vi>NguoiDungKhongDinhDanh n Đã khóa “Mô đun:Footnotes/whitelist”: Module nguy hiểm cao ([Sửa đổi=Chỉ cho phép các kỹ thuật viên bản mẫu] (vô thời hạn) [Di chuyển=Chỉ cho phép các kỹ thuật viên bản mẫu] (vô thời hạn)) |
Keepout2010 (討論 | 㨂𢵰) n 㐌入1番版 |
--[[--------------------------< W R A P P E R _ T E M P L A T E _ D E F A U L T S >----------------------------
A list of wrapper templates by their canonical names – spelling and capitalization is important. Each wrapper
template has a table of two values: [1] is the wrapper's default name-list as it is used in an anchor ID; [2] is
the default year. This table is indexed indirectly through the wrapper_templates table.
This table is not available externally.
local wrapper_template_defaults = { -- keys are canonical template names
['Americana'] = {'Rines', '1920'}, -- tables with default name and default year
['Cite EB1911'] = {'Chisholm', '1911'}, -- tables with default name and default year
['EB1911'] = {'Chisholm', '1911'},
['EI3'] = {'FleetKrämerMatringeNawas', ''},
['ODNB'] = {'', ''}, -- there is no default anchor ID; this forces evaluation of {{cite ODNB}} redirects
--[[--------------------------< W R A P P E R _ T E M P L A T E _ D E F A U L T S _ V O L >--------------------
For wrapper templates that use |volume= to specify default name (often editor names) and year. Wrapper templates
are indexed by their canonical names – spelling and capitalization is important. Each wrapper template has a table
of values for every volume. Volumes may be indexed by Arabic or Roman numerals. Each volume index has a table of
twp values" [1] is the wrapper's default name-list as it is used in an anchor ID; [2] is the default year. Each
wrapper template in this table must have a ['default'] key for those occasions when |volume= is omitted or empty.
This table is indexed indirectly through the wrapper_templates table.
This table is not available externally.
local wrapper_template_defaults_vol = { -- primary keys are canonical template names; TODO: do these keys have to be canonical template names?
['Cite Catholic Encyclopedia'] = { -- secondary keys are volume
['1'] = {'Herbermann', '1907'},
['2'] = {'Herbermann', '1907'},
['3'] = {'Herbermann', '1908'},
['4'] = {'Herbermann', '1908'},
['5'] = {'Herbermann', '1909'},
['6'] = {'Herbermann', '1909'},
['7'] = {'Herbermann', '1910'},
['8'] = {'Herbermann', '1910'},
['9'] = {'Herbermann', '1910'},
['10'] = {'Herbermann', '1911'},
['11'] = {'Herbermann', '1911'},
['12'] = {'Herbermann', '1911'},
['13'] = {'Herbermann', '1912'},
['14'] = {'Herbermann', '1912'},
['15'] = {'Herbermann', '1912'},
['default'] = {'Herbermann', '1913'},
['Cite EB9'] = {
['1'] = {'Baynes', '1878'}, ['I'] = {'Baynes', '1878'},
['2'] = {'Baynes', '1878'}, ['II'] = {'Baynes', '1878'},
['3'] = {'Baynes', '1878'}, ['III'] = {'Baynes', '1878'},
['4'] = {'Baynes', '1878'}, ['IV'] = {'Baynes', '1878'},
['5'] = {'Baynes', '1878'}, ['V'] = {'Baynes', '1878'},
['6'] = {'Baynes', '1878'}, ['VI'] = {'Baynes', '1878'},
['7'] = {'Baynes', '1878'}, ['VII'] = {'Baynes', '1878'},
['8'] = {'Baynes', '1878'}, ['VIII'] = {'Baynes', '1878'},
['9'] = {'Baynes', '1879'}, ['IX'] = {'Baynes', '1879'},
['10'] = {'Baynes', '1879'}, ['X'] = {'Baynes', '1879'},
['11'] = {'BaynesSmith', '1880'}, ['XI'] = {'BaynesSmith', '1880'},
['12'] = {'BaynesSmith', '1881'}, ['XII'] = {'BaynesSmith', '1881'},
['13'] = {'BaynesSmith', '1881'}, ['XIII'] = {'BaynesSmith', '1881'},
['14'] = {'BaynesSmith', '1882'}, ['XIV'] = {'BaynesSmith', '1882'},
['15'] = {'BaynesSmith', '1883'}, ['XV'] = {'BaynesSmith', '1883'},
['16'] = {'BaynesSmith', '1883'}, ['XVI'] = {'BaynesSmith', '1883'},
['17'] = {'BaynesSmith', '1884'}, ['XVII'] = {'BaynesSmith', '1884'},
['18'] = {'BaynesSmith', '1885'}, ['XVIII'] = {'BaynesSmith', '1885'},
['19'] = {'BaynesSmith', '1885'}, ['XIX'] = {'BaynesSmith', '1885'},
['20'] = {'BaynesSmith', '1886'}, ['XX'] = {'BaynesSmith', '1886'},
['21'] = {'BaynesSmith', '1886'}, ['XXI'] = {'BaynesSmith', '1886'},
['22'] = {'BaynesSmith', '1887'}, ['XXII'] = {'BaynesSmith', '1887'},
['23'] = {'BaynesSmith', '1888'}, ['XXIII'] = {'BaynesSmith', '1888'},
['24'] = {'BaynesSmith', '1888'}, ['XXIV'] = {'BaynesSmith', '1888'},
['default'] = {'Baynes', '1875–1889'},
['Encyclopaedia of Islam, New Edition'] = {
['1'] = {'GibbKramersLévi-ProvençalSchacht', '1960'},
['2'] = {'LewisPellatSchacht', '1965'},
['3'] = {'LewisMénagePellatSchacht', '1971'},
['4'] = {'van_DonzelLewisPellatBosworth', '1978'},
['5'] = {'Bosworthvan_DonzelLewisPellat', '1986'},
['6'] = {'Bosworthvan_DonzelPellat', '1991'},
['7'] = {'Bosworthvan_DonzelHeinrichsPellat', '1993'},
['8'] = {'Bosworthvan_DonzelHeinrichsLecomte', '1995'},
['9'] = {'Bosworthvan_DonzelHeinrichsLecomte', '1997'},
['10'] = {'BearmanBianquisBosworthvan_Donzel', '2000'},
['11'] = {'BearmanBianquisBosworthvan_Donzel', '2002'},
['12'] = {'BearmanBianquisBosworthvan_Donzel', '2004'},
['atlas'] = {'Brice', '1981'},
['abridged'] = {'van_Donzel', '1994'},
['default'] = {'BearmanBianquisBosworthvan_Donzel', '1960–2005'},
['The History of al-Tabari'] = {
['1'] = {'Rosenthal', '1989'},
