- M
- 𢯢𢷮尼造𫥨張㵋(䀡添名冊張㵋)
- n
- 低𱺵𠬠𢯢𢷮𡮈
- b
- 𢯢𢷮尼由勃寔現
- (±123)
- 戟櫸張㐌𠊝𢷮憑數拜尼
- 恪史 M 模庉:Italic title 19:57 +8.931 Keepout2010 討論 㨂𢵰 (造張㵋貝內容「-- This module implements {{italic title}}. require('Module:No globals') local libraryUtil = require('libraryUtil') local checkType = libraryUtil.checkType local checkTypeForNamedArg = libraryUtil.checkTypeForNamedArg local yesno = require('Module:Yesno') -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ItalicTitle class -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local ItalicTitle = {} do -…」)
- 日程扠 19:57 Keepout2010 討論 㨂𢵰㐌扠張「模庉:Italic title」 (內容𫇰:「-- This module implements {{italic title}}. require('Module:No globals') local libraryUtil = require('libraryUtil') local checkType = libraryUtil.checkType local checkTypeForNamedArg = libraryUtil.checkTypeForNamedArg local yesno = require('Module:Yesno') -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ItalicTitle class -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local ItalicTitle = {} do --------…」)
- 恪史 n 板㑄:Resize 09:48 −3 SaigonSarang 討論 㨂𢵰 (𠊝替文本-「Bản mẫu:」成「Template:」) 𥮋:𢯢𢷮移動 Mobile web edit
- 恪史 n 板㑄:Bigger 09:21 −3 SaigonSarang 討論 㨂𢵰 (𠊝替文本-「Bản mẫu:」成「Template:」)
- 恪史 n 少年漫畫 20:55 0 Keepout2010 討論 㨂𢵰 (𠊝替文本-「𦉱」成「𠤩」)
- 恪史 M 模庉:List 20:53 +5.171 Keepout2010 討論 㨂𢵰 (造張㵋貝內容「-- This module outputs different kinds of lists. At the moment, bulleted, -- unbulleted, horizontal, ordered, and horizontal ordered lists are supported. local libUtil = require('libraryUtil') local checkType = libUtil.checkType local mTableTools = require('Module:TableTools') local p = {} local listTypes = { ['bulleted'] = true, ['unbulleted'] = true, ['horizontal'] = true, ['ordered'] = true, ['horizontal_ordered'] = true } function p.makeListData(listType…」)
- 日程扠 20:53 Keepout2010 討論 㨂𢵰㐌扠張「模庉:List」 (內容𫇰:「-- This module outputs different kinds of lists. At the moment, bulleted, -- unbulleted, horizontal, ordered, and horizontal ordered lists are supported. local libUtil = require('libraryUtil') local checkType = libUtil.checkType local mTableTools = require('Module:TableTools') local p = {} local listTypes = { ['bulleted'] = true, ['unbulleted'] = true, ['hor…」;𠊛曰唯一:「Keepout2010」(討論))
- 恪史 模庉:Infobox 19:51 −4.839 Trong Dang 討論 㨂𢵰 (㐌𨀤吏𢯢𢷮24948𧵑Trong Dang(討論)) 𥮋:𨀤𢯢 𢯢𢷮移動 Mobile web edit Advanced mobile edit
- 恪史 模庉:Infobox 19:50 +4.839 Trong Dang 討論 㨂𢵰 𥮋:𢯢𢷮移動 Mobile web edit Advanced mobile edit
- 恪史 板㑄:Thông tin animanga/Video 12:10 −14.451 Trong Dang 討論 㨂𢵰 (𢷮向𦤾板㑄:Infobox animanga/Video) 𥮋:張𢷮向㵋 𢯢𢷮移動 Mobile web edit Advanced mobile edit
- 恪史 板㑄:Thông tin animanga/Khác 12:10 −340 Trong Dang 討論 㨂𢵰 (𢷮向𦤾板㑄:Infobox animanga/Other) 𥮋:張𢷮向㵋 𢯢𢷮移動 Mobile web edit Advanced mobile edit
- 恪史 板㑄:Thông tin animanga/Xuất bản 12:07 −7.118 Trong Dang 討論 㨂𢵰 (𢷮向𦤾板㑄:Infobox animanga/Print) 𥮋:張𢷮向㵋 𢯢𢷮移動 Mobile web edit Advanced mobile edit
- 恪史 板㑄:Thông tin animanga/Đầu 12:04 −5.810 Trong Dang 討論 㨂𢵰 (𢷮向𦤾板㑄:Infobox animanga/Header) 𥮋:張𢷮向㵋 𢯢𢷮移動 Mobile web edit Advanced mobile edit
- 恪史 板㑄:Thông tin animanga/Xuất bản 11:59 −8 Trong Dang 討論 㨂𢵰 𥮋:𢯢𢷮移動 Mobile web edit Advanced mobile edit
- 恪史 板㑄:Thông tin animanga/Đầu 11:56 −10 Trong Dang 討論 㨂𢵰 𥮋:𢯢𢷮移動 Mobile web edit Advanced mobile edit
- 恪史 板㑄:Thông tin animanga/Xuất bản 11:54 −84 Trong Dang 討論 㨂𢵰 𥮋:𢯢𢷮移動 Mobile web edit Advanced mobile edit
- 恪史 板㑄:Thông tin animanga/Video 11:52 −120 Trong Dang 討論 㨂𢵰 𥮋:𢯢𢷮移動 Mobile web edit Advanced mobile edit
- 恪史 板㑄:Thông tin animanga/Video 11:50 −60 Trong Dang 討論 㨂𢵰 𥮋:𢯢𢷮移動 Mobile web edit Advanced mobile edit
- 恪史 板㑄:Thông tin animanga/Video 11:48 −42 Trong Dang 討論 㨂𢵰 𥮋:𢯢𢷮移動 Mobile web edit Advanced mobile edit
