

Uy-ki có thể chỉnh sửa bằng chữ Hán Nôm 威其固体整𢯢憑𡨸漢喃
番版𠓨𣅶20:42、𣈜18𣎃3𢆥2025𧵑SaigonSarang (討論 | 㨂𢵰) (𠊝替文本-「[[標準化𡨸喃:」成「[[準化:」)


About 沈 and 沉

I've checked several Vietnamese Han-Nom dictionaries, they all use 沈 for Trầm, but not 沉. I think 沉 is Chinese usage while 沈 is used in Vietnam, Korea and Japan. Dictionaries I checked including:

--SaigonSarang (討論) 09:20, 次四, 𣈜26𣎃8𢆥2015 (ICT)

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