- M
- 𢯢𢷮尼造𫥨張㵋(䀡添名冊張㵋)
- n
- 低𱺵𠬠𢯢𢷮𡮈
- b
- 𢯢𢷮尼由勃寔現
- (±123)
- 戟櫸張㐌𠊝𢷮憑數拜尼
- 恪史 n 模庉:Message box 09:45 −3 SaigonSarang 討論 㨂𢵰 (𠊝替文本-「Bản mẫu:」成「Template:」) 𥮋:𢯢𢷮移動 Mobile web edit
- 恪史 n 模庉:Category handler 09:41 −22 SaigonSarang 討論 㨂𢵰 (𠊝替文本-「Mô đun:」成「Module:」) 𥮋:𢯢𢷮移動 Mobile web edit
- 恪史 n 板㑄:Documentation/end box 09:35 −7 SaigonSarang 討論 㨂𢵰 (𠊝替文本-「Trợ giúp:」成「Help:」)
- 恪史 n 模庉:Message box 09:34 −10 SaigonSarang 討論 㨂𢵰 (𠊝替文本-「Mô đun:」成「Module:」) 𥮋:𢯢𢷮移動 Mobile web edit
- 恪史 n 板㑄:Documentation/start box 09:14 −6 SaigonSarang 討論 㨂𢵰 (𠊝替文本-「Bản mẫu:」成「Template:」)
- 恪史 n 模庉:EditAtWikidata 09:13 −5 SaigonSarang 討論 㨂𢵰 (𠊝替文本-「Tập tin:」成「File:」)
- 日程入張 14:26 Keepout2010 討論 㨂𢵰㐌入板㑄:Tài liệu憑格載𬨠集信(1番版)
- 恪史 M 模庉:EditAtWikidata 04:19 +1.743 Trong Dang 討論 㨂𢵰 (造張㵋貝內容「-- Module to display an icon with a tooltip such as "Edit this at Wikidata". -- Icon is linked to the Wikidata entry for the article where this is placed. -- This message is only displayed if a local_parameter is not supplied -- i.e. when called from a template, it can be coded not to display the message. -- The qid of a Wikidata entry can optionally be supplied for testing outside the article. -- Usage: -- {{#invoke:EditAtWikidata|showMessage|local_parameter}} -- {{…」) 𥮋:𢯢𢷮移動 Mobile web edit Advanced mobile edit