
集信:Xuan Huong Lake 1920s.jpg

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English: Xuan Huong Lake, Da Lat, 1920s
Date circa 1925
date QS:P,+1925-00-00T00:00:00Z/9,P1480,Q5727902
Source nguyentl.free.fr
Author Raymond Chagneau
Public domain
This work is in the public domain in Vietnam for one of the following reasons:
  • It is a cinematographic work, photographic work, work of applied art or anonymous work first published more than 75 years ago. (See Commons:Copyright rules by territory/Vietnam)
  • It is a cinematographic work, photographic work, dramatic work, work of applied art or anonymous work first published more than 50 years prior to January 1, 2010.
  • It is another type of work, and the creator died more than 50 years ago.
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現在10:05、𣈜29𣎃4𢆥2011形䀡𠓀𧵑番版𣅶10:05、𣈜29𣎃4𢆥2011864×564 (359kB)wikimediacommons>Paris 16{{Information |Description={{en|Xuan Huong Lake, Da Lat, 1920s}} |Source=[http://nguyentl.free.fr/Public/Chagneau/public_chagneau_vn.htm nguyentl.free.fr] |Author=Raymond Chagneau |Date=ca. 1925 |Permission= |other_versions= }} {{PD-Vietnam}} [[Category:H

