集信:Typing chinese characters with Cangjie gedit383 Ubuntu1310 screencast.ogv
Typing_chinese_characters_with_Cangjie_gedit383_Ubuntu1310_screencast.ogv (戟𡱩集信:7,98 MB、矯MIME:application/ogg)
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DescriptionTyping chinese characters with Cangjie gedit383 Ubuntu1310 screencast.ogv |
English: This is a screencast. Typing chinese characters with Cangjie input method(version 5) on gedit 3.8.3, Ubuntu 13.10. "Wen Quan Yi Micro Hei(Traditional Chinese characters), Wen Quan Yi Micro Hei(Simplified Chinese characters) Standard Chinese characters of Taiwan, Cangjie input method. Complex Chinese characters of Hong Kong, Wikipedia(Traditional Chinese characters) Simplified Chinese characters of China, Cangjie input method. Wikipedia(Simplified Chinese characters)" The following are softwares of screencasting:
臺灣正體,倉頡輸入法 香港繁體,維基中文百科全書 中国简体,仓颉输入法 维基中文百科全书 中文(臺灣):這是一部螢幕錄製影片。在 Ubuntu 13.10 系統之下,以文字編輯器(gedit 3.8.3)利用倉頡輸入法五代輸入中文,包含臺灣正體、香港繁體與中國簡體。 錄製影片的工具軟體如下所示:
Date | |
Source | Own work |
Author | OnionBulb |
Other versions |
This screenshot either does not contain copyright-eligible parts or visuals of copyrighted software, or the author has released it under a free license (which should be indicated beneath this notice), and as such follows the licensing guidelines for screenshots of Wikimedia Commons. You may use it freely according to its particular license. Free software license:
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This work is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or any later version. This work is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. See version 2 and version 3 of the GNU General Public License for more details.http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.htmlGPLGNU General Public Licensetruetrue |
Note: if the screenshot shows any work that is not a direct result of the program code itself, such as a text or graphics that are not part of the program, the license for that work must be indicated separately.
Items portrayed in this file
depicts English
creator English
Some value without a Wikidata item
copyright status English
copyrighted English
inception English
10 November 2013
source of file English
original creation by uploader English
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現在 | 09:17、𣈜13𣎃11𢆥2013 | (7,98 MB) | wikimediacommons>OnionBulb | fixed artist in metadata options. |