['2'] = {'Brinner', '1986'},
['3'] = {'Brinner', '1991'},
['4'] = {'Perlmann', '1987'},
['5'] = {'Bosworth', '1999'},
['6'] = {'WattMcDonald', '1989'},
['7'] = {'McDonald', '1987'},
['8'] = {'Fishbein', '1997'},
['9'] = {'Poonawala', '1990'},
['10'] = {'Donner', '1993'},
['11'] = {'Blankinship', '1993'},
['12'] = {'Friedmann', '1992'},
['13'] = {'Juynboll', '1989'},
['14'] = {'Smith', '1994'},
['15'] = {'Humphreys', '1990'},
['16'] = {'Brockett', '1997'},
['17'] = {'Hawting', '1996'},
['18'] = {'Morony', '1987'},
['19'] = {'Howard', '1990'},
['20'] = {'Hawting', '1989'},
['21'] = {'Fishbein', '1990'},
['22'] = {'Rowson', '1989'},
['23'] = {'Hinds', '1990'},
['24'] = {'Powers', '1989'},
['25'] = {'Blankinship', '1989'},
['26'] = {'Hillenbrand', '1989'},
['27'] = {'Williams', '1985'},
['28'] = {'McAuliffe', '1995'},
['29'] = {'Kennedy', '1990'},
['30'] = {'Bosworth', '1989'},
['31'] = {'Fishbein', '1992'},
['32'] = {'Bosworth', '1987'},
['33'] = {'Bosworth', '1991'},
['34'] = {'Kraemer', '1989'},
['35'] = {'Saliba', '1985'},
['36'] = {'Waines', '1992'},
['37'] = {'Fields', '1987'},
['38'] = {'Rosenthal', '1985'},
['39'] = {'Landau-Tasseron', '1998'},
['40'] = {'Popovkin', '2007'},
['default'] = {'Yarshater', '1985–2007'},
--[[--------------------------< W R A P P E R _ T E M P L A T E S >--------------------------------------------
A list of wrapper templates and their redirects – spelling and capitalization is important; first character is
always uppercase. Each wrapper template gets its value from a k/v pair in the wrapper_template_defaults table.
article reader queries this table to see if template_name is a wrapper template
local wrapper_templates = { -- keys are names of wrapper templates and their redirects
['Americana'] = wrapper_template_defaults['Americana'], -- canonical name; this template calls Cite Americana
['Catholic Encyclopedia'] = wrapper_template_defaults_vol['Cite Catholic Encyclopedia'],
['1913Catholic'] = wrapper_template_defaults_vol['Cite Catholic Encyclopedia'],
['Catholic'] = wrapper_template_defaults_vol['Cite Catholic Encyclopedia'],
['Catholic encyclopedia'] = wrapper_template_defaults_vol['Cite Catholic Encyclopedia'],
['CatholicEncyclopedia'] = wrapper_template_defaults_vol['Cite Catholic Encyclopedia'],
['CE13'] = wrapper_template_defaults_vol['Cite Catholic Encyclopedia'],
['CE1913'] = wrapper_template_defaults_vol['Cite Catholic Encyclopedia'],
['Cite Americana'] = wrapper_template_defaults['Americana'], -- canonical name
['Cite Catholic Encyclopedia'] = wrapper_template_defaults_vol['Cite Catholic Encyclopedia'],
['CathEncy'] = wrapper_template_defaults_vol['Cite Catholic Encyclopedia'],
['Cite Catholic Encyclopædia'] = wrapper_template_defaults_vol['Cite Catholic Encyclopedia'],
['Cite CE1913'] = wrapper_template_defaults_vol['Cite Catholic Encyclopedia'],
['Cite EB1911'] = wrapper_template_defaults['Cite EB1911'], -- canonical name
['1911EB'] = wrapper_template_defaults['Cite EB1911'], -- redirects
['EB1911 cite'] = wrapper_template_defaults['Cite EB1911'],
['Wikisource1911Enc Citation'] = wrapper_template_defaults['Cite EB1911'],
['Wikisource1911Enc citation'] = wrapper_template_defaults['Cite EB1911'],
['Cite EB9'] = wrapper_template_defaults_vol['Cite EB9'], -- canonical
['Eb9'] = wrapper_template_defaults_vol['Cite EB9'],
['EB1911'] = wrapper_template_defaults['EB1911'], -- canonical name; this template calls Cite EB1911
['1911'] = wrapper_template_defaults['EB1911'], -- redirects
['1911s'] = wrapper_template_defaults['EB1911'],
['Britannica 1911'] = wrapper_template_defaults['EB1911'],
['Encyclopedia Britannica 1911'] = wrapper_template_defaults['EB1911'],
['Encyclopædia Britannica 1911'] = wrapper_template_defaults['EB1911'],
['EB9'] = wrapper_template_defaults_vol['Cite EB9'], -- canonical; this template calls Cite EB9
['Encyclopaedia of Islam, New Edition'] = wrapper_template_defaults_vol['Encyclopaedia of Islam, New Edition'], -- canonical
['EI2'] = wrapper_template_defaults_vol['Encyclopaedia of Islam, New Edition'],
['Encyclopaedia of Islam, THREE'] = wrapper_template_defaults['EI3'], -- canonical
['EI3'] = wrapper_template_defaults['EI3'],
['Cite ODNB'] = wrapper_template_defaults['ODNB'], -- canonical
['Cite odnb'] = wrapper_template_defaults['ODNB'],
['DNBweb'] = wrapper_template_defaults['ODNB'],
['OBDNweb'] = wrapper_template_defaults['ODNB'],
['ODNB'] = wrapper_template_defaults['ODNB'],
['ODNBref'] = wrapper_template_defaults['ODNB'],
['ODNBweb'] = wrapper_template_defaults['ODNB'],
['The History of al-Tabari'] = wrapper_template_defaults_vol['The History of al-Tabari'], -- canonical
['The History of Al-Tabari'] = wrapper_template_defaults_vol['The History of al-Tabari'], -- redirects
['The History of al-Ṭabarī'] = wrapper_template_defaults_vol['The History of al-Tabari'], -- redirects
--[[--------------------------< T E M P L A T E _ N A M E S >--------------------------------------------------
This table holds the names of templates and the names of their redirects. Template names must be written exactly
as they are named at their templatespace page. This same also applies to redirects.
