
(造張𡤔𠇍內容「=介紹= This is the List of sovereign states in '''Standard Han-Nom'''. =名冊國家= ==A== ==B== * {{r|坡𦋦吀|bờ ra xin}} [Brasil → Bra-xin → bờ ra xin…」)
𣳔1: 𣳔1:
This is the List of sovereign states in '''Standard Han-Nom'''.
This is the List of sovereign states in Han-Nom with '''Standard Chunom'''.
The Vietnamese readings of the country names are mainly based on
* '''Danh sách các nước có quan hệ ngoại giao với nước CHXHCN Việt Nam (tính đến tháng 2/2013)''' [http://www.mofa.gov.vn/mofa/cn_vakv/] (Official website of Vietnam Ministry of Foreign Affairs);
* '''[http://vi.wikipedia.org/wiki/Danh_s%C3%A1ch_qu%E1%BB%91c_gia Danh sách quốc gia]''' (Vietnamese Wikipedia).
