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{{nihongo|'''葛飾北齋'''|葛飾 北斎|''Katsushika Hokusai''|''Cát Sức Bắc Trai''}}(31𣎃10𢆥1760-10𣎃5𢆥1849<ref name="nagata">永田生慈"Hokusai: Genius of the Japanese Ukiyo-e." Kodansha International, 1995.</ref>)、𱺵𠬠藝士日、[[畫士]][[浮世繪]]吧𱺵𠊛製造[[𣛠印刻楛]]𥪝[[時期江戶]]。翁共羅專家行頭𧗱繪畫中國𥪝階段妬<ref>Daniel Atkison and Leslie Stewart. "[http://www.csuchico.edu/art/contrapposto/contrapposto99/pages/essays/themefloating/hohusaimnt.html Life and Art of Katsushika Hokusai]" in ''From the Floating World: Part II: Japanese Relief Prints'', catalogue of an exhibition produced by [[大學小邦 California 在 Chico]]。追及9𣎃7𢆥2007。</ref>。生𫥨在[[江戶]](𫢩𱺵[[東京|東京]])、北齋得別𦤾𡗉一貝資格羅作者𧵑拉幀印憑芎楛(種貝格印[[幀東胡]]在越南)"[[36景𡶀富士]]"(1831)、𥪝妬固作品"[[㳥𤊥於神奈川]]"㐌𠭤成表象𧵑[[日本]]吧得出版𨑗平面國際。北齋創作"36景𡶀富士"𣃣抵反映遊歷航海內地𣃣抵答吏𦁀暗影自[[𡶀富士|𡶀富士]]<ref name="smith">Smith, Henry D. II. "Hokusai: One Hundred Views of Mt. Fuji". George Braziller, Inc., Publishers, NY, 1988.</ref>.  
{{nihongo|'''葛飾北齋'''|葛飾 北斎|''Katsushika Hokusai''|''Cát Sức Bắc Trai''}}(31𣎃10𢆥1760-10𣎃5𢆥1849<ref name="nagata">永田生慈"Hokusai: Genius of the Japanese Ukiyo-e." Kodansha International, 1995.</ref>)、𱺵𠬠藝士日、[[畫士]][[浮世繪]]吧𱺵𠊛製造[[𣛠印刻楛]]𥪝[[時期江戶]]。翁共羅專家行頭𧗱繪畫中國𥪝階段妬<ref>Daniel Atkison and Leslie Stewart. "[http://www.csuchico.edu/art/contrapposto/contrapposto99/pages/essays/themefloating/hohusaimnt.html Life and Art of Katsushika Hokusai]" in ''From the Floating World: Part II: Japanese Relief Prints'', catalogue of an exhibition produced by [[大學小邦 California 在 Chico]]。追及9𣎃7𢆥2007。</ref>。生𫥨在[[江戶]](𫢩𱺵[[東京|東京]])、北齋得別𦤾𡗉一貝資格羅作者𧵑拉幀印憑芎楛(種貝格印[[幀東胡]]在越南)"[[36景𡶀富士]]"(1831)、𥪝妬固作品"[[㳥𤊥於神奈川]]"㐌𠭤成表象𧵑[[日本]]吧得出版𨑗平面國際。北齋創作"36景𡶀富士"𣃣抵反映遊歷航海內地𣃣抵答吏𦁀暗影自[[𡶀富士|𡶀富士]]<ref name="smith">Smith, Henry D. II. "Hokusai: One Hundred Views of Mt. Fuji". George Braziller, Inc., Publishers, NY, 1988.</ref>.  
[[集信:Great Wave off Kanagawa2.jpg|small|200px|right|''㳥𤊥於外𣾺神奈川''<ref>自''[[36景𡶀富士]]''𧵑葛飾北齋。Color [[woodcut]], 10 × 15 inches; [[Metropolitan Museum of Art]], New York</ref>]]
[[集信:Great Wave off Kanagawa2.jpg|small|200px|right|''㳥𤊥於外𣾺神奈川''<ref>自''[[36景𡶀富士]]''𧵑葛飾北齋。Color [[woodcut]], 10 × 15 inches; [[Metropolitan Museum of Art]], New York</ref>]]
拉幀呢、具體羅"㳥𤊥"吧"富士沖𫕹"㐌拫連𠸜歲翁貝日本吧海外。史家Richard Lane認察、"𡀮𠸜歲北齋得𫜵𨑗自𠬠工役、時一定奴沛羅拉幀呢……"<ref name="lane">Lane, Richard. "Hokusai: Life and Work." E.P. Dutton, NY, 1989.</ref>。階段北齋𦘧拉幀呢羅階段特別關重、爲只𦤾欺妬仍勞動藝術𧵑翁㵋得公認𢌌待吧掋𨀤尋影響𧵑幀𫄉𥪝界藝士。正確羅幅幀"㳥𤊥"扒頭得迍認吧接續得迍認、得歡迎、吧𠭤𢧚浽㗂在方西。北齋得尊榮𱺵𠬠𥪝仍人物浽弼一𥪝界𦘧幀刻楛日本、共常得歸𠓨[[浮世繪]]。
拉幀尼、具體羅"㳥𤊥"吧"富士沖𫕹"㐌拫連𠸜歲翁貝日本吧海外。史家Richard Lane認察、"𡀮𠸜歲北齋得𫜵𨑗自𠬠工役、時一定奴沛羅拉幀尼……"<ref name="lane">Lane, Richard. "Hokusai: Life and Work." E.P. Dutton, NY, 1989.</ref>。階段北齋𦘧拉幀尼羅階段特別關重、爲只𦤾欺妬仍勞動藝術𧵑翁㵋得公認𢌌待吧掋𨀤尋影響𧵑幀𫄉𥪝界藝士。正確羅幅幀"㳥𤊥"扒頭得迍認吧接續得迍認、得歡迎、吧𠭤𢧚浽㗂在方西。北齋得尊榮𱺵𠬠𥪝仍人物浽弼一𥪝界𦘧幀刻楛日本、共常得歸𠓨[[浮世繪]]。



