
Rockstar Games

番版𠓨𣅶08:30、𣈜22𣎃3𢆥2025𧵑Trong Dang (討論 | 㨂𢵰) (造張㵋貝內容「{{Thông tin công ty | company_name = Rockstar Games, Inc. | company_logo = 200px|Rockstar Games' present logo. Its design is used, with different color schemes, by all Rockstar Games studios. | caption = | company_type = Công ty con của Take-Two Interactive | foundation = 1998<ref name=Founded/> | location_city = Thành phố New York | location_country = Hoa Kỳ | key_people = Sam Houser (Chủ tịch)<br /…」)
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Rockstar Games, Inc.
Công ty con của Take-Two Interactive
梗藝 Trò chơi điện tử
成立 1998[1]
住所正 Thành phố New YorkHoa Kỳ
Sam Houser (Chủ tịch)
Dan Houser (Cựu phó chủ tịch)
產品 Grand Theft Auto
Midnight Club
Red Dead
Max Payne
L.A. Noire
The Warriors
主所有 Take-Two Interactive
公司媄 Take-Two Interactive
Website www.rockstargames.com

Rockstar Games𱺵茹發展吧發行video game多國家固住所於城庯𫼩喔、所有𤳸Take-Two Interactive、𢖖󠄁欺Take-Two𧷸吏公司發行game於𱺵BMG Interactive。Rockstar窒浽㗂貝仍產品𣱆𫜵𫥨、如seriesGrand Theft AutoMax PayneL.A NoireThe WarriorsBullyManhuntRed DeadMidnight Club… 貝𡓃𨔈世界𢲫、sandbox非線性𥪝仍𠻀𨔈𣱆𫜵𫥨。『Rockstar Games』包𠁟𡗉studio;𠬠數studio時得行𧷸吏、群數恪時得成立內部。原因尼𱺵由公司媄Take-two、㐌𧷸吏𠬠數studio吧合一𠓨行Rockstar、群數𡮈studio恪時插入貝𠊛英㛪𧵑『Rockstar』、2K Games、呠浽㗂貝商號NBA 2K

  1. 纇註釋:𥮋<ref>差;空固內容𥪝𥮋ref固𠸜Founded