律Jim Crow
律Jim Crow(Luật Jim Crow;㗂英:Jim Crow Laws)羅律例𧵑小邦吧地方施行事分別種族於沔南花旗。 [1] 畢哿仍律例呢班行𠓨𡳳世紀19吧頭世紀20𤳸各機關立法小邦被統治𤳸仍𠊛䏧𤽸遶黨民主沔南(southern democrats)𢖖時奇再設。[2]律法施行朱𦥃𢆥1965。[3]𥪝實際、律Jim Crow𠚢令施行分別種族在畢哿各基礎公共於各邦屬聯盟沔南花旗𡳰吧各小邦恪、扒頭自仍𢆥1870吧1880。律Jim Crow㐌維持𠓨𢆥1896𥪝務案Plessy𢶢吏Ferguson、𥪝𪦆座案最高花旗𫯖𠚢學説法理「𥢆別仍平等」朱各基礎朱𠊛美㭲非。𡛤、教育公共𧗱基本㐌被𫀥別𠸥自欺成立於候𥃞各小邦沔南𢖖內戰(1861-65)。
原則法理𧵑事分別種族「𥢆別仍平等」㐌𨷑𢌌朱各基礎公共吧交通運載、包𪞍哿各梭艚吧車buýt聯邦。各基礎朱𠊛美㭲非吧𠊛美本地𫷓劔吧少寸𬧺唄各基礎𤔷朱𠊛美䏧𤽸;堆欺、空固基礎朱𠊛䏧牟。[4] [5]羅𠬠分𧵑法律、Jim Crow㐌體製化仍不利𧗱經濟、教育吧社會朱𠊛美㭲非吧仍𠊛䏧牟恪𤯨於沔南。[6]
律Jim Crow吧各條款憲法小邦Jim Crow扒𢷏𬆃分𫀥各場公立、坭公共吧交通公共、吧事分別房衛生、行吧𢞂渃㕵朱𠊛䏧𤽸吧𠊛䏧𪓇。軍隊花旗㐌𫀥𥢆。總統Woodrow Wilson、𠬠𠊛遶黨民主沔南、㐌起唱役𫀥別各坭爫役聯邦𠓨𢆥1913。[7]
𢆥1954、事分別各場公立(財助𤳸渃)㐌被座案最高花旗宣佈羅違憲遶案Earl Warren𥪝務件𫼳併𨀈𣌴Brown𢶢吏會同教育[8] [9] [10]於𠬠數邦、𬆃𠅍𡗉𢆥底實現決定呢、𥪝欺座案Warren接續判決𢶢吏律Jim Crow𥪝各場合恪如Heart of Atlanta Motel, Inc. 𢶢吏花旗(1964)。[11]吶終、各律Jim Crow𫲳吏㐌被𡓁𠬃𤳸道律民權𢆥1964吧道律權𠬕票𢆥1965。
㯲詞「律Jim Crow」固體𧡊𣌋一羅𠓨𢆥1892𥪝標題𧵑𠬠排報𧵑New York Times𧗱役小邦僂㥋咦安𦀨(Louisiana)要求𬆃固各梭車焒格別種族。 [12]㭲𧵑㯲詞「Jim Crow」常擀朱「Jump Jim Crow」, 𠬠排咭吧𧿆貶畫𧗱𠊛䏧𪓇實現𤳸男演員䏧𤽸Thomas D. Rice𫽗𪓇𩈘、𦓡頭先出現𥪝𢆥1832吧使用底𠛌貶正冊民粹𧵑Andrew Jackson。結果𧵑事𬈗㗂𧵑Rice、「Jim Crow」𠓨𢆥1838㐌𧿨成𠬠表現𫼳併蔑視固義羅「𠊛䏧𪓇」。欺各機關立法沔南通過各律分別種族𥆂𠓨𠊛䏧𪓇𠓨𡳳世紀19、仍道律呢噲羅律Jim Crow。[13]
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- ↑ Fremon, David(2000)The Jim Crow Laws and Racism in American History。Enslow。
- ↑ Bruce Bartlett(8 January 2008)Wrong on Race: The Democratic Party's Buried Past。St. Martin's Press。
- ↑ Elizabeth Schmermund(15 July 2016)Reading and Interpreting the Works of Harper Lee。Enslow Publishing, LLC。
- ↑ Perdue(October 28, 2011)Legacy of Jim Crow for Southern Native Americans。C-SPAN。
- ↑ Lowery(January 1, 2010)Lumbee Indians in the Jim Crow South: Race, Identity, and the Making of a Nation。Univ of North Carolina Press。
- ↑ 纇Lua 𥪝Module:Citation/CS1在𣳔4133:attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value)。
- ↑ Michael R. Gardner。Harry Truman and Civil Rights。SIU Press。
- ↑ 纇Lua 𥪝Module:Citation/CS1在𣳔4133:attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value)。
- ↑ 纇Lua 𥪝Module:Citation/CS1在𣳔4133:attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value)。
- ↑ 纇Lua 𥪝Module:Citation/CS1在𣳔4133:attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value)。
- ↑ 纇Lua 𥪝Module:Citation/CS1在𣳔4133:attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value)。
- ↑ Louisiana's 'Jim Crow' Law Valid。The New York Times。December 21, 1892。「New Orleans, Dec 20. – The Supreme Court yesterday declared constitutional the law passed two years ago and known as the 'Jim Crow' law, making it compulsory on railroads to provide separate cars for blacks.」
- ↑ Woodward, C. Vann and McFeely, William S. (2001), The Strange Career of Jim Crow. p. 7