
集信:Flag of Tajikistan.svg

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集信㭲 (集信SVG、560×280點影𨑗名義、戟𡱩:4kB)

集信尼得留於威其迷𠫾阿・古門吧伮固体得使用於各預案恪。 𠳒描寫𧵑集信在張模寫得顯示𨑜低。


العربية: علم طاجيكستان
Azərbaycanca: Tacikistan bayrağı
Беларуская: Сцяг Таджыкістану
Беларуская (тарашкевіца): Сьцяг Таджыкістану
Čeština: Vlajka Tádžikistánu
Чӑвашла: Таджикистан ялавӗ
Deutsch: Flagge der Republik Tadschikistan
Հայերեն: Տաջիկստան դրոշը
ქართული: ტაჯიკეთის დროშა
Қазақша: Тәжікстан байрағы
Кыргызча: Тажикстанын туусу
Română: Drapelul Tadjikistanului
Türkmençe: Täjigistan baýdagy
Source Unknown sourceUnknown source. Construction sheet.
Author Unknown authorUnknown author
This vector image was created with a text editor.

Colors scheme

White Red Yellow Green
Pantone Safe 3546c 7406c 2273c
CMYK 0-0-0-0 0-100-100-20 0-21-100-3 100-0-100-60
RGB 255-255-255 205-0-0 248-196-0 0-102-0
Hexadecimal #FFFFFF #CD0000 #F8C400 #006600


Creative Commons icon


This file is from the Open Clip Art Library, which released it explicitly into the public domain (see here).
To the uploader: Please provide as parameter the link to the page where this image appears.

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Open Clip Art Library logo
Creative Commons CC-Zero This file is made available under the Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication.
The person who associated a work with this deed has dedicated the work to the public domain by waiving all of their rights to the work worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. You can copy, modify, distribute and perform the work, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission.

Public domain This work is not an object of copyright according to the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan No. 726 of November 13, 1998 on Copyright and Neighbouring Rights.

Article 5. Object of Copyright. General Provisions

Copyright shall not apply to ideas, methods, processes, systems, means, concepts, principles, discoveries, and facts.

Article 7. Works that are not Objects of Copyright

Shall not be objects of copyright:
  1. formal documents (laws, court decisions, other texts of legislative, administrative or judicial nature), and also their official translations;
  2. state symbols and signs (flags, coats of arms, insignia, banknotes and so on);
  3. communications concerning events and facts that have informational character;
  4. works of folk arts.

Full text of the Law: in Russian, in English.

Comment: according to interstate and international compacts Tajikistan is the legal successor of the Tajik Soviet Socialist Republic, therefore this license tag is also applicable to official symbols and formal documents of the Tajik SSR.
Warning: this license tag cannot be applied to proposed official symbols and drafts of the formal documents, which can be copyrighted.

English  русский  +/−

Insignia This image shows a flag, a coat of arms, a seal or some other official insignia. The use of such symbols is restricted in many countries. These restrictions are independent of the copyright status.


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Flag of Tajikistan

Items portrayed in this file

depicts English

symbol of English

Tajikistan English

inception English


media type English




現在08:49、𣈜24𣎃12𢆥2024形䀡𠓀𧵑番版𣅶08:49、𣈜24𣎃12𢆥2024560×280 (4kB)wikimediacommons>NorthTensionfixed as per user:SVG-image-maker // Editing SVG source code using c:User:Rillke/SVGedit.js
