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- 21:18、𣈜18𣎃3𢆥2025 Keepout2010 討論 㨂𢵰㐌扠張「模庉:If empty」 (內容𫇰:「local p = {} function p.main(frame) local args = require('module:Arguments').getArgs(frame, {wrappers = 'Bản mẫu:If empty', removeBlanks = false}) -- For backwards compatibility reasons, the first 8 parameters can be unset instead of being blank, -- even though there's really no legitimate use case for this. At some point, this will be removed. local lowestNil = math.huge for i = 8,1,-1 do if args[i] == nil then args[i] = '' lowestNil = i end end for…」)