- 恪史 M 板㑄:Thông tin animanga/Khác 11:44 +383 Trong Dang 討論 㨂𢵰 (造張㵋貝內容「{{Infobox |child = {{{child|<includeonly>yes</includeonly>}}} |bodystyle = border-spacing: 2px; |subheader = {{{title|{{{tựa}}}}}} |subheaderstyle = background:#CCF; font-weight: bold; |datastyle = background:#EEF; text-align:left; |data1 = <nowiki></nowiki> {{{content|{{{nội dung}}}}}} <nowiki></nowiki> }}<noinclude> {{Tài liệu}} </noinclude>」) 𥮋:𢯢𢷮移動 Mobile web edit Advanced mobile edit
- 恪史 M 板㑄:Thông tin animanga/Video 11:35 +14.716 Trong Dang 討論 㨂𢵰 (造張㵋貝內容「{{Infobox |child = {{{child|<includeonly>yes</includeonly>}}} |subheader = {{ #switch: {{ lc: {{{type|{{{loại}}}}}} }} | tv | series | tv series = Anime truyền hình | tv movie | tv film = Phim anime truyền hình | music | music video = Video ca nhạc | commercial | spot = Truyền hình thương mại | movie | movierl | movietv | film | filmrl | filmtv = Phim anime | movie series | film series = Loạt…」) 𥮋:𢯢𢷮移動 Mobile web edit Advanced mobile edit
- 恪史 M 板㑄:Thông tin animanga/Xuất bản 11:34 +7.253 Trong Dang 討論 㨂𢵰 (造張㵋貝內容「{{Infobox |child = {{{child|<includeonly>yes</includeonly>}}} |bodystyle = border-spacing:2px; |subheader = {{ #switch: {{ lc: {{{type|{{{loại}}}}}} }} | novel = Tiểu thuyết | serial novel = Tiểu thuyết dài tập | novel series = Loạt tiểu thuyết | light novel = Light novel | film comic = Truyện phim | other = Sách khác | #default…」) 𥮋:𢯢𢷮移動 Mobile web edit Advanced mobile edit
- 恪史 板㑄:Thông tin animanga/Đầu 11:33 −30 Trong Dang 討論 㨂𢵰 𥮋:𢯢𢷮移動 Mobile web edit Advanced mobile edit
- 恪史 板㑄:Thông tin animanga/Đầu 11:32 −102 Trong Dang 討論 㨂𢵰 𥮋:𢯢𢷮移動 Mobile web edit Advanced mobile edit
- 恪史 M 板㑄:Thông tin animanga/Đầu 11:30 +5.996 Trong Dang 討論 㨂𢵰 (造張㵋貝內容「{{ #ifeq: {{{child<includeonly>|yes</includeonly>}}} | yes | <table class="infobox manga" style="width: 22em"> }}{{Infobox |decat = yes |child = {{{child|<includeonly>yes</includeonly>}}} | bodystyle = border-spacing:2px; | italic title = {{{Nhan đề nghiêng|}}} | labelstyle = | subheaderstyle = background:#CCF; font-size:125%; font-style:italic; font-weight:bold; | subheader = {{ #ifeq: {{NAMESPACE}} | Template | {{{n…」) 𥮋:𢯢𢷮移動 Mobile web edit Advanced mobile edit
- 恪史 M 模庉:InfoboxImage 17:03 +7.528 Keepout2010 討論 㨂𢵰 (造張㵋貝內容「-- Inputs: -- image - Can either be a bare filename (with or without the File:/Image: prefix) or a fully formatted image link -- size - size to display the image -- maxsize - maximum size for image -- sizedefault - default size to display the image if size param is blank -- alt - alt text for image -- title - title text for image -- border - set to yes if border -- center - set to yes, if the image has to be centered -- upright - upright im…」)
- 日程扠 17:02 Keepout2010 討論 㨂𢵰㐌扠張「模庉:InfoboxImage」 (內容𫇰:「-- Inputs: -- image - Can either be a bare filename (with or without the File:/Image: prefix) or a fully formatted image link -- size - size to display the image -- maxsize - maximum size for image -- sizedefault - default size to display the image if size param is blank -- alt - alt text for image -- title - title text for image -- border - s…」;𠊛曰唯一:「Keepout2010」(討論))
- 恪史 M 模庉:No globals 22:00 +323 Keepout2010 討論 㨂𢵰 (造張㵋貝內容「local mt = getmetatable(_G) or {} function mt.__index (t, k) if k ~= 'arg' then error('Cố đọc biến toàn cục nil ' .. tostring(k), 2) end return nil end function mt.__newindex(t, k, v) if k ~= 'arg' then error('Cố ghi biến toàn cục ' .. tostring(k), 2) end rawset(t, k, v) end setmetatable(_G, mt)」)
- 日程扠 22:00 Keepout2010 討論 㨂𢵰㐌扠張「模庉:No globals」 (內容𫇰:「local mt = getmetatable(_G) or {} function mt.__index (t, k) if k ~= 'arg' then error('Cố đọc biến toàn cục nil ' .. tostring(k), 2) end return nil end function mt.__newindex(t, k, v) if k ~= 'arg' then error('Cố ghi biến toàn cục ' .. tostring(k), 2) end rawset(t, k, v) end setmetatable(_G, mt)」)