纇Lua 𥪝package.lua在𣳔80:module 'Module:Category handler/data' not found。

板㑄:𠸜𠊛日 葛飾北齋葛飾 北斎 Katsushika Hokusai?, Cát Sức Bắc Trai(31𣎃10𢆥1760-10𣎃5𢆥1849[1])、𱺵𠬠藝士日、畫士浮世繪吧𱺵𠊛製造𣛠印刻楛𥪝時期江戶。翁共羅專家行頭𧗱繪畫中國𥪝階段妬[2]。生𫥨在江戶(𫢩𱺵東京)、北齋得別𦤾𡗉一貝資格羅作者𧵑拉幀印憑芎楛(種貝格印幀東胡在越南)"36景𡶀富士"(1831)、𥪝妬固作品"㳥𤊥於神奈川"㐌𠭤成表象𧵑日本吧得出版𨑗平面國際。北齋創作"36景𡶀富士"𣃣抵反映遊歷航海內地𣃣抵答吏𦁀暗影自𡶀富士[3].


拉幀尼、具體羅"㳥𤊥"吧"富士沖𫕹"㐌拫連𠸜歲翁貝日本吧海外。史家Richard Lane認察、"𡀮𠸜歲北齋得𫜵𨑗自𠬠工役、時一定奴沛羅拉幀尼……"[5]。階段北齋𦘧拉幀尼羅階段特別關重、爲只𦤾欺妬仍勞動藝術𧵑翁㵋得公認𢌌待吧掋𨀤尋影響𧵑幀𫄉𥪝界藝士。正確羅幅幀"㳥𤊥"扒頭得迍認吧接續得迍認、得歡迎、吧𠭤𢧚浽㗂在方西。北齋得尊榮𱺵𠬠𥪝仍人物浽弼一𥪝界𦘧幀刻楛日本、共常得歸𠓨浮世繪




  • Lane, Richard. (1978). Images from the Floating World, The Japanese Print. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 10-ISBN 0192114476/13-ISBN 9780192114471; OCLC 5246796
  • Nagata, Seiji (1995). Hokusai: Genius of the Japanese Ukiyo-e. Kodansha International, Tokyo.
  • Smith, Henry D. II (1988). Hokusai: One Hundred Views of Mt. Fuji. George Braziller, Inc., Publishers, New York. ISBN 0-8076-1195-6.
  • Weston, Mark (1999). Giants of Japan: The Lives of Japan's Most Influential Men and Women. New York: Kodansha International. ISBN 1-56836-286-2.
  • Ray, Deborah Kogan (2001). "Hokusai: the man who painted a mountain" Frances Foster Books, New York. ISBN 0-374-33263-0



  • Bowie, Theodore (1964). The Drawings of Hokusai. Indiana University Press, Bloomington.
  • Forrer, Matthi (1988). Hokusai Rizzoli, New York. ISBN 0-8478-0989-7.
  • Forrer, Matthi; van Gulik, Willem R., and Kaempfer, Heinz M. (1982). Hokusai and His School: Paintings, Drawings and Illustrated Books. Frans Halsmuseum, Haarlem. ISBN 90-70216-02-7
  • Hillier, Jack (1955). Hokusai: Paintings, Drawings and Woodcuts. Phaidon, London.
  • Hillier, Jack (1980). Art of Hokusai in Book Illustration. Sotheby Publications, London. ISBN 0-520-04137-2.
  • Lane, Richard (1989). Hokusai: Life and Work. E.P. Dutton. ISBN 0-525-24455-7.
  • van Rappard-Boon, Charlotte (1982). Hokusai and his School: Japanese Prints c. 1800–1840 (Catalogue of the Collection of Japanese Prints, Rijksmuseum, Part III). Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam.


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  1. 永田生慈"Hokusai: Genius of the Japanese Ukiyo-e." Kodansha International, 1995.
  2. Daniel Atkison and Leslie Stewart. "Life and Art of Katsushika Hokusai" in From the Floating World: Part II: Japanese Relief Prints, catalogue of an exhibition produced by 大學小邦 California 在 Chico。追及9𣎃7𢆥2007。
  3. Smith, Henry D. II. "Hokusai: One Hundred Views of Mt. Fuji". George Braziller, Inc., Publishers, NY, 1988.
  4. 36景𡶀富士𧵑葛飾北齋。Color woodcut, 10 × 15 inches; Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
  5. Lane, Richard. "Hokusai: Life and Work." E.P. Dutton, NY, 1989.

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