
工藝(㗂英:technology)𱺵事發明、事𠊝𢷮、役使用、吧見識𧗱各工具、𣛠𢪮、技術、技能藝業、系統、吧方法組織、𠁪解決𠬠問題、改進𠬠解法㐌存在、達𠬠目的、咍寔現𠬠職能具體𠾕𠳨含量質繿高。工藝影響當計𬨠可能檢詧吧適宜𧵑𡥵𠊛拱如𧵑仍動物恪𠓨媒場自然𧵑𨉟。吶𠬠格單簡、工藝𱺵事應用仍發明科學𠓨仍目標或產品寔踐吧具體服務𠁀𤯩𡥵𠊛、特別𥪝領域工業或商賣。[1] 術語工藝固体得用蹺義終咍朱仍領域具體、譬喻如「工藝𡏦𥩯」、「工藝通信」。
𥪝㗂越、各詞「科學」、「技術」、吧「工藝」對欺得用貝義相似僥咍得𢯖吏貝僥(拯限「科學技術」、「科學工藝」、吧「技術工藝」)。雖丕、工藝恪貝科學吧技術。科學𱺵系統見識𧗱仍定律、構築、吧格運行𧵑世界自然、得𤒘結通過役觀察、模寫、𢵋度、寔驗、發展理說憑各方法科學。[2] 群技術𱺵役應用見識科學抵𫼳吏價值寔踐如役設計、製造、吧運行仍工程、𣛠𢪮、規程、吧系統𠬠格效果吧經濟一。[3]
- ↑ Merriam-Webster Dictionary – Definition of Technology。𣈜14𣎃3𢆥2006。 原文: The practical application of knowledge especially in a particular area.
Cambridge English Dictionary – Definition of Technology。 原文: The study and knowledge of the practical, especially industrial, use of scientific discoveries.
The American Heritage Dictionary – Definition of Technology。 原文: The application of science, especially to industrial or commercial objectives.
Encyclopedia Britannica – Technology - Definition & Examples。𣈜29𣎃5𢆥2020。 原文: The application of scientific knowledge to the practical aims of human life. - ↑ The American Heritage Dictionary – Definition of Science。 原文: The observation, identification, description, experimental investigation, and theoretical explanation of phenomena.
Merriam-Webster Dictionary – Definition of Science。𣈜2𣎃6𢆥2009。
Cambridge English Dictionary – Definition of Science。 原文: A careful study of the structure and behavior of the physical world, especially by watching, measuring, and doing experiments, and the development of theories. - ↑ The American Heritage Dictionary entry: engineering。 原文: The application of scientific and mathematical principles to practical ends such as the design, manufacture, and operation of efficient and economical structures, machines, processes, and systems.