The indexes in this table are not critical but should be short and concise.
local template_names = {
['ADB'] = {'Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie', 'Cite ADB'},
['Butt_Stations'] = {'Butt-Stations', 'Butt-stations'},
['Cam_Hist_Iran'] = {'Cambridge History of Iran', 'The Cambridge History of Iran'},
['DNB'] = {'Cite DNB', 'DNB', 'DNB Cite', 'Cite DNBSupp', 'DNBSupp', 'Cite DNB12', 'Cite DNBIE', 'DNB12', 'DNBIE'},
['ME-ref'] = {'ME-ref', 'Me-ref'},
['ODB'] = {'ODB', 'Oxford Dictionary of Byzantium'},
['ODLA'] = {'ODLA', 'Oxford Dictionary of Late Antiquity'},
['NDB'] = {'Cite NDB', 'NDB'},
--[[--------------------------< S P E C I A L _ P A T T E R N S >----------------------------------------------
Lua patterns. These are scanned sequentially which costs time and processing far and above the time and processing
needed to index into whitelist{}. Do not create a pattern here if a normal whitelist entry or entries can be created.
local special_patterns = {
'CITEREFACAD%u%u%u?%u?%d+%u%u?', -- {{Acad}} ID appears to be 2-4 letters, then 3 numbers, then 1-2 letters
'CITEREFAHD%d+', -- {{Cite AHD}}
'CITEREFHistoric_England%d+', -- {{National Heritage List for England}} & {{PastScape}}
'CITEREFHistoric_Environment_Scotland%u%u%u?%u?%d', -- {{Historic Environment Scotland}} %u can be BTL, GLD, HMPA, LB, SM
'CITEREFQHR%d+', -- {{Cite QHR}}
--[[--------------------------< D N B _ S P E C I A L _ P A T T E R N S >--------------------------------------
Lua patterns. Note at special_patterns applies. These for the DNB templates only; these will be tried only when
there is a DNB template in the article.
Pretty much any author name during the period 1885–1901 inclusive, and 1912.
The DNBIE was published in 1903, and Template:DNBIE says that its use is deprecated, but we do not fight that battle here.
local DNB_special_patterns = {
'CITEREF%a[%a%-_\']*188[5-9]', -- 1885–1889
'CITEREF%a[%a%-_\']*189%d', -- 1890–1899
'CITEREF%a[%a%-_\']*190[0-1]', -- 1900–1901
'CITEREF%a[%a%-_\']*1903', -- 1903 IE
'CITEREF%a[%a%-_\']*1912', -- 1912 supplement
--[[--------------------------< W H I T E L I S T >------------------------------------------------------------
This is a list of anchor IDs known to be associated with specific wrapper templates. The anchor ID serves as an
index into the table. The assigned value is another table that lists the associated template and any redirects.
Except for year disambiguators, anchor IDs must have the same form as the anchor creator makes; must be the
anchor-encoded form. Remove the year disambiguator.
Template names must be written exactly as they are named at their templatespace page. This same also applies to
redirects. Module:Footnotes reads the template names left to right so most-commonly-used template or redirect name
should appear first. When there are more than one name and when those templates have various anchor IDs the template
namelist should be added to the template_names{} table.
Note that references to Template:EB1911 are listed under "E" in the alphabetical list below to keep them organized.
