集信:Einsatzgruppen murder Jews in Ivanhorod, Ukraine, 1942.jpg

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Ivanhorod Einsatzgruppen photograph (Q55424114)
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Photographer |
Unknown authorUnknown author (Sometimes mistakenly attributed to Jerzy Tomaszewski who discovered it.) |
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Description |
English: Executions of Jews by German army mobile killing units (Einsatzgruppen) near Ivangorod Ukraine. The photo was mailed from the Eastern Front to Germany and intercepted at a Warsaw post office by a member of the Polish resistance collecting documentation on Nazi war crimes. The original print was owned by Tadeusz Mazur and Jerzy Tomaszewski and now resides in Historical Archives in Warsaw. The original German inscription on the back of the photograph reads, "Ukraine 1942, Jewish Action [operation], Ivangorod."
Français : Exécutions de Juifs de Kiev par les unités d’extermination mobiles allemandes (Einsatzgruppen) près d’Ivangorod (Ukraine). La photo fut envoyée en Allemagne depuis le front de l'Est et interceptée à un bureau de poste de Varsovie par un membre de la Résistance polonaise nommé Jerzy Tomaszewski. L’inscription originale [en allemand] au dos de la photographie est : « Ukraine 1942, Action juive [opération], Ivangorod. »
Slovenčina: Poprava kyjevských Židov nemeckými mobilnými vyvražďovacími jednotkami (Ensatzgruppen – skupiny špeciálneho určenia) blízko Ivangorodu na Ukrajine. Fotografia bola odoslaná poštou z východného frontu do Nemecka a zachytená na varšavskej pošte členom poľského odboja menom Jerzy Tomaszewski. Pôvodný nemecký nápis na rube fotografie znie: "Ukrajina 1942, židovská akcia (operácia), Ivangorod."
Polski: Egzekucja Żydów Kijowskich przez niemieckie oddzały Ensatzgruppen niedaleko Ivangrodu na Ukrainie. Fotografia została wysłana z frontu wschodniego do Niemiec, ale zostła przechwycona w Warszawie przez polską komórkę konspiracyjną i znalazła się w kolekcji Jerzego Tomaszewskiego i Tadeusza Mazura. Na tyle fotografii był niemiecki napis Ukraine 1942 - Judenaktion in Iwangorod (Ukraina 1942, Żydowska akcja (operacja), Ivangorod).
Tiếng Việt: Những cuộc hành hình người do thái. Gần Ivangorod, Ucraina. Bức hình này được chụp, gửi qua thư từ Đông Đức và tại một văn phòng báo chí Vácsava đăng bài. Của một thành viên Ba Lan kháng chiến, tên là Jerzy Tomaszewski. Bản gốc Tiếng Đức inscription trên mặt sau của những bức ảnh đọc, "U-crai-na 1942, Jewish thực hiện (thi hành), Ivangorod"
Deutsch: Hinrichtungen von Juden durch Einsatzgruppen nahe Ivangorod in der Ukraine. Das Foto wurde von der Ostfront nach Deutschland geschickt, und in der Warschauer Post von der polnischen Widerstandsbewegung abgefangen. Das Original hat auf der Rückseite die Beschriftung "Ukraine 1942 - Judenaktion in Iwangorod". Das Foto befand sich im Besitz von Tadeusz Mazur und Jerzy Tomaszewski und liegt jetzt im Historischen Archiv Warschau. Es ist über das Bildarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, Bildnummer 30011071 und das Ullstein-Bildarchiv verfügbar" |
Depicted place | Ivanhorod. Possibly at site known as "Ivanhorod Mass Grave" at 48°47′05″N 29°47′14″E / 48.78484°N 29.78735°E / 48.78484; 29.78735[1]. | |||
Date |
1942 date QS:P571,+1942-00-00T00:00:00Z/9 |
Medium | "Small [] photographic print"[2] | |||
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Inscriptions |
Text verso: Ukraine 1942 - Judenaktion in Iwangorod
[Ukraine 1942 - Jewish operation in Ivanhorod] |
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Public domainPublic domainfalsefalse |
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This photograph is in the public domain because according to the Art. 3 of copyright law of March 29, 1926 of the Republic of Poland and Art. 2 of copyright law of July 10, 1952 of the People's Republic of Poland, all photographs by Polish photographers (or published for the first time in Poland or simultaneously in Poland and abroad) published without a clear copyright notice before the law was changed on May 23, 1994 are assumed to be in the public domain in Poland.
This work is in the public domain in the United States because it meets three requirements:
To uploader: Please provide where and when the image was first published.
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Annotations InfoField | This image is annotated: View the annotations at Commons |
"Metal shovel, upside down, its shaft behind the stake. It is identical to other shovels in other execution pictures I have seen."
