitle = {} do -…」)
  • 日程扠 19:57 Keepout2010 討論 㨂𢵰㐌扠張「模庉:Italic title(內容𫇰:「-- This module implements {{italic title}}. require('Module:No globals') local libraryUtil = require('libraryUtil') local checkType = libraryUtil.checkType local checkTypeForNamedArg = libraryUtil.checkTypeForNamedArg local yesno = require('Module:Yesno') -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ItalicTitle class -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local ItalicTitle = {} do --------…」)
  • n 板㑄:Resize 09:48 −3 SaigonSarang 討論 㨂𢵰 (𠊝替文本-「Bản mẫu:」成「Template:」) 𥮋𢯢𢷮移動 Mobile web edit
  • n 板㑄:Bigger 09:21 −3 SaigonSarang 討論 㨂𢵰 (𠊝替文本-「Bản mẫu:」成「Template:」)



  • M 模庉:InfoboxImage 17:03 +7.528 Keepout2010 討論 㨂𢵰 (造張㵋貝內容「-- Inputs: -- image - Can either be a bare filename (with or without the File:/Image: prefix) or a fully formatted image link -- size - size to display the image -- maxsize - maximum size for image -- sizedefault - default size to display the image if size param is blank -- alt - alt text for image -- title - title text for image -- border - set to yes if border -- center - set to yes, if the image has to be centered -- upright - upright im…」)
  • 日程扠 17:02 Keepout2010 討論 㨂𢵰㐌扠張「模庉:InfoboxImage(內容𫇰:「-- Inputs: -- image - Can either be a bare filename (with or without the File:/Image: prefix) or a fully formatted image link -- size - size to display the image -- maxsize - maximum size for image -- sizedefault - default size to display the image if size param is blank -- alt - alt text for image -- title - title text for image -- border - s…」;𠊛曰唯一:「Keepout2010」(討論))


  • M 模庉:No globals 22:00 +323 Keepout2010 討論 㨂𢵰 (造張㵋貝內容「local mt = getmetatable(_G) or {} function mt.__index (t, k) if k ~= 'arg' then error('Cố đọc biến toàn cục nil ' .. tostring(k), 2) end return nil end function mt.__newindex(t, k, v) if k ~= 'arg' then error('Cố ghi biến toàn cục ' .. tostring(k), 2) end rawset(t, k, v) end setmetatable(_G, mt)」)
  • 日程扠 22:00 Keepout2010 討論 㨂𢵰㐌扠張「模庉:No globals(內容𫇰:「local mt = getmetatable(_G) or {} function mt.__index (t, k) if k ~= 'arg' then error('Cố đọc biến toàn cục nil ' .. tostring(k), 2) end return nil end function mt.__newindex(t, k, v) if k ~= 'arg' then error('Cố ghi biến toàn cục ' .. tostring(k), 2) end rawset(t, k, v) end setmetatable(_G, mt)」)