local whitelist = {
----------< # >----------
['CITEREF2013_Statistical_Yearbook_of_the_Republic_of_Croatia'] = {'Croatia Yearbook 2013'},
----------< A >----------
['CITEREFAGA_1884–1897'] = {'Schubert\'s compositions (tham khảo)'},
['CITEREFATOC2009'] = {'ATOCConnectingCommunitiesReportS10'},
['CITEREFAbramowitzStegun1983'] = {'Abramowitz Stegun ref'},
['CITEREFActa_Lipsiensium1723'] = {'Bach\'s compositions (nguồn)'},
['CITEREFAdaschErnstKeim1978'] = {'Adasch Topological Vector Spaces'},
['CITEREFAhlgrimm1969'] = {'Bach\'s compositions (nguồn)'},
['CITEREFAhrons1927'] = {'Book-Ahrons-British Steam Railway Locomotive'},
['CITEREFAl-Kindi1912'] = {'The Governors and Judges of Egypt'},
['CITEREFAlbert_Schumann1886'] = {'Cite ADB'},
['CITEREFAlden1916'] = {'Shakespeare sonnets bibliography'},
['CITEREFAldrich1969'] = {'Aldrich-LocosGER7'},
['CITEREFAlexiou2010'] = {'Cite flatiron'},
['CITEREFAllenBoddyBrownFry1970'] = {'RCTS-LocosLNER-8A'},
['CITEREFAllenBoddyBrownFry1971'] = {'RCTS-LocosLNER-8B'},
['CITEREFAllenBoddyBrownFry1983'] = {'RCTS-LocosLNER-8A'},
['CITEREFAmerican_Railway_Association1922'] = {'1922 Locomotive Cyclopedia'},
['CITEREFAnderson1952'] = {'Naval Wars in the Levant 1559–1853'},
['CITEREFArkhangel'skiiPonomarev1984'] = {'Arkhangel\'skii Ponomarev Fundamentals of General Topology Problems and Exercises'},
['CITEREFArrey_von_Dommer1875'] = {'Cite ADB'},
['CITEREFAsmus1966'] = template_names['NDB'],
['CITEREFAtkins2007'] = {'Shakespeare sonnets bibliography'},
['CITEREFAvdoyan2018'] = template_names['ODLA'],
['CITEREFAwdry1990'] = {'Awdry-RailCo', 'Carnarvonshire Railway'},
----------< B >----------
['CITEREFBabinger1978'] = {'Mehmed the Conqueror and His Time'},
['CITEREFBabinger1992'] = {'Mehmed the Conqueror and His Time'},
['CITEREFBachAgricola1754'] = {'Bach\'s compositions (nguồn)'},
['CITEREFBadura-SkodaBranscombe2008'] = {'Schubert\'s compositions (tham khảo)'},
['CITEREFBaldwinKazhdan1991'] = template_names['ODB'],
['CITEREFBaldwinTalbot1991'] = {'Oxford Dictionary of Byzantium'},
['CITEREFBaltzer1916'] = {'Baltzer-Kolonialbahnen'},
['CITEREFBanach1932'] = {'Banach Théorie des Opérations Linéaires'},
['CITEREFBartusis1991'] = template_names['ODB'],
['CITEREFBaxter1971'] = {'Baxter-BritishLocoCat1'},
['CITEREFBaxter1977'] = {'Baxter-BritishLocoCat1'},
['CITEREFBaxter1978'] = {'Baxter-BritishLocoCat2A'},
['CITEREFBaxter1979'] = {'Baxter-BritishLocoCat2B'},
['CITEREFBaxter1982'] = {'Baxter-BritishLocoCat3A', 'Baxter-BritishLocoCat3B'},
['CITEREFBaxter1984'] = {'Baxter-BritishLocoCat4'},
['CITEREFBaxter1986'] = {'Baxter-BritishLocoCat5A'},
['CITEREFBaxter1988'] = {'Baxter-BritishLocoCat5B'},
['CITEREFBaxter2012'] = {'Baxter-BritishLocoCat6'},
['CITEREFBeißwenger1991'] = {'Bach\'s compositions (nguồn)'},
['CITEREFBelke1996'] = {'Tabula Imperii Byzantini'},
['CITEREFBelkeMersisch1990'] = {'Tabula Imperii Byzantini'},
['CITEREFBelkeRestle1984'] = {'Tabula Imperii Byzantini'},
['CITEREFBernhard_von_Poten1889'] = template_names['ADB'],
['CITEREFBernhard_von_Poten1898'] = template_names['ADB'],
['CITEREFBezilla1980'] = {'Bezilla-PRR-Electric-Traction'},
['CITEREFBierstedt1988'] = {'Bierstedt An Introduction to Locally Convex Inductive Limits'},
['CITEREFBirken1976'] = {'Die Provinzen des Osmanischen Reiches'},
['CITEREFBivar1983'] = template_names['Cam_Hist_Iran'],
['CITEREFBlake1966'] = {'DisraeliRef'},
['CITEREFBlanken2019'] = {'Bach\'s compositions (nguồn)'},
['CITEREFBlankinship1994'] = {'The End of the Jihâd State', 'The End of the Jihad State'},
['CITEREFBock1978'] = {'Audie-bock-directors'},
['CITEREFBoddyBrownFryHennigan1968'] = {'RCTS-LocosLNER-4'},
['CITEREFBoddyBrownFryHennigan1975'] = {'RCTS-LocosLNER-2B'},
['CITEREFBoddyBrownFryHennigan1977'] = {'RCTS-LocosLNER-9A', 'RCTS-LocosLNER-9B'},
['CITEREFBoddyBrownFryHennigan1979'] = {'RCTS-LocosLNER-3A'},
['CITEREFBoddyBrownHenniganHoole1984'] = {'RCTS-LocosLNER-6C'},
['CITEREFBoddyBrownHenniganNeve1981'] = {'RCTS-LocosLNER-3B'},
['CITEREFBoddyBrownNeveYeadon1983'] = {'RCTS-LocosLNER-6B'},
['CITEREFBoddyFryHenniganHoole1990'] = {'RCTS-LocosLNER-10B'},
['CITEREFBoddyFryHenniganProud1963'] = {'RCTS-LocosLNER-1'},
['CITEREFBoddyNeveTeeYeadon1982'] = {'RCTS-LocosLNER-6A'},
['CITEREFBoddyNeveYeadon1973'] = {'RCTS-LocosLNER-2A'},
['CITEREFBody1989'] = {'Body-Railways-Vol2'},
['CITEREFBon1969'] = {'La Morée franque'},
['CITEREFBonner2010'] = {'New Cambridge History of Islam'},
['CITEREFBonnett2005'] = {'Bonnett Practical Rail Engineering'},
