
集信:Flag of Qatar.svg

集信㭲 (集信SVG、1.400×550點影𨑗名義、戟𡱩:310拜)

集信尼得留於威其迷𠫾阿・古門吧伮固体得使用於各預案恪。 𠳒描寫𧵑集信在張模寫得顯示𨑜低。


العربية: علم قطر
Deutsch: Fahne Katars.
English: The flag of Qatar.
Čeština: Vlajka Kataru.
Suomi: Qatarin lippu.
Magyar: Katar zászlaja.
Nederlands: De vlag van Qatar.
Русский: Флаг Катара
Slovenščina: Državna zastava Katarja.
Svenska: Qatars flagga.
Français : Drapeau du Qatar.
Tiếng Việt: Lá cờ Quốc kỳ Qatar.
Date 1971-present
Source Law No. (14) of 2012
Author See File history below for details.
(Reusing this file)
Public domain This image of simple geometry is ineligible for copyright and therefore in the public domain, because it consists entirely of information that is common property and contains no original authorship.
Insignia This image shows a flag, a coat of arms, a seal or some other official insignia. The use of such symbols is restricted in many countries. These restrictions are independent of the copyright status.
Other versions

Derivative works of this file:  Qatar Air Force flag.svg

Flag colors
SVG development
The SVG code is valid.
This flag was created with a text editor.
Please do not replace the simplified code of this file with a version created with Inkscape or any other vector graphics editor
It is easy to put a border around this flag image

[[File:Flag of Qatar.svg|border|96x176px]]

Source code

SVG code

<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 504 198">
	<rect width="504" height="198" fill="#8a1538"/>
	<path fill="white" d="M144 198H0V0h144l36 11-36 11 36 11-36 11 36 11-36 11 36 11-36 11 36 11-36 11 36 11-36 11 36 11-36 11 36 11-36 11 36 11-36 11"/>


Add a one-line explanation of what this file represents
Flag of Qatar

Items portrayed in this file

depicts English

flag of Qatar English

symbol of English

Qatar English

media type English




現在13:53、𣈜3𣎃1𢆥2024形䀡𠓀𧵑番版𣅶13:53、𣈜3𣎃1𢆥20241.400×550 (310拜)wikimediacommons>UndertiagoReverted to version as of 11:55, 23 January 2021 (UTC) The construction of the flag is already sourced from this government document (https://www.almeezan.qa/ClarificationsNoteDetails.aspx?id=8752&language=ar#page=23) so don't use the one from Vexilla Mundi.
