𠸜𥮋 | 顯示𨑗名冊𠊝𢷮 | 模寫意義𣹓𨁥 | 源㭲 | 固激活? | 各𠊝𢷮得𥱬𥮋 |
mobile edit | 𢯢𢷮移動 | 張得𢯢𢷮用張移動 | 確定𤳸份繌 | 激活 | 2.929𠊝𢷮 |
mobile web edit | Mobile web edit | Edit made from mobile website | 確定𤳸份繌 | 激活 | 2.924𠊝𢷮 |
mw-new-redirect | 張𢷮向㵋 | 各𢯢𢷮造𫥨張𢷮向㵋或變𠬠張成張𢷮向。 | 確定𤳸份繌 | 激活 | 767𠊝𢷮 |
wikieditor | (被隱) | 𢯢𢷮寔現憑WikiEditor(程撰草碼威其2010) | 確定𤳸份繌 | 激活 | 660𠊝𢷮 |
advanced mobile edit | Advanced mobile edit | Edit made by user with Advanced mode | 確定𤳸份繌 | 激活 | 393𠊝𢷮 |
Nuke | Nuke | 確定𤳸份繌 | 激活 | 385𠊝𢷮 | |
mw-changed-redirect-target | 𠊝𢷮張的𧵑𢷮向 | 各𠊝𢷮𫜵𠊝𢷮張的𧵑𠬠張𢷮向 | 確定𤳸份繌 | 激活 | 148𠊝𢷮 |
visualeditor | 撰討直觀 | 㐌𢯢𢷮用程撰討直觀 | 確定𤳸份繌 | 激活 | 106𠊝𢷮 |
mw-reverted | 㐌得𨀤𢯢 | 各𢯢𢷮𢖖󠄁妬被𠬠𢯢𢷮恪𨀤𢯢 | 確定𤳸份繌 | 激活 | 46𠊝𢷮 |
visualeditor-switched | 過程撰討直觀:㐌轉 | 𠊛用㐌扒頭𢯢𢷮用程撰討直觀、𢖖󠄁妬㐌轉過制度𢯢𢷮碼威其。 | 確定𤳸份繌 | 激活 | 30𠊝𢷮 |
mw-manual-revert | 𨀤吏手工 | 𢯢𢷮手工復回張𧗱狀態正確𠓀妬 | 確定𤳸份繌 | 激活 | 13𠊝𢷮 |
mw-undo | 𨀤𢯢 | 各𠊝𢷮𨀤𢯢(完作)仍𠊝𢷮𠓀妬通過連結𨀤吏 | 確定𤳸份繌 | 激活 | 11𠊝𢷮 |
disambiguator-link-added | Disambiguation links | Edits that add links to disambiguation pages | 確定𤳸份繌 | 激活 | 7𠊝𢷮 |
mw-replace | 𠊝替內容 | 各𢯢𢷮𠊝𢷮𨑗90%內容𧵑𠬠張 | 確定𤳸份繌 | 激活 | 6𠊝𢷮 |
mw-rollback | 𨀤悉哿 | 各𠊝𢷮朱法𨀤行刷𠊝𢷮𧵑𠬠𠊛用𠓀妬通過連結𨀤悉哿 | 確定𤳸份繌 | 激活 | 5𠊝𢷮 |
mw-blank | 洗𥧪張 | 各𢯢𢷮洗𥧪(扠𤽸)𠬠張 | 確定𤳸份繌 | 激活 | 2𠊝𢷮 |
mw-removed-redirect | 扠𢷮向 | 各𠊝𢷮變𠬠張𢷮向成張空𢷮向 | 確定𤳸份繌 | 激活 | 2𠊝𢷮 |
mw-contentmodelchange | 𠊝𢷮矯內容 | 𢯢𢷮𠊝𢷮矯內容𧵑張 | 確定𤳸份繌 | 激活 | 0𠊝𢷮 |
mw-server-side-upload | 載自𱘃𣛠主 | 集信方便得載𬨠憑碼保持 | 確定𤳸份繌 | 激活 | 0𠊝𢷮 |
visualeditor-wikitext | 程撰討碼源2017 | 𢯢𢷮得寔現𥪝程撰討碼威其𢆥2017 | 確定𤳸份繌 | 激活 | 0𠊝𢷮 |
editcheck-references | (被隱) | EditCheck thinks a reference might have been needed | 確定𤳸份繌 | 激活 | 0𠊝𢷮 |
editcheck-references-activated | Edit Check (references) activated | EditCheck thinks a reference might have been needed, and the UI was shown | 確定𤳸份繌 | 激活 | 0𠊝𢷮 |
editcheck-newcontent | (被隱) | EditCheck thinks new content was added to the page | 確定𤳸份繌 | 激活 | 0𠊝𢷮 |
editcheck-newreference | (被隱) | A reference was added to the page | 確定𤳸份繌 | 激活 | 0𠊝𢷮 |
editcheck-reference-decline-common-knowledge | Edit Check (references) declined (common knowledge) | EditCheck reference was declined as common knowledge | 確定𤳸份繌 | 激活 | 0𠊝𢷮 |
editcheck-reference-decline-irrelevant | Edit Check (references) declined (irrelevant) | EditCheck reference was declined as irrelevant | 確定𤳸份繌 | 激活 | 0𠊝𢷮 |
editcheck-reference-decline-uncertain | Edit Check (references) declined (uncertain) | EditCheck reference was declined as being uncertain | 確定𤳸份繌 | 激活 | 0𠊝𢷮 |
editcheck-reference-decline-other | Edit Check (references) declined (other) | EditCheck reference was declined for an unlisted reason | 確定𤳸份繌 | 激活 | 0𠊝𢷮 |
visualeditor-needcheck | 過程撰討直觀 | 𢯢𢷮得寔現用程撰討直觀吧系統㐌認𫥨仍𠊝𢷮𥪝碼威其固体外意㦖。 | 確定𤳸份繌 | 激活 | 0𠊝𢷮 |