['CITEREFBonporti1712'] = {'Bach\'s compositions (nguồn)'},
['CITEREFBooth2000'] = {'Shakespeare sonnets bibliography'},
['CITEREFBorsari1964'] = {'DBI', 'Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani'},
['CITEREFBossert1914'] = {'Schaff-Herzog'},
['CITEREFBosworth1968'] = {'Cambridge History of Iran'},
['CITEREFBosworth1975'] = template_names['Cam_Hist_Iran'],
['CITEREFBourbaki1987'] = {'Bourbaki Topological Vector Spaces'},
['CITEREFBourbaki1989'] = {'Bourbaki General Topology Part I Chapters 1-4', 'Bourbaki General Topology Part II Chapters 5-10', 'Bourbaki Algebra I Chapters 1-3 Springer'},
['CITEREFBourbaki1994'] = {'Bourbaki EHM'},
['CITEREFBowmanCameronGarnsey2005'] = {'Cambridge Ancient History'},
['CITEREFBoyd1970'] = {'Boyd-MidWales'},
['CITEREFBoyd1975'] = {'Boyd-FR1'},
['CITEREFBoyd1985'] = {'Boyd-NCaerns2Penrhyn'},
['CITEREFBoyd1986'] = {'Boyd-NCaerns3Dinorwic'},
['CITEREFBoyd1988'] = {'Boyd-SCaerns1'},
['CITEREFBoyd1989'] = {'Boyd-SCaerns2'},
['CITEREFBoyd1990'] = {'Boyd-NCaerns1'},
['CITEREFBradshaw1968'] = {'Bradshaw-1910April'},
['CITEREFBradshaw1985'] = {'Bradshaw-1922July'},
['CITEREFBradshaw2011'] = {'Bradshaw-1895December'},
['CITEREFBradshaw2012'] = {'Bradshaw-1850March'},
['CITEREFBrand1968'] = {'Byzantium Confronts the West'},
['CITEREFBrand1991'] = template_names['ODB'],
['CITEREFBrand1991'] = {'DBI'},
['CITEREFBrand1991'] = {'ODB'},
['CITEREFBray2010'] = {'Bray-SDJR'},
['CITEREFBrett2010'] = {'New Cambridge History of Islam'},
['CITEREFBrunner1975'] = template_names['Cam_Hist_Iran'],
['CITEREFBrunner1983'] = template_names['Cam_Hist_Iran'],
['CITEREFBryan1886'] = {'Bryan (3rd edition)'},
['CITEREFBuhle1909'] = {'Bach\'s compositions (nguồn)'},
['CITEREFBurant1987'] = {'Cite DCB'},
['CITEREFBurch1911'] = {'Burch Electric Traction'},
['CITEREFBurke1866'] = {'O\'Donnell family tree'},
['CITEREFBurrowsWallace1999'] = {'Cite gotham'},
['CITEREFButt1995'] = template_names['Butt_Stations'],
----------< C >----------
['CITEREFCIC1983'] = {'CIC1983bib'},
['CITEREFCalifornia1988'] = {'CA-Rail Passenger Development Plan-1988'},
['CITEREFCaltrans1984'] = {'Countrystudy'},
['CITEREFCameronWard-PerkinsWhitby2000'] = {'Cambridge Ancient History'},
['CITEREFCanepa2018'] = template_names['ODLA'],
['CITEREFCanny2008'] = {'O\'Donnell family tree'},
['CITEREFCappelCutlerKazhdan1991'] = {'ODB'},
['CITEREFCarl_von_Prantl1879'] = {'Cite ADB'},
['CITEREFCarlson2010'] = {'Dlmf'},
['CITEREFCaro1974'] = {'Cite Power Broker'},
['CITEREFCarpenter1977'] = template_names['ME-ref'],
['CITEREFCarpenter1981'] = template_names['ME-ref'],
['CITEREFCarter2006'] = {'Carter-RailwaysMotivePowerArgentina'},
['CITEREFCasserley1968'] = {'Casserley-joint'},
['CITEREFCasserleyJohnston1966'] = {'Casserley-LocoGrouping3'},
['CITEREFCasserleyJohnston1974'] = {'Casserley-LocoGrouping3', 'Casserley-LocoGrouping2', '0-7110-0554-0'},
['CITEREFCasway1984'] = {'O\'Donnell family tree'},
['CITEREFCawley2010'] = {'MLCC'},
['CITEREFCawley2011'] = {'MLCC'},
['CITEREFChaléardChanson-JabeurBéranger2006'] = {'Chaléard-Le cdf en Afrique'},
['CITEREFCheyneBlack1899'] = {'Biblica'},
['CITEREFCheyneBlack1899'] = {'Cite Biblica'},
['CITEREFCheyneBlack1899–1903'] = {'Cite Biblica'},
['CITEREFCheyneBlack1901'] = {'Cite Biblica'},
['CITEREFCheyneBlack1902'] = {'Cite Biblica'},
['CITEREFCheyneBlack1903'] = {'Cite Biblica'},
['CITEREFChisholm1922'] = {'EB1922', 'Cite EB1922'},
['CITEREFChoniates1984'] = {'O City of Byzantium'},
['CITEREFChung1994'] = {'Country study'},
['CITEREFChurchmanHurst2001'] = {'Churchman & Hurst Railways of New Zealand'},
['CITEREFChurchman_&_Hurst2001'] = {'Churchman & Hurst Railways of New Zealand'},
['CITEREFChurella2013'] = {'Churella-PRR-1'},
['CITEREFClementsMcMahon2008'] = {'ClementsMcMahon-GSR Locomotives'},
['CITEREFClinker1978'] = {'Clinker-Stations'},
['CITEREFClinker1988'] = {'Clinker-Stations'},
['CITEREFCoates1990'] = {'Coates-Reading'},
['CITEREFColledgeWarlow2006'] = {'Colledge'},
['CITEREFCollins2016'] = {'Cite Collins 2016'},
['CITEREFConolly1998'] = {'IanAllan-PreGroup-Atlas1998'},
['CITEREFConway1990'] = {'Conway A Course in Functional Analysis'},
['CITEREFCoulthard-Clark2002'] = {'Australian Dictionary of Biography'},
['CITEREFCousin1910'] = {'A Short Biographical Dictionary of English Literature', 'Cite SBDEL'},
['CITEREFCox1967'] = {'Cox-Upper Darby'},
['CITEREFCox2011'] = {'Cox-Dixie'},
['CITEREFCrone1980'] = {'Slaves on Horses'},
['CITEREFCroughtonKidnerYoung1982'] = {'Croughton-PrivateStations'},
