
準化:Rule of Determination for Voting

  • 5 đầu phiếu → ít nhất 4/5 (80%) đồng thuận (6 đầu phiếu → ít nhất 5/6 đồng thuận)

Nếu 4 hoặc nhiều hơn các đầu phiếu trong số 5 đầu phiếu đầu tiên cùng chọn đề xuất chữ Nôm, chữ Nôm chuẩn có thể được xác định theo sự đồng ý với chữ Nôm được bình chọn nhiều nhất này.

Step-A: By Dictionaries: ≥50% (The most voted one could be used as Provisional Standard Han-Nom if it doesn't exceed 50%) (Template:Dicts)

Step-B: By Voting and Dictionaries. If Step-A cannot be reached, then voting by people are necessary. For only the Top 3 voted Han-Nom characters.

  • 5 voters → at least 4/5 (80%) consensus (6 voters → at least 5/6 consensus)
If 4 or more voters among the first 5 voters chose the same candidate Nom, the standard Nom could be determined in accordance with this most voted Nom.
  • 7 voters → at least 5/7 (71.4%) consensus (8 voters → at least 6/8 consensus)
If 5 or more voters among the first 7 voters chose the same candidate Nom, the standard Nom could be determined in accordance with this most voted Nom.
  • 9 voters → at least 6/9 (66.7%) consensus
If 6 or more voters among the first 9 voters chose the same candidate Nom, the standard Nom could be determined in accordance with this most voted Nom.
  • 10 or more voters → more than 60% consensus
The standard Nom could be determined if more than 60% voters chose the same candidate Nom. But the total number of voters should be no less than 10.
  • 60 days after the first vote → Majority rule
The Majority rule will be applied if the Standard Nom cannot be determined by adopting the above rule 60 days after the first vote.
  • Majority rule: Dictionaries 60% + Voting 40%

※ Re-determination:
At least 2 books (or 1 official book, such as 嗣德聖製字學解義歌 Tự Đức Thánh Chế Tự Học Giải Nghĩa Ca) which is using another Nom should be provided (a scanned version would be best) with detailed explanations, if someone disagrees with the determined Standard Nom.