趙孟頫(Triệu Mạnh Phủ、中文簡體:赵孟頫;中文繁體:趙孟頫;拼音:Zhào Mèngfǔ;Wade–Giles:Chao Meng-fu;𠸜𡨸子昂;筆號松雪、鷗波吧水精宫道人;1254-1322)𱺵𠬠後裔屬𣳔𠼲𤤰徽宗茹宋[1]吧同時𱺵𠬠學者、畫士、茹書法浽㗂中國時茹元。翁固㭲閣於湖州、省浙江。翁得䁛𱺵𠬠𥪝仍書畫家傑出吧全才一中國自𠓀𬧐𫢩。趙孟頫精通書法、𣈜𫢩書法𧵑翁吻𱺵形㑄標表抵後世學蹺。翁拱固𡗉㨂𢵰𫰅𡘯貝中國畫。

A Man and His Horse in the Wind
Elegant Rocks and Sparse Trees
A Sheep and Goat
Old Tree and Horses
Triệu Mạnh Phủ Lạc Thần Phú.
- Thư pháp Triệu Mạnh Phủ "Rhapsody on Goddess of Luo"
- Calligraphy Gallery of Zhao Mengfu at China Online Museum
- Painting Gallery of Zhao Mengfu at China Online Museum
- Works in the collection of the Metropolitan Museum, New York
- http://libmma.contentdm.oclc.org/cdm/compoundobject/collection/p15324coll10/id/88271/rec/1 Landscapes Clear and Radiant: The Art of Wang Hui (1632-1717)], an exhibition catalog from The Metropolitan Museum of Art (fully available online as PDF), which contains material on Zhao Mengfu (see index)
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