['CITEREFCruickshanks1970'] = {'HistoryofParliament'},
['CITEREFCudahy2002'] = {'Cudahy-Hudson'},
['CITEREFCudahy2003'] = {'Cudahy-Subways'},
----------< D >----------
['CITEREFDBI'] = {'DBI', 'Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani'},
['CITEREFDZS2015'] = {'Croatia Yearbook 2015'},
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['CITEREFDaniel2010'] = {'New Cambridge History of Islam'},
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['CITEREFDavidson2010'] = {'HistoryofParliament'},
['CITEREFDavidsonThrush2010'] = {'HistoryofParliament'},
['CITEREFDavies1996'] = {'Davies-PLMLocoList'},
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['CITEREFDeutsch1978'] = {'Schubert\'s compositions (tham khảo)'},
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['CITEREFDickens2018'] = template_names['ODLA'],
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['CITEREFDumbarton_Oaks_Hagiography_Database'] = {'Dumbarton Oaks Hagiography Database'},
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['CITEREFDürr1987'] = {'Bach\'s compositions (nguồn)'},
['CITEREFDürrJones2006'] = {'Bach\'s compositions (nguồn)'},
['CITEREFDürrKobayashi1998'] = {'Bach\'s compositions (nguồn)'},
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['CITEREFElsholz1982'] = {'Schubert\'s compositions (tham khảo)'},
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['CITEREFNSA_II,_15'] = {'Schubert\'s compositions (tham khảo)'},
['CITEREFNSA_scores'] = {'Schubert\'s compositions (tham khảo)'},
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['CITEREFRipleyDana1864'] = {'New American Cyclopedia'},
['CITEREFRipleyDana1879'] = {'Cite AmCyc'},
['CITEREFRistaino1988'] = {'Country study'},
['CITEREFRobertson1983'] = {'Robertson-OriginScot'},
['CITEREFRoltKichenside1982'] = {'Rolt-Red'},
['CITEREFRose1857'] = {'Cite Newgenbio'},
['CITEREFRosenfeld1974'] = template_names['NDB'],
['CITEREFRosenzweigBlackmar1992'] = {'Cite Central Park history'},
['CITEREFRowledge1975'] = {'Rowledge-Engines of the LMS'},
['CITEREFRowledge1993'] = {'Rowledge-Irish Steam Register'},
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['CITEREFRudin1973'] = {'Rudin Walter Functional Analysis'},
['CITEREFRudin1991'] = {'Rudin Walter Functional Analysis'},
['CITEREFRunciman1951'] = {'Runciman-A History of the Crusades'},
['CITEREFRunciman1951–1954'] = {'Runciman-A History of the Crusades'},
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['CITEREFRunciman1989'] = {'Runciman-A History of the Crusades'},
['CITEREFRybczynski2000'] = {'Rybczynski2000'},
----------< S >----------
['CITEREFSR_staff2013'] = {'Houston family tree'},
['CITEREFSalo2004'] = template_names['ME-ref'],
['CITEREFSanders2003'] = {'Sanders-Indiana'},
['CITEREFSanders2006'] = {'Sanders-Heartland'},
['CITEREFSanders2007'] = {'Sanders-Akron'},
['CITEREFSaunders2001'] = {'Saunders-Merging Lines'},
['CITEREFSaunders2013'] = {'Saunders-Giants of the Seas'},
['CITEREFSavadaShaw1992'] = {'Country study'},
['CITEREFSchaeferWolff1999'] = {'Schaefer Wolff Topological Vector Spaces'},
['CITEREFSchafer1996'] = {'Schafer-Classic-Railroads-1'},
['CITEREFSchafer1998'] = {'Schafer-Vintage Diesel'},
['CITEREFSchafer2000'] = {'Schafer-More-Classic'},
['CITEREFSchafer2003'] = {'Schafer-Classic-Railroads-3'},
['CITEREFSchaferSolomon1997'] = {'Schafer-Pennsylvania'},
['CITEREFSchaferWelsh1997'] = {'Schafer-Classic'},
['CITEREFSchaferWelsh2002'] = {'Schafer-Streamliners'},
['CITEREFSchaferWelshHolland2001'] = {'Schafer-American passenger train'},
['CITEREFSchaff-Herzog'] = {'Schaff-Herzog'},
['CITEREFSchechter1996'] = {'Schechter Handbook of Analysis and Its Foundations'},
['CITEREFScheide1960'] = {'Bach\'s compositions (nguồn)'},
['CITEREFSchicht1805'] = {'Bach\'s compositions (nguồn)'},
['CITEREFSchilling1997'] = {'Schilling-pop-culture'},
['CITEREFSchlitter2005'] = {'MSW3 Tubulidentata'},
['CITEREFSchmieder1950'] = {'Bach\'s compositions (nguồn)'},
['CITEREFSchmieder1990'] = {'Bach\'s compositions (nguồn)'},
['CITEREFSchneider1907'] = {'Bach\'s compositions (nguồn)'},
['CITEREFSchneider1912'] = {'Bach\'s compositions (nguồn)'},
['CITEREFScholze1736'] = {'Bach\'s compositions (nguồn)'},
['CITEREFSchroeter1961'] = {'Schroeter-Eisenbahnen'},
['CITEREFSchroeterRamaer1993'] = {'Schroeter-Ramaer-Eisenbahnen'},
['CITEREFSchubert-online'] = {'Schubert\'s compositions (tham khảo)'},
['CITEREFSchubert1968'] = {'Schubert Topology'},
['CITEREFSchulenberg2010'] = {'Bach\'s compositions (nguồn)'},
