
恪別𡧲版𢯢𢷮𧵑「板㑄:Infobox country」

Uy-ki có thể chỉnh sửa bằng chữ Hán Nôm 威其固体整𢯢憑𡨸漢喃
造張㵋貝內容「<includeonly>{{Hộp thông tin | bodystyle = font-size:88%; | headerstyle= text-align:center;background-color:#E5E5E5; | aboveclass = adr | abovestyle = font-size:125%; l…」
n 𠊝替文本-「Thể loại:」成「體類:」
𣳔638: 𣳔638:
               -->| {{Lỗi|Vui lòng<br />dùng dấu phẩy<br />thập phân}}{{#ifeq: {{NAMESPACE}} | {{ns:0}} | [[Thể loại:Bài về quốc gia cần bảo trì]] }}<!--
               -->| {{Lỗi|Vui lòng<br />dùng dấu phẩy<br />thập phân}}{{#ifeq: {{NAMESPACE}} | {{ns:0}} | [[體類:Bài về quốc gia cần bảo trì]] }}<!--
𣳔671: 𣳔671:
               -->| {{Lỗi|Vui lòng<br />dùng dấu phẩy<br />thập phân}}{{#ifeq: {{NAMESPACE}} | {{ns:0}} | [[Thể loại:Bài về quốc gia cần bảo trì]] }}<!--
               -->| {{Lỗi|Vui lòng<br />dùng dấu phẩy<br />thập phân}}{{#ifeq: {{NAMESPACE}} | {{ns:0}} | [[體類:Bài về quốc gia cần bảo trì]] }}<!--
𣳔706: 𣳔706:
               -->| {{Lỗi|Vui lòng<br />dùng dấu phẩy<br />thập phân}}{{#ifeq: {{NAMESPACE}} | {{ns:0}} | [[Thể loại:Bài về quốc gia cần bảo trì]] }}<!--
               -->| {{Lỗi|Vui lòng<br />dùng dấu phẩy<br />thập phân}}{{#ifeq: {{NAMESPACE}} | {{ns:0}} | [[體類:Bài về quốc gia cần bảo trì]] }}<!--
𣳔860: 𣳔860:
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}} {{#invoke:Check for unknown parameters|check|unknown={{main other|[[Thể loại:Trang sử dụng hộp thông tin quốc gia có các tham số không rõ|_VALUE_{{PAGENAME}}]]}}|preview=Page using [[Template:Hộp thông tin quốc gia]] with unknown parameter "_VALUE_"|ignoreblank=y| admin_center_type | admin_center | alt_coat | alt_flag | alt_flag2 | alt_map | alt_map2 | alt_map3 | alt_symbol | anthem | anthems | antipodes | area_acre | area_data2 | area_data3 | area_footnote | area_ha | area_km2 | area_label | area_label2 | area_label3 | area_land_acre | area_land_footnote | area_land_ha | area_land_km2 | area_land_sq_mi | area_link | area_rank | area_sq_mi | area_water_acre | area_water_footnote | area_water_ha | area_water_km2 | area_water_sq_mi | border_p1 | border_p2 | border_p3 | border_p4 | border_p5 | border_p6 | border_p7 | border_p8 | border_p9 | border_p10 | border_p11 | border_p12 | border_p13 | border_p14 | border_p15 | border_p16 | border_p17 | border_p18 | border_p19 | border_p20| border_p21 | border_s1 | border_s2 | border_s3 | border_s4 | border_s5 | border_s6 | border_s7 | border_s8 | border_s9 | border_s10 | border_s11 | border_s12 | border_s13 | border_s14 | border_s15 | border_s16 | border_s17 | border_s18 | border_s19 | border_s20 | border_s21 | calling_code | capital_exile | capital_type | capital | cctld | coa_size | coat_alt | common_languages | common_name | conventional_long_name | coordinates | currency_code | currency | date_end | date_event1 | date_event2 | date_event3 | date_event4 | date_event5 | date_event6 | date_event7 | date_event8 | date_event9 | date_event10 | date_format | date_post | date_pre | date_start | demonym | deputy1 | deputy2 | deputy3 | deputy4 | deputy5 | deputy6 | deputy7 | deputy8 | deputy9 | deputy10 | deputy11 | deputy12 | deputy13 | deputy14 | deputy15 | drives_on | DST_note | DST | electricity | empire | englishmotto | vietnamesemotto | era | established_date1 | established_date2 | established_date3 | established_date4 | established_date5 | established_date6 | established_date7 | established_date8 | established_date9 | established_date10 | established_date11 | established_date12 | established_date13 | established_date14 | established_date15 | established_date16 | established_date17 | established_date18 | established_date19 | established_date20 | established_event1 | established_event2 | established_event3 | established_event4 | established_event5 | established_event6 | established_event7 | established_event8 | established_event9 | established_event10 | established_event11 | established_event12 | established_event13 | established_event14 | established_event15 | established_event16 | established_event17 | established_event18 | established_event19 | established_event20 |  established | ethnic_groups_ref | ethnic_groups_year | ethnic_groups | event_end | event_post | event_pre | event_start | event1 | event2 | event3 | event4 | event5 | event6 | event7 | event8 | event9 | event10 | flag| flag_alt | flag_alt2 | flag_border | flag_caption | flag_caption | flag_p1 | flag_p2 | flag_p3 | flag_p4 | flag_p5 | flag_p6 | flag_p7 | flag_p8 | flag_p9 | flag_p10 | flag_p11 | flag_p12 | flag_p13 | flag_p14 | flag_p15 | flag_p16 | flag_p17 | flag_p18 | flag_p19 | flag_p20 | flag_p21 | flag_s1 | flag_s2 | flag_s3 | flag_s4 | flag_s5 | flag_s6 | flag_s7 | flag_s8 | flag_s9 | flag_s10 | flag_s11 | flag_s12 | flag_s13 | flag_s14 | flag_s15 | flag_s16 | flag_s17 | flag_s18 | flag_s19 | flag_s20 | flag_s21 | flag_size | flag_type | flag_type_article | flag_width | flag2_border | footnote_a | footnote_a | footnote_b | footnote_b | footnote_c | footnote_c | footnote_d | footnote_d | footnote_e | footnote_e | footnote_f | footnote_f | footnote_g | footnote_g | footnote_h | footnote_h | footnote1 | footnote1 | footnote2 | footnote2 | footnote3 | footnote3 | footnote4 | footnote4 | footnote5 | footnote5 | footnote6 | footnote6 | footnote7 | footnote7 | footnote8 | footnote8 | footnotes | footnotes2 | FR_cadastre_area_km2 | FR_cadastre_area_rank | FR_cadastre_area_sq_mi | FR_foot | FR_foot2 | FR_foot3 | FR_foot4 | FR_foot5 | FR_IGN_area_km2 | FR_IGN_area_rank | FR_IGN_area_sq_mi | FR_metropole_population_estimate_rank | FR_metropole_population | FR_metropole | FR_total_population_estimate_rank | FR_total_population_estimate_year | FR_total_population_estimate | GDP_nominal_per_capita_rank | GDP_nominal_per_capita | GDP_nominal_rank | GDP_nominal_year | GDP_nominal | GDP_PPP_per_capita_rank | GDP_PPP_per_capita | GDP_PPP_rank | GDP_PPP_year | GDP_PPP | Gini_change | Gini_rank | Gini_ref | Gini_year | Gini | FSI_change | FSI_rank | FSI_ref | FSI_year | FSI | government_type | HDI_change | HDI_rank | HDI_ref | HDI_year | HDI | house1 | house2 | image_coat | image_flag | image_flag2 | image_map_alt | image_map_caption | image_map_size | image_map | image_map2_alt | image_map2_caption | image_map2_size | image_map2 | image_map3 | image_p1 | image_p2 | image_p3 | image_p4 | image_p5 | image_p6 | image_p7 | image_p8 | image_p9 | image_p10 | image_p11 | image_p12 | image_p13 | image_p14 | image_p15 | image_p16 | image_p17 | image_p18 | image_p19 | image_p20 | image_p21 | image_s1 | image_s2 | image_s3 | image_s4 | image_s5 | image_s6 | image_s7 | image_s8 | image_s9 | image_s10 | image_s11 | image_s12 | image_s13 | image_s14 | image_s15 | image_s16 | image_s17 | image_s18 | image_s19 | image_s20 | image_s21 | image_symbol | iso3166code | country_code | languages_sub | languages_type | languages | languages2_sub | languages2_type | languages2 | largest_city | largest_settlement_type | largest_settlement | leader_name1 | leader_name2 | leader_name3 | leader_name4 | leader_name5 | leader_name6 | leader_name7 | leader_name8 | leader_name9 | leader_name10 | leader_name11 | leader_name12 | leader_name13 | leader_name14 | leader_name15 | leader_title1 | leader_title2 | leader_title3 | leader_title4 | leader_title5 | leader_title6 | leader_title7 | leader_title8 | leader_title9 | leader_title10 | leader_title11 | leader_title12 | leader_title13 | leader_title14 | leader_title15 | leader1 | leader2 | leader3 | leader4 | leader5 | leader6 | leader7 | leader8 | leader9 | leader10 | leader11 | leader12 | leader13 | leader14 | leader15 | legislature | life_span | linking_name | location_map | loctext | lower_house | map_caption | map_caption2 | map_caption3 | map_width | map2_width | map3_width | membership_type | membership | micronation | motto | name | national_anthem | national_languages | national_motto | native_name | navbar | nummembers | official_languages | official_website | org_type | other_symbol_type | other_symbol | p1 | p2 | p3 | p4 | p5 | p6 | p7 | p8 | p9 | p10 | p11 | p12 | p13 | p14 | p15 | p16 | p17 | p18 | p19 | p20 | p21 | patron_saint | patron_saints | percent_water | politics_link | pop_den_footnote | population_census_rank | population_census_year | population_census | population_data2 | population_data3 | population_density_km2 | population_density_rank | population_density_sq_mi | population_estimate_rank | population_estimate_year | population_estimate | population_label2 | population_label3 | population_link | recognised_languages | recognised_national_languages | recognised_regional_languages | recognized_languages | recognized_national_languages | ref_area1 | ref_area2 | ref_area3 | ref_area4 | ref_area5 | ref_pop1 | ref_pop2 | ref_pop3 | ref_pop4 | ref_pop5 | regional_languages | recognized_regional_languages | religion_ref | religion_year | religion | representative1 | representative2 | representative3 | representative4 | representative5 | royal_anthem | flag_anthem | march | national_march | regional_anthem | territorial_anthem | state_anthem | s1 | s2 | s3 | s4 | s5 | s6 | s7 | s8 | s9 | s10 | s11 | s12 | s13 | s14 | s15 | s16 | s17 | s18 | s19 | s20 | s21 | sovereignty_note | sovereignty_type | stat_area1 | stat_area2 | stat_area3 | stat_area4 | stat_area5 | stat_pop1 | stat_pop2 | stat_pop3 | stat_pop4 | stat_pop5 | stat_year1 | stat_year2 | stat_year3 | stat_year4 | stat_year5 | status_text | status | symbol| symbol_type_article | symbol_type | symbol_width | text_symbol_type | text_symbol | time_zone_DST | time_zone | title_deputy | title_leader | title_representative | today | type_house1 | type_house2 | upper_house | utc_offset_DST | utc_offset | year_deputy1 | year_deputy2 | year_deputy3 | year_deputy4 | year_deputy5 | year_deputy6 | year_deputy7 | year_deputy8 | year_deputy9 | year_deputy10 | year_deputy11 | year_deputy12 | year_deputy13 | year_deputy14 | year_deputy15 | year_end | year_exile_end | year_exile_start | year_leader1 | year_leader2 | year_leader3 | year_leader4 | year_leader5 | year_leader6 | year_leader7 | year_leader8 | year_leader9 | year_leader10 | year_leader11 | year_leader12 | year_leader13 | year_leader14 | year_leader15 | year_representative1 | year_representative2 | year_representative3 | year_representative4 | year_representative5 | year_start | population_densitymi2 | area_magnitude | sport_code | vehicle_code | expand_name  |national_flower|national_tree|national_bird|national_animal|national_symbol1_title|national_symbol1|national_symbol2_title|national_symbol2|national_symbol3_title|national_symbol3|national_symbol4_title|national_symbol4|national_symbol5_title|national_symbol5|national_symbol6_title|national_symbol6|national_symbol7_title|national_symbol7|national_symbol8_title|national_symbol8|linking_national_symbol|national_flower_ref|national_tree_ref|national_bird_ref|national_animal_ref|national_symbol1_ref|national_symbol2_ref|national_symbol3_ref|national_symbol4_ref|national_symbol5_ref|national_symbol6_ref|national_symbol7_ref|national_symbol8_ref}} <!-- {{main other|