— Robert Fisk[17]
"Four men [], three in cloth caps and jackets, and the fourth – who appears bigger because he may be wearing a greatcoat. (There appears to be a deep pocket on its right side.)"
— Robert Fisk[17]
"The "other person" lying at the feet of the soldier is also a woman. She appears to have a parting in her hair, her arms have fallen to the ground on her right and she is wearing a skirt, on the edge of which you can see her left leg."
— Robert Fisk[17]
This is the portion of the image usually shown in early publications.
"German soldier points his weapon at a woman with a child in her arms. She has turned away from the soldier and wrapped herself around the child. Her foot is lifted from the ground as though she might be moving away from the soldier or perhaps the shutter has caught the moment the bullet has hit her."
— Janina Struk[2]
"On the left of the frame are the tips of what look like two other guns pointing in her direction"
— Janina Struk[2]
"It appears to be a wooden stake. To the right of it, I see some disturbed earth. Was the stake a marker? "You will dig your own mass grave, up to this point." Is that what the Germans ordered their victims to do?"
— Robert Fisk[17]
- ↑ Lo-Tishkach (2013). Ivanhorod, Uman-Vinnytsia road. European Jewish Cemeteries Initiative. Archived from the original on 2014-12-21. Retrieved on 13 July 2013.
- ↑ a b c d e f g h i Janina Struk (October 15, 2011). Private Pictures: Soldiers' Inside View of War (Google Books) 78-79, 85-87. I.B.Tauris. Retrieved on 19 July 2013.
- ↑ a b c d Datum: 30. November Betr.: Abermals Fälschungen (Again fakes). 49/1964. Der Spiegel (02.12.1964). Archived from the original on 2014-12-13. Retrieved on 13 July 2013. "PDF copy of the 1964 article made available by the publisher along with the article."
- ↑ Struk, Janina (28 July 2005). "My duty was to take pictures". The Guardian.
- ↑ Zwiazek Bojowników o Wolnosc i Demokracje / League of Fighters for Freedom and Democracy / Union des Combattants pour la Liberté et la Démiocratie / Verband der Kämpfer für Freiheit und Demokratie (1959) 1939-1945. We have not forgotten / Nous n'avons pas oublié / Wir haben es nicht vergessen., Warsaw: Polonia, pp. 267 no ISBN
- ↑ Beachcombing (28 July 2013). Image: Murder of Woman and Child at Ivanhorod. The Independent.co.uk. Retrieved on 4 October 2013.
- ↑ Główny Zarząd Polityczny WP (1960) Z Dziejów Wojny Wyzwoleńczej Narodu Polskiego 1939-1945, Warsaw: Wydawnictwo Ministerstwa Obrony Narodowej, pp. 255 no ISBN
- ↑ Time-Life Books, WWII, The Nazis, 1967
- ↑ Ward Rutherford (1973) Genocide: the Jews in Europe 1939-45, Ballantine Books 0345030907
- ↑ Martin Gilbert (1979) The Holocaust: A History of the Jews of Europe During the Second World War, Holt Paperbacks, pp. 82−83 0805003487
- ↑ Henryk Latoś (1985) Z historii fotografii wojennej, Warsaw: MON 8311070490
- ↑ D. Goldhagen (1997) Hitler's Willing Executioners: Ordinary Germans and the Holocaust, Vintage 0679772685
- ↑ This Century, Peter Jennings and Todd Brewster, 1998, p260
- ↑ Darlene R. Stille (January 1, 2011). Architects of the Holocaust 36–37. Capstone. Retrieved on 19 July 2013.
- ↑ Brendan Redko (2013). An Ordinary Polish Boy: Journey to England (Google Books) 18. AuthorHouse. Retrieved on 19 July 2013.
- ↑ Time-Life Editors (1989) WW II: Time-Life Books History of the Second World War, Prentice Hall 0139220224
- ↑ a b c d Robert Fisk (19 November 2011). Robert Fisk: Ukraine, 1942. What are we seeing?. The Independent.co.uk. Retrieved on 19 July 2013.
Items portrayed in this file
depicts English
𣈜/𣇞 | 形䀡𠓀 | 戟櫸 | 成員 | 描寫 | |
現在 | 03:14、𣈜14𣎃7𢆥2013 | ![]() | 2.528×1.744 (2,42 MB) | wikimediacommons>Poeticbent | r/m some of the worst dust and scratches |
向 | 常 |
分解蹺朝卬 | 300點/印初 |
分解蹺朝高 | 300點/印初 |
份繌使用 | Adobe Photoshop 7.0 |
𣈜𣇞𢯢集信 | 13:12、𣈜13𣎃7𢆥2013 |
空間𦭷 | 𣗓校整 |
現枝節級高 |