['CITEREFSchulenberg2013'] = {'Bach\'s compositions (nguồn)'},
['CITEREFSchulze1980'] = {'Bach\'s compositions (nguồn)'},
['CITEREFSchulze1983'] = {'Bach\'s compositions (nguồn)'},
['CITEREFSchulze1984'] = {'Bach\'s compositions (nguồn)'},
['CITEREFSchwieterman2001'] = {'Schwieterman-Leaves-Eastern'},
['CITEREFScottNegus2011'] = {'Scott-Negus-Cellar Door'},
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['CITEREFScribbins2008'] = {'Scribbins-400-2008', 'Scribbins-Remembered'},
['CITEREFSearle'] = {'Cite sslidx'},
['CITEREFSellwood1983'] = template_names['Cam_Hist_Iran'],
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['CITEREFSetton1978'] = {'The Papacy and the Levant'},
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['CITEREFShaughnessy1997'] = {'Shaughnessy-DH'},
['CITEREFShaw1978'] = {'Shaw-RailroadAccidents'},
['CITEREFShindo2004'] = {'Kaneto-shindo-shinario-jinsei'},
['CITEREFShtern2001'] = {'Springer', 'SpringerEOM'},
['CITEREFSiegele1957'] = {'Bach\'s compositions (nguồn)'},
['CITEREFSilke2006'] = {'O\'Donnell family tree'},
['CITEREFSimon1966'] = {'Simon-Wines Australia'},
['CITEREFSimonWarner2011'] = {'Amtrak By the Numbers'},
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['CITEREFSolomentsev2001'] = {'Springer', 'SpringerEOM'},
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['CITEREFSolomon2003'] = {'Solomon-Masterpieces'},
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['CITEREFSolomon2005'] = {'Solomon-SP-Passenger'},
['CITEREFSolomon2006'] = {'Solomon-EMD Locomotives'},
['CITEREFSolomon2011'] = {'Solomon-Modern Diesel'},
['CITEREFSolomon2014'] = {'Solomon-GE and EMD'},
['CITEREFSolomonSchafer2007'] = {'Solomon-New York Central'},
['CITEREFSolopova2009'] = template_names['ME-ref'],
['CITEREFSoustal1991'] = {'Tabula Imperii Byzantini'},
['CITEREFSoustalKoder1981'] = {'Tabula Imperii Byzantini'},
['CITEREFSpitta1894'] = {'Bach\'s compositions (nguồn)'},
['CITEREFSpitta1899'] = {'Bach\'s compositions (nguồn)'},
['CITEREFSpringirth2016'] = {'Springirth-Philadelphia'},
['CITEREFStagner1993'] = {'Stagner-Transition'},
['CITEREFStansfield1999'] = {'Stansfield-AyrRenfrew'},
['CITEREFStatistical_Yearbook_of_the_Republic_of_Croatia_2015'] = {'Croatia Yearbook 2015'},
['CITEREFStaufer1993'] = {'Staufer-Pennsy_III'},
['CITEREFStauferPennypacker1962'] = {'Staufer-Pennsy'},
['CITEREFStauferPennypacker1968'] = {'Staufer-Pennsy Power II'},
['CITEREFStaunton1988'] = {'Australian Dictionary of Biography'},
['CITEREFStewart1974'] = {'When Steam Was King'},
['CITEREFStrachey1981'] = template_names['ME-ref'],
['CITEREFStrickland1983'] = {'Strickland Locomotive Directory'},
['CITEREFStähelin1909'] = {'Schaff-Herzog'},
['CITEREFSuetin2001'] = {'Springer', 'SpringerEOM'},
['CITEREFSusanne_Schurr1992'] = {'BBKL'},
['CITEREFSusanne_Siebert1992'] = {'BBKL'},
['CITEREFSwartz1992'] = {'Swartz An Introduction to Functional Analysis'},
----------< T >----------
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['CITEREFTalbotKazhdan1991'] = {'Oxford Dictionary of Byzantium'},
['CITEREFTer-Ghewondyan1976'] = {'The Arab Emirates in Bagratid Armenia'},
['CITEREFThe_London_Gazette1950'] = {'London Gazette'},
['CITEREFThielemann2012'] = {'Bach\'s compositions (nguồn)'},
['CITEREFThomas1970'] = {'HistoryofParliament'},
['CITEREFThomas1971'] = {'Thomas-History-VI'},
['CITEREFThrush2010'] = {'HistoryofParliament'},
['CITEREFTikhomirov2001'] = {'Springer'},
['CITEREFTittel1966'] = {'Bach\'s compositions (nguồn)'},
['CITEREFTodt1996'] = {'BBKL'},
['CITEREFTodtVest2014'] = {'Tabula Imperii Byzantini'},
['CITEREFTolkien1937'] = template_names['ME-ref'],
['CITEREFTolkien1954'] = template_names['ME-ref'],
['CITEREFTolkien1955'] = template_names['ME-ref'],
['CITEREFTolkien1964'] = template_names['ME-ref'],
['CITEREFTolkien1966'] = template_names['ME-ref'],
['CITEREFTolkien1977'] = template_names['ME-ref'],
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['CITEREFTolkien1982'] = template_names['ME-ref'],
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['CITEREFTolkien1984'] = template_names['ME-ref'],
['CITEREFTolkien1985'] = template_names['ME-ref'],
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['CITEREFTolkien1996'] = template_names['ME-ref'],
['CITEREFTolkien1998'] = template_names['ME-ref'],
['CITEREFTolkien1999'] = template_names['ME-ref'],
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['CITEREFTolkienSwan1978'] = template_names['ME-ref'],
