vi-Hnom → vi-Hani
Facebook上的朋友Trung Nguyen说:「the ISO 15924 conforming code for Vietnamese written in Chu Nom is vi-hani」。
如果对界面产生影响,请在 Preferences 里面修改一下吧。--SaigonSarang (討論) 11:29 𣈜16𣎃11𢆥2013 (ICT)
- 歷史越南裊倂自𣅶𣎏𩈘𡥵𠊚生𤯩時㐌𣎏行萬𢆥𠓀公元、群倂自欺家渃得形成時𡤓曠自欣4000𢆥𠓀低(遶傳說)。 → 歷史越南(lịch sử việt nam)裊倂自𣅶𣎏𩈘𡥵𠊚生𤯩時㐌𣎏行萬𢆥𠓀公元、群倂自欺家渃得形成時𡤓曠自欣4000𢆥𠓀低(遶傳說)。
--SaigonSarang (討論) 15:36 𣈜19𣎃12𢆥2013 (ICT)
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期待效果。--SaigonSarang (討論) 18:00 𣈜18𣎃1𢆥2014 (ICT)
請問這裡有沒有有關喃字書寫的方針頁面?例如如何選用喃字之類。Wyang (討論) 07:30 𣈜6𣎃3𢆥2014 (ICT)
About 原則譯各名詞𥢆㗂日
Chao ban!
I proposed several principles for translating Japanese proper nouns into Vietnamese (Han-Nom).
Could you please share your opinions with us?
You can come here to discuss with us: 討論‐標準化𡨸喃:原則譯各名詞𥢆㗂日
Cam on ban! --SaigonSarang (討論) 17:27 次𠄩 𣈜5𣎃1𢆥2015 (ICT)
Quocngu-Hannom Converter Feedback [by SaigonSarang (討論)]
Words need to be ADDED
2015/03/11 - Updated
2015/03/12 - Updated
2015/03/13 - Updated
2015/03/16 - Updated
2015/03/19 - Updated
2015/03/31 - Updated
2015/04/07 - Updated
2015/04/09 - Updated
Words need to be REVISED
2015/03/11 - Updated
2015/03/12 - Updated
2015/03/13 - Updated
2015/03/16 - Updated
2015/03/19 - Updated
2015/03/31 - Updated
2015/04/07 - Updated
2015/04/09 - Updated
Why 成員:Keepout2010/標準漢喃(New_List) was deleted?
I think it is a good list, but why you annotated 廢 after it?--Betoseha (討論) 20:33, 次𠀧, 𣈜29𣎃12𢆥2015 (ICT)
Re: Why use 鐵 for sắt?
I have considered the same situation. And I've checked the pronunciation of “失”, it includes “thất” and “thắt”, which are closer to “thiết”, but not “sắt”. Then, I also checked the character for “thiết”, then I found that most dictionaries use the simplified form 鉄 for for “thiết”, which includes Dictionnaire Annamite-Français Bonet, Dictionnaire Annamite-Français Genibrel, and Da Nang Chunom Dictionary (1996).
Based on the above, I assume that the simplified character 鉄 would be designed not only for “sắt”, but for both 鐵(thiết) and “sắt”. Because most dictionaries use the same Chuhannom for “thiết” and “sắt”, so I use the same traditonal form 鐵 for both “thiết” and “sắt”. If you think 鉄 is better, we can consider to use it as the standard form, but better the same Chuhannom for both “thiết” and “sắt”.
我也考虑到了这种情况。后来查了“失”的越文发音(thất, thắt),发现更接近“鐵”(thiết),因此覺得“鉄”不一定是專門為 sắt 而造。之後又查了 thiết 對應的漢喃字,發現大多數字典也都用了簡化的“鉄”字(包括 Dictionnaire Annamite-Français Bonet, Dictionnaire Annamite-Français Genibrel, Da Nang Chunom Dictionary (1996))。
於是我推測“鉄”應該同時是“鐵”(thiết) 和“sắt”的異化文字。鑒於“thiết”和“sắt”在多數字典里用的是同一個字,因此我也用了同一個“鐵”字表記“thiết”和“sắt”。如果你覺得“鉄”更合適,我們也可以考慮用它做為標準字,但我個人覺得“thiết”和“sắt”都用同一個字好。
不好意思沒提前跟你交流就擅自修改了,下回注意,哈哈~--SaigonSarang (討論) 15:59, 次𠀧, 𣈜23𣎃2𢆥2016 (ICT)
- I agree with you. That's why we have 古漢越音 and 越化漢越音. :P --SaigonSarang (討論) 09:06, 次四, 𣈜24𣎃2𢆥2016 (ICT)
About the file file:chucmungnammoi2019.png
1. What is the name of the font you use? seems not Han-Nom Minh. 2. What do you think about the standard nom of "mới"? --SaigonSarang (討論) 19:33、 主日、 𣈜10𣎃2𢆥2019 (+07)