}} {{#invoke:Check for unknown parameters|check|unknown={{main other|[[體類:Trang sử dụng hộp thông tin quốc gia có các tham số không rõ|_VALUE_{{PAGENAME}}]]}}|preview=Page using [[Template:Hộp thông tin quốc gia]] with unknown parameter "_VALUE_"|ignoreblank=y| admin_center_type | admin_center | alt_coat | alt_flag | alt_flag2 | alt_map | alt_map2 | alt_map3 | alt_symbol | anthem | anthems | antipodes | area_acre | area_data2 | area_data3 | area_footnote | area_ha | area_km2 | area_label | area_label2 | area_label3 | area_land_acre | area_land_footnote | area_land_ha | area_land_km2 | area_land_sq_mi | area_link | area_rank | area_sq_mi | area_water_acre | area_water_footnote | area_water_ha | area_water_km2 | area_water_sq_mi | border_p1 | border_p2 | border_p3 | border_p4 | border_p5 | border_p6 | border_p7 | border_p8 | border_p9 | border_p10 | border_p11 | border_p12 | border_p13 | border_p14 | border_p15 | border_p16 | border_p17 | border_p18 | border_p19 | border_p20| border_p21 | border_s1 | border_s2 | border_s3 | border_s4 | border_s5 | border_s6 | border_s7 | border_s8 | border_s9 | border_s10 | border_s11 | border_s12 | border_s13 | border_s14 | border_s15 | border_s16 | border_s17 | border_s18 | border_s19 | border_s20 | border_s21 | calling_code | capital_exile | capital_type | capital | cctld | coa_size | coat_alt | common_languages | common_name | conventional_long_name | coordinates | currency_code | currency | date_end | date_event1 | date_event2 | date_event3 | date_event4 | date_event5 | date_event6 | date_event7 | date_event8 | date_event9 | date_event10 | date_format | date_post | date_pre | date_start | demonym | deputy1 | deputy2 | deputy3 | deputy4 | deputy5 | deputy6 | deputy7 | deputy8 | deputy9 | deputy10 | deputy11 | deputy12 | deputy13 | deputy14 | deputy15 | drives_on | DST_note | DST | electricity | empire | englishmotto | vietnamesemotto | era | established_date1 | established_date2 | established_date3 | established_date4 | established_date5 | established_date6 | established_date7 | established_date8 | established_date9 | established_date10 | established_date11 | established_date12 | established_date13 | established_date14 | established_date15 | established_date16 | established_date17 | established_date18 | established_date19 | established_date20 | established_event1 | established_event2 | established_event3 | established_event4 | established_event5 | established_event6 | established_event7 | established_event8 | established_event9 | established_event10 | established_event11 | established_event12 | established_event13 | established_event14 | established_event15 | established_event16 | established_event17 | established_event18 | established_event19 | established_event20 |  established | ethnic_groups_ref | ethnic_groups_year | ethnic_groups | event_end | event_post | event_pre | event_start | event1 | event2 | event3 | event4 | event5 | event6 | event7 | event8 | event9 | event10 | flag| flag_alt | flag_alt2 | flag_border | flag_caption | flag_caption | flag_p1 | flag_p2 | flag_p3 | flag_p4 | flag_p5 | flag_p6 | flag_p7 | flag_p8 | flag_p9 | flag_p10 | flag_p11 | flag_p12 | flag_p13 | flag_p14 | flag_p15 | flag_p16 | flag_p17 | flag_p18 | flag_p19 | flag_p20 | flag_p21 | flag_s1 | flag_s2 | flag_s3 | flag_s4 | flag_s5 | flag_s6 | flag_s7 | flag_s8 | flag_s9 | flag_s10 | flag_s11 | flag_s12 | flag_s13 | flag_s14 | flag_s15 | flag_s16 | flag_s17 | flag_s18 | flag_s19 | flag_s20 | flag_s21 | flag_size | flag_type | flag_type_article | flag_width | flag2_border | footnote_a | footnote_a | footnote_b | footnote_b | footnote_c | footnote_c | footnote_d | footnote_d | footnote_e | footnote_e | footnote_f | footnote_f | footnote_g | footnote_g | footnote_h | footnote_h | footnote1 | footnote1 | footnote2 | footnote2 | footnote3 | footnote3 | footnote4 | footnote4 | footnote5 | footnote5 | footnote6 | footnote6 | footnote7 | footnote7 | footnote8 | footnote8 | footnotes | footnotes2 | FR_cadastre_area_km2 | FR_cadastre_area_rank | FR_cadastre_area_sq_mi | FR_foot | FR_foot2 | FR_foot3 | FR_foot4 | FR_foot5 | FR_IGN_area_km2 | FR_IGN_area_rank | FR_IGN_area_sq_mi | FR_metropole_population_estimate_rank | FR_metropole_population | FR_metropole | FR_total_population_estimate_rank | FR_total_population_estimate_year | FR_total_population_estimate | GDP_nominal_per_capita_rank | GDP_nominal_per_capita | GDP_nominal_rank | GDP_nominal_year | GDP_nominal | GDP_PPP_per_capita_rank | GDP_PPP_per_capita | GDP_PPP_rank | GDP_PPP_year | GDP_PPP | Gini_change | Gini_rank | Gini_ref | Gini_year | Gini | FSI_change | FSI_rank | FSI_ref | FSI_year | FSI | government_type | HDI_change | HDI_rank | HDI_ref | HDI_year | HDI | house1 | house2 | image_coat | image_flag | image_flag2 | image_map_alt | image_map_caption | image_map_size | image_map | image_map2_alt | image_map2_caption | image_map2_size | image_map2 | image_map3 | image_p1 | image_p2 | image_p3 | image_p4 | image_p5 | image_p6 | image_p7 | image_p8 | image_p9 | image_p10 | image_p11 | image_p12 | image_p13 | image_p14 | image_p15 | image_p16 | image_p17 | image_p18 | image_p19 | image_p20 | image_p21 | image_s1 | image_s2 | image_s3 | image_s4 | image_s5 | image_s6 | image_s7 | image_s8 | image_s9 | image_s10 | image_s11 | image_s12 | image_s13 | image_s14 | image_s15 | image_s16 | image_s17 | image_s18 | image_s19 | image_s20 | image_s21 | image_symbol | iso3166code | country_code | languages_sub | languages_type | languages | languages2_sub | languages2_type | languages2 | largest_city | largest_settlement_type | largest_settlement | leader_name1 | leader_name2 | leader_name3 | leader_name4 | leader_name5 | leader_name6 | leader_name7 | leader_name8 | leader_name9 | leader_name10 | leader_name11 | leader_name12 | leader_name13 | leader_name14 | leader_name15 | leader_title1 | leader_title2 | leader_title3 | leader_title4 | leader_title5 | leader_title6 | leader_title7 | leader_title8 | leader_title9 | leader_title10 | leader_title11 | leader_title12 | leader_title13 | leader_title14 | leader_title15 | leader1 | leader2 | leader3 | leader4 | leader5 | leader6 | leader7 | leader8 | leader9 | leader10 | leader11 | leader12 | leader13 | leader14 | leader15 | legislature | life_span | linking_name | location_map | loctext | lower_house | map_caption | map_caption2 | map_caption3 | map_width | map2_width | map3_width | membership_type | membership | micronation | motto | name | national_anthem | national_languages | national_motto | native_name | navbar | nummembers | official_languages | official_website | org_type | other_symbol_type | other_symbol | p1 | p2 | p3 | p4 | p5 | p6 | p7 | p8 | p9 | p10 | p11 | p12 | p13 | p14 | p15 | p16 | p17 | p18 | p19 | p20 | p21 | patron_saint | patron_saints | percent_water | politics_link | pop_den_footnote | population_census_rank | population_census_year | population_census | population_data2 | population_data3 | population_density_km2 | population_density_rank | population_density_sq_mi | population_estimate_rank | population_estimate_year | population_estimate | population_label2 | population_label3 | population_link | recognised_languages | recognised_national_languages | recognised_regional_languages | recognized_languages | recognized_national_languages | ref_area1 | ref_area2 | ref_area3 | ref_area4 | ref_area5 | ref_pop1 | ref_pop2 | ref_pop3 | ref_pop4 | ref_pop5 | regional_languages | recognized_regional_languages | religion_ref | religion_year | religion | representative1 | representative2 | representative3 | representative4 | representative5 | royal_anthem | flag_anthem | march | national_march | regional_anthem | territorial_anthem | state_anthem | s1 | s2 | s3 | s4 | s5 | s6 | s7 | s8 | s9 | s10 | s11 | s12 | s13 | s14 | s15 | s16 | s17 | s18 | s19 | s20 | s21 | sovereignty_note | sovereignty_type | stat_area1 | stat_area2 | stat_area3 | stat_area4 | stat_area5 | stat_pop1 | stat_pop2 | stat_pop3 | stat_pop4 | stat_pop5 | stat_year1 | stat_year2 | stat_year3 | stat_year4 | stat_year5 | status_text | status | symbol| symbol_type_article | symbol_type | symbol_width | text_symbol_type | text_symbol | time_zone_DST | time_zone | title_deputy | title_leader | title_representative | today | type_house1 | type_house2 | upper_house | utc_offset_DST | utc_offset | year_deputy1 | year_deputy2 | year_deputy3 | year_deputy4 | year_deputy5 | year_deputy6 | year_deputy7 | year_deputy8 | year_deputy9 | year_deputy10 | year_deputy11 | year_deputy12 | year_deputy13 | year_deputy14 | year_deputy15 | year_end | year_exile_end | year_exile_start | year_leader1 | year_leader2 | year_leader3 | year_leader4 | year_leader5 | year_leader6 | year_leader7 | year_leader8 | year_leader9 | year_leader10 | year_leader11 | year_leader12 | year_leader13 | year_leader14 | year_leader15 | year_representative1 | year_representative2 | year_representative3 | year_representative4 | year_representative5 | year_start | population_densitymi2 | area_magnitude | sport_code | vehicle_code | expand_name  |national_flower|national_tree|national_bird|national_animal|national_symbol1_title|national_symbol1|national_symbol2_title|national_symbol2|national_symbol3_title|national_symbol3|national_symbol4_title|national_symbol4|national_symbol5_title|national_symbol5|national_symbol6_title|national_symbol6|national_symbol7_title|national_symbol7|national_symbol8_title|national_symbol8|linking_national_symbol|national_flower_ref|national_tree_ref|national_bird_ref|national_animal_ref|national_symbol1_ref|national_symbol2_ref|national_symbol3_ref|national_symbol4_ref|national_symbol5_ref|national_symbol6_ref|national_symbol7_ref|national_symbol8_ref}} <!-- {{main other|
{{#if:{{both|{{{image_coat|}}}|{{{image_symbol|}}}}}|[[Thể loại:Pages using Hộp thông tin quốc gia with syntax problems|A]]
{{#if:{{both|{{{image_coat|}}}|{{{image_symbol|}}}}}|[[體類:Pages using Hộp thông tin quốc gia with syntax problems|A]]
}}{{#if:{{both|{{{alt_coat|}}}|{{{alt_symbol|}}}}}|[[Thể loại:Pages using Hộp thông tin quốc gia with syntax problems|B]]
}}{{#if:{{both|{{{alt_coat|}}}|{{{alt_symbol|}}}}}|[[體類:Pages using Hộp thông tin quốc gia with syntax problems|B]]
}}{{#if:{{both|{{{motto|}}}|{{{national_motto|}}}}}|[[Thể loại:Pages using Hộp thông tin quốc gia with syntax problems|C]]
}}{{#if:{{both|{{{motto|}}}|{{{national_motto|}}}}}|[[體類:Pages using Hộp thông tin quốc gia with syntax problems|C]]
}}{{#if:{{both|{{{national_anthem|}}}|{{{anthem|}}}}}|[[Thể loại:Pages using Hộp thông tin quốc gia with syntax problems|D]]
}}{{#if:{{both|{{{national_anthem|}}}|{{{anthem|}}}}}|[[體類:Pages using Hộp thông tin quốc gia with syntax problems|D]]
}}{{#if:{{both|{{{other_symbol|}}}|{{{text_symbol|}}}}}|[[Thể loại:Pages using Hộp thông tin quốc gia with syntax problems|E]]
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}}{{#if:{{both|{{{other_symbol_type|}}}|{{{text_symbol_type|}}}}}|[[Thể loại:Pages using Hộp thông tin quốc gia with syntax problems|F]]
}}{{#if:{{both|{{{other_symbol_type|}}}|{{{text_symbol_type|}}}}}|[[體類:Pages using Hộp thông tin quốc gia with syntax problems|F]]
