
集信:Flag of Libya.svg

集信㭲 (集信SVG、960×480點影𨑗名義、戟𡱩:479拜)

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العربية: علم ليبيا
Afrikaans: Die vlag van Libië.
Brezhoneg: Banniel Libia
Bosanski: Zastava Libije
Deutsch: Die Flagge Libyens.
Eesti: Liibüa lipp.
English: The national flag of Libya.
Español: La bandera de Libia.
Français : Le Drapeau de la Libye.
עברית: דגל לוב
Magyar: Líbia zászlaja.
Italiano: Bandiera della Libia.
日本語: リビアの国旗。
Nederlands: De vlag van Libië.
Norsk bokmål: Libyas flagg.
Português: A bandeira da Líbia.
Română: Drapelul Libiei.
Русский: Флаг Ливии.
Slovenščina: Državna zastava Libije.
ⵜⴰⵎⴰⵣⵉⵖⵜ : ⵍⵉⴱⵢⴰ ⴰⵛⵏⵢⴰⵍ ⵏ ⵍⵉⴱⵢⴰ
Date 1951–1969 / 2011–present
Source File:Flag of Libya (1951–1969).svg
Author Various
The SVG code is valid.
This vector image was created with a text editor.
(Reusing this file)
Public domain This work was first published on the Libya and is now in the public domain because its copyright protection has expired by virtue of the Copyright Protection Law, enacted 1968. The work meets one of the following criteria:
  • It is an anonymous work or pseudonymous work and 25 years have passed since the date of its publication
  • It is a work published after the death of the author and 50 have passed since the year of death of the author (or last-surviving author)
  • It is a photographic or cinematographic work that is not compositive (artistic in nature) and 5 years have elapsed since the end of the year of its publication
  • It is a work created by a legal public or private entity and 30 years have passed since the year the work was created
  • It is another type of work and than 25 years have elapsed since the the year of death of the author (or last-surviving author) and fifty years have elapsed since the year of publication.
  • It is one of "official documents such as texts of laws, decrees, regulations, international agreements, legal judgements and various official documents"

You must also include a United States public domain tag to indicate why this work is in the public domain in the United States.

This work is ineligible for copyright and therefore in the public domain because it consists entirely of information that is common property and contains no original authorship.
Insignia This image shows a flag, a coat of arms, a seal or some other official insignia. The use of such symbols is restricted in many countries. These restrictions are independent of the copyright status.
Other versions

Derivative works of this file:

Historical flags, symbols and insignia


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Flag of Libya

Items portrayed in this file

depicts English

flag of Libya English

Libya English

symbol of English

Libya English

inception English


media type English




現在04:18、𣈜20𣎃5𢆥2015形䀡𠓀𧵑番版𣅶04:18、𣈜20𣎃5𢆥2015960×480 (479拜)wikimediacommons>SiBr4Geometrically more accurate version