['CITEREFTolkienTolkien1992'] = template_names['ME-ref'],
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['CITEREFTourret1995'] = {'Tourret-Allied Military Locomotives'},
['CITEREFTrapp1991'] = template_names['ODB'],
['CITEREFTrappBeyerSturm-Schnabl1983'] = {'Prosopographisches Lexikon der Palaiologenzeit'},
['CITEREFTrappWaltherBeyer1976'] = {'Prosopographisches Lexikon der Palaiologenzeit'},
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----------< U >----------
['CITEREFUS-NHub_Music_Deposit_31_(Klavierbüchlein_für_W._F._Bach)_at_Bach_Digital'] = {'Bach\'s compositions (nguồn)'},
['CITEREFUwe_Eckardt2001'] = {'BBKL'},
['CITEREFunknown_author1881'] = {'Cite ADB'},
['CITEREFunknown_author1882'] = {'Cite ADB'},
----------< V >----------
['CITEREFVan_Cleve1969'] = {'Setton-A History of the Crusades'},
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['CITEREFVan_Hoorickx_1974–1976'] = {'Schubert\'s compositions (tham khảo)'},
['CITEREFVan_Riemsdijk,_Compound_Locomotives'] = {'Book-Van Riemsdijk-Compound Locomotives'},
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['CITEREFVarzos1984'] = {'Η Γενεαλογία των Κομνηνών', 'Varzos-Genealogy of the Komnenoi'},
['CITEREFVendler1997'] = {'Shakespeare sonnets bibliography'},
['CITEREFVetter1713'] = {'Bach\'s compositions (nguồn)'},
['CITEREFVischer1912'] = {'Schaff-Herzog'},
['CITEREFVolkmer1991'] = {'Volkmer-Pennsy-Electric'},
['CITEREFvan_Leyden1956'] = {'Bach\'s compositions (nguồn)'},
['CITEREFvon_Prantl1879'] = {'Cite ADB'},
----------< W >----------
['CITEREFWalter_Asmus1966'] = template_names['NDB'],
['CITEREFWayner1972'] = {'Wayner - Car names, numbers, consists'},
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['CITEREFWegman2008'] = {'Wegman-Illustrated'},
['CITEREFWeibel1994'] = {'Weibel IHA'},
['CITEREFWeinrebHibbertKeayKeay2008'] = {'London encyclopedia'},
['CITEREFWellhausen1927'] = {'The Arab Kingdom and its Fall'},
['CITEREFWells1982'] = {'Accents of English'},
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['CITEREFWestermayer,_Georg1882'] = {'Cite ADB'},
['CITEREFWham1997'] = {'Wham-Ayrshire'},
['CITEREFWharton1991'] = {'ODB'},
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['CITEREFWickman1982'] = {'Country study'},
['CITEREFWiesehöfer2018'] = template_names['ODLA'],
['CITEREFWilansky2013'] = {'Wilansky Modern Methods in Topological Vector Spaces'},
['CITEREFWilliams1998'] = {'Williams-Philadelphia'},
['CITEREFWilliams2003'] = {'Bach\'s compositions (nguồn)'},
['CITEREFWillis1750'] = {'Cite Notitia Parliamentaria'},
['CITEREFWilson2017'] = {'Wilson-Guide'},
['CITEREFWilsonFiske1891'] = {'Appletons\'', 'Cite Appletons\'', 'Appletons'},
['CITEREFWilsonFiske1900'] = {'Appletons\'', 'Cite Appletons\'', 'Appletons'},
['CITEREFWiltshire2000'] = {'Lloyd-Margaret River'},
['CITEREFWinfieldLyon2004'] = {'Winfield'},
['CITEREFWinkler1883'] = template_names['ADB'],
['CITEREFWolff1969'] = {'Setton-A History of the Crusades'},
['CITEREFWollny2015'] = {'Bach\'s compositions (nguồn)'},
['CITEREFWood1907'] = {'Cite Nuttall'},
['CITEREFWood1907'] = {'Nuttall'},
['CITEREFWorden2008'] = {'Country study'},
['CITEREFWozencraft2005'] = {'MSW3 Carnivora'},
['CITEREFWright2000'] = {'Bach\'s compositions (nguồn)'},
----------< X >----------
----------< Y >----------
['CITEREFYenne2005'] = {'Yenne-Chiefs'},
['CITEREFYonge1990'] = {'Quail-4'},
['CITEREFYonge1994'] = {'Quail-5'},
['CITEREFYonge2002'] = {'Quail-5'},
['CITEREFYonge2008'] = {'Quail-5'},
['CITEREFYonge2016'] = {'Quail-2-2016'},
['CITEREFYongePadgettSzwenk2013'] = {'Quail-4-Paper-3rdEd'},
----------< Z >----------
['CITEREFZahn1889–1893'] = {'Bach\'s compositions (nguồn)'},
['CITEREFZarrinkub1975'] = template_names['Cam_Hist_Iran'],
['CITEREFZekulich2000'] = {'Zekulich-WineWA'},
['CITEREFZimmermann2004'] = {'Zimmermann-Burlington'},
['CITEREFZimmermann2007'] = {'Zimmermann-GrandLuxe'},
['CITEREFZuccaric._1747'] = {'Bach\'s compositions (nguồn)'},
----------< UNSORTED >----------
['CITEREFHelgen2005'] = {'MSW3 Scandentia'},
['CITEREFSimmons2005'] = {'MSW3 Chiroptera'},
['CITEREFHoffmanSmith2005'] = {'MSW3 Lagomorpha'},
['CITEREFWoodsKilpatrick2005'] = {'MSW3 Hystricognathi'},
--[[--------------------------< E X P O R T E D T A B L E S >------------------------------------------------
return {
DNB_special_patterns = DNB_special_patterns,
DNB_template_names = template_names['DNB'],
special_patterns = special_patterns,
whitelist = whitelist,
wrapper_templates = wrapper_templates,