}}{{#if:{{both|{{{largest_city|}}}|{{{largest_settlement|}}}}}|[[Thể loại:Pages using Hộp thông tin quốc gia with syntax problems|G]]
}}{{#if:{{both|{{{largest_city|}}}|{{{largest_settlement|}}}}}|[[體類:Pages using Hộp thông tin quốc gia with syntax problems|G]]
}}{{#if:{{both|{{{recognized_languages|}}}|{{{recognised_languages|}}}}}|[[Thể loại:Pages using Hộp thông tin quốc gia with syntax problems|H]]
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}}{{#if:{{both|{{{DST|}}}|{{{time_zone_DST|}}}}}|[[體類:Pages using Hộp thông tin quốc gia with syntax problems|L]]
}}{{#if:{{{time_zone|}}}{{{utc_offset|}}}||{{#if:{{{time_zone_DST|}}}{{{utc_offset_DST|}}}|[[Thể loại:Pages using Hộp thông tin quốc gia with syntax problems|M]]}}
}}{{#if:{{{time_zone|}}}{{{utc_offset|}}}||{{#if:{{{time_zone_DST|}}}{{{utc_offset_DST|}}}|[[體類:Pages using Hộp thông tin quốc gia with syntax problems|M]]}}
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}}{{#if:{{both|{{{sovereignty_type|}}}|{{{established|}}} }}|[[體類:Pages using Hộp thông tin quốc gia with syntax problems|O]]
}}{{#if:{{{languages|}}}|{{#if:{{{languages_type|}}}||[[Thể loại:Pages using Hộp thông tin quốc gia with syntax problems|P]]}}
}}{{#if:{{{languages|}}}|{{#if:{{{languages_type|}}}||[[體類:Pages using Hộp thông tin quốc gia with syntax problems|P]]}}
}}{{#if:{{{languages2|}}}|{{#if:{{{languages2_type|}}}||[[Thể loại:Pages using Hộp thông tin quốc gia with syntax problems|P]]}}
}}{{#if:{{{languages2|}}}|{{#if:{{{languages2_type|}}}||[[體類:Pages using Hộp thông tin quốc gia with syntax problems|P]]}}
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}}{{#if:{{{flag_type|}}}|[[體類:Pages using Hộp thông tin quốc gia or infobox former country with the flag caption or type parameters|T{{PAGENAME}}]]
}}{{#if:{{{flag_caption|}}}|[[Thể loại:Pages using Hộp thông tin quốc gia or infobox former country with the flag caption or type parameters|C{{PAGENAME}}]]
}}{{#if:{{{flag_caption|}}}|[[體類:Pages using Hộp thông tin quốc gia or infobox former country with the flag caption or type parameters|C{{PAGENAME}}]]
}}{{#if:{{{symbol_type|}}}|[[Thể loại:Pages using Hộp thông tin quốc gia or infobox former country with the symbol caption or type parameters|T{{PAGENAME}}]]
}}{{#if:{{{symbol_type|}}}|[[體類:Pages using Hộp thông tin quốc gia or infobox former country with the symbol caption or type parameters|T{{PAGENAME}}]]
}}{{#if:{{{symbol_caption|}}}|[[Thể loại:Pages using Hộp thông tin quốc gia or infobox former country with the symbol caption or type parameters|C{{PAGENAME}}]]
}}{{#if:{{{symbol_caption|}}}|[[體類:Pages using Hộp thông tin quốc gia or infobox former country with the symbol caption or type parameters|C{{PAGENAME}}]]
}}}} --><!--
}}}} --><!--

Tracking categories from merge with {{infobox former country}}. After all cats are empty/have been checked, these can be removed.
Tracking categories from merge with {{infobox former country}}. After all cats are empty/have been checked, these can be removed.

--><!-- {{#if:{{{status_text|}}}|{{#ifeq:{{ucfirst:{{{status|}}}}}|Colony|{{main other|[[Thể loại:Former country articles using status text with Colony or Exile]]}}|{{#ifeq:{{ucfirst:{{{status|}}}}}|Exile|{{main other|[[Thể loại:Former country articles using status text with Colony or Exile]]}}}}}}
--><!-- {{#if:{{{status_text|}}}|{{#ifeq:{{ucfirst:{{{status|}}}}}|Colony|{{main other|[[體類:Former country articles using status text with Colony or Exile]]}}|{{#ifeq:{{ucfirst:{{{status|}}}}}|Exile|{{main other|[[體類:Former country articles using status text with Colony or Exile]]}}}}}}
}} --></includeonly><!--End of former country tracking cats-->
}} --></includeonly><!--End of former